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Camp Cookin' with Chef Will - Mantis Outdoors


Will would have probably picked a different title, but I'm doing the editing so there ya go. :) -CT

Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods

Video Transcription

hey hey guys doing this William irish myths outdoors and getting kind of late we got about a hand of light left so it's getting about dinner time you know got the boy out here time to get some prepared for him so I I put her just basically I request out on Facebook and I like well what videos do you guys want to see and a lot of one was camp cooking so that's what we're going to do right now we're going to make got some noodles here cheesy noodles get up in the camera here hey noodles got like a roasted red pepper dehydrated roasted red pepper and stuff like that I know and then somehow chicken so that's what we're making for dinner today we're going to uh get some water on to boil and we'll be right back alright so we're gonna start a fire for the night you know it's not freezing cold out so we don't need some big long fire just gotta cook some dinner sit around a fire for couple hours and hit the rack so you know like I've always said you got to build your fire before you make your fire we got a good bundle of pencil lead pencil half thumb-sized right here let's go to start out our fire then we process some wood you know some thumb size to the wrist size then just progress on up from there to the bigger stuff over here then we got enough would last for our a couple hours at least over there so let's go ahead and start this up just going to use some surefire here not messing around I try to practice any skills or anything today once the fire kind of goes above the firewood at that time that I kind of manage it some more stuff on it we go boys shoes in the pot I have another 10-15 minutes will be too there we go sorry up to a boil stirred it in and it's kind of raise it above the flames just kind of simmer it for about 10 minutes and will be eaten I had MRE cheddar bacon soup cheddar potato flavored with bacon baked potato like material sure was at least five years old and we had a chicken at the final couple minutes of cook in says this stuff all it needs just warmed up I'm going to add some salt and pepper and it is done let's get that stirred in like I said this is like the last minute or so cook it just get that that chicken incorporate it in and it's all I some salt pepper alright guys well here's the finished product really good noodles with chicken got my little a pot holder that Malcolm made me mmm gosh club this is go nice and smooth it really good dinner well I hope you guys enjoyed coming with us for our dinner and up see you next one

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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