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The best option for scout carry in my opinion the voyager leather works sheath






Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods,Leather (Visual Art Medium),Cabin,voyager leather works,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Holiday,Survival (Multipart TV Episode),Outdoor,sheath

Video Transcription

hey guys doing this is William Myers mass outdoors and today I'm going to show you a really really cool product from a buddy of mine Adam Cantrell was your other works don't go away all right guys there you go this is my new Scout rig chief for the Pathfinder scout absolutely love it you know I've always said on my channel that I review things after 30 days of use I've carried a sheath like this for years guys from Voyager other works but pls Kalon just recently kind of passed that down to my assistant instructor Austin which he's in love with the knife I don't think I've ever seen not have it if I did I'd question the sanity he's always got that knife on him but there you go the really really good thing that I like about this sheath is its ease on ease off you know the traditional bushcraft sheath became with the scout I didn't get the Kydex rig I got the bushcraft sheath with it was a little bit cheaper if I did it that way and I already knew that I was going to replace the Sheep anyway but with either the Kydex or the path of the bushcraft sheep kind of Awesome trying to fault there you just get out take your belt off doesn't seem like too much of an issue but this is just a lot easier when you know you're ready to go lay down in your hammock or your shelter what have you just pop them snaps rigs off there you go everything just kind of snaps back together and there you go ready to rock again this knife is not going anywhere in this seat which is a really really good thing in my opinion the bush craft sheet that i got for the Pathfinder scout when I got the scout if you went like this the Knights coming out I mean it was very incredibly loose from the moment that I got the knife was pretty loose and it just got loose her over time actually in point of fact one time I went and laid down in my hammock just kind of lay down took a nap maybe and drifted off to sleep when I woke up got out of my hammock knife was in in the hammock for my back was bad thing right guys you know this knife is not going anywhere and if you do choose to lay down like in your shelter hammock take her nap take a rest you can lay down with this thing the way that it's it's no problem at all and you're not going to lay on that side but other than that it's not gonna get in the way but let's just give you kind of a close-up of the sheath itself there's the back with the Voyageur leatherwork stamp you know guys like i said i have my belt pouch most of my leather sheath i've had many sheets from adam many pouches you know tender bags all kinds of stuff guys he's been in business for since the 80s I can't remember exactly offhand as you know what well what it says on his business card I believe it was the 1982 something would get but it started out in 80s the boy your leather works a bit established for a while you know the guy is not just somebody that just got into other work you know there's a lot of those on the internet not say that that's wrong it's just I'm saying that his his work is quality and he knows what he's doing I can say without a doubt you know I'm a very I pride myself on integrity and being very honest that I've never had an issue have any kind with any of his work except for run and that is the belt pouch that I have on right now actually and it's really not that big of a deal but the belt pouch that I have on he tried to use kind of a more of a traditional closing system with the leather tongs and that's a little loose you know it from time to time I just kind of have to tighten it from time to time not a big deal guys really it's not and even the pouch itself is top-notch quality you know since then he has actually went to like a buckling system on his belt pouches which I'm probably going to send this back in haven't just attached one of those to it but like i said it's really not that big of a live not lost anything out of this belt pouch it's just I'd like it to be a little bit more secure but moving on this sheath made out of high-quality leather the stitching on it is phenomenal you know this is just kind of my little rig here for attaching a whistle so I always have a whistle on it all i gotta do is kind of reach down pull it off there you go just that didn't come with the sheath guys got a nice bow rod loop on it if you have a half inch barrel rod they'll put a half inch dowel rod loop on there for you many of you remember my old sheath was just like this one what the pocket was vertical this one's horizontal and it is bigger it you can throw a lot more stuff in this pouch then you could with the other one just because of this placement so let's go over here and show you what's in Ferro rod loop like I said before is high quality it will loosen up right now it is very tight you can just throw that thing in there right now and it's not going to go anywhere but over time it will loosen up a little bit the strap to this is made that's where all you have to do is very tightly done and over the course of about I don't know it's been about three years since i got like he'll sk1 sheath from Voyager leatherworks over the course of that time this will loosen up a little bit the original strap is on my pls k 1 sheet that Austin is carrying right now and it still is very secure the knife is a little loose in there won't come out at all and i'm talking about the PLS k 1 sheet that's over three years old the knife is just a little loose but that's what I want you know now I want it to be two by four tight in there and just a pain in the butt to get in and out it's a little loose comes out a little loose but the retention strap keeps the secure and it's not going to go anywhere and this is unlike I said I'm talking in a three year old sheet you know these sheets are gonna last you a very very long time alright guys let's talk about this retention strap right here it's over the course of time it will get a little loose just the same thing about everything on this everything is going to relax and loosen up just a little bit but not too much but this retention strap really tight right now which is good is made to come down and instead of you just pulling knife out as it is right now you know you could probably run into some issues we're cutting the strap something like that what Adam does is make makes the strap swivel so what you do is you just pull and wrap around just like that retention strap stays where it's supposed to be then you can pull the knife in and out as you feel necessary even with the retention strap off nice not going to go anywhere I would say my old pls k1 sheath that's about 3 years old I probably wouldn't do that at that point it has loosen up enough to where the knife probably would drop out but even on that sheath how old it is the retention strap is this going to make it not go anywhere so just go ahead pull that out put that to the side pop that up just like that new leather really stiff open up this pouch just to show you how big this pouch is how much stuff is going to go in here just a little bit of necessities you know the stuff that makes life a little bit easier is two swabs of cotton material that i keep on me for late night cleaning up things like that wiping my face off things like that just a little convenience and tell you the truth this gets used a lot got some of those little towel wet things that you know you just kind of throw in a little bit of water buddy of mine Ryan gave me those and yeah they're they're convenient to use they're pretty cool and you know you can make fire with those we've shown on prepare fine prepared my 101 soaking those things and a little bit of maybe hand sanitizer for instance will make those swell up and they'll burn for quite a while I threw a minion forero in there a micro internal a wet fire and I have some chaga in here there's two nice pieces of chakra so basically I have fire maybe some cleaning up you know all right so I got some hygiene stuff here that could also be converted into fire material char cloth that kind of be a last resort in my opinion some other hygiene stuff that could also be used for fire some chaga that is medicinal and fire with fire obviously fire micro inferno obviously is fire as well so singling and more fire so that was just on that little pouch and look is on the knife can help me out if I happen to lose my pack or lose my gear take a fall in a in a creek which has happened I was canoeing oh god probably 18 19 years ago I was on a canoe trip and the guy that I was canoeing with was a two-man canoe wasn't the brightest in the world and he stood up in the canoe try to do one of those uh Karate Kid things where he balances on the the runs of the canoe and he spilled the canoe over with me and I wanna kill him and the bag that I had at that time I didn't I didn't fasten it to the canoe we didn't lose the canoe but we lost my back but we weren't that far away from anything we just we just walked the trail head and I knew the area really well just walk to the trailhead and got out from the big deal still I was pretty mad say how long ago was I had a pager on and I messed my pager up my beeper that's how long it was

probably pushing 20 years ago but as you can see that just packs up really good now this leather nice he kind of broken in a little bit better but it's still brand new only had it for like maybe less than a week the rod goes in

and like I said this is just kind of my addition to this throwing this little whistle attachment over and there you go all right guys well it was my new Scout carry sheets for the Pathfinder scout we want to show you that I wanted to show you the quality work that Adam does / voice or other works you can reach him at WWE other works com all the relatives social media stuff for Voyager other works is going to be in the description box below I stand behind would you love the works one hundred percent I've had their stuff for a very very long time nothing has ever failed me sheaths bags what have you Adam does premium work you're not like I said you're not going to go wrong get anything for virtual other works but this has been William Myers from Manus outdoors i hope you enjoyed the video and if you did appreciate it if you click subscribe down below like in my video helps me out a lot seek in the background appreciate all reviews comments to support and hopefully we'll see you in the woods from a really really good friend of mine and I'm katra and am at three two one now nice Ferro rod lube mm many of you will remember my pls k1 scalp sheet many of three two one

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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