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Bees Wax Candles From Mantis Outdoors


These are the candles that I make for the uco candle lantern. Each candle is made from 100% pure bees wax and when used in the uco candle lantern can last up to 12-15 hours http://mantisoutdoorsllc.com

Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods,Wax (Visual Art Medium),Candle (Invention),Beeswax (Visual Art Medium),Bee (Animal)

Video Transcription

hey how you guys doing today this is we Myers mantis outdoors and today we're going to do a video about a product that I personally hand make its beeswax candles so don't go away alright guys so I've done several videos in the past about beeswax what it can be used for how it can be used and the applications that i use it for you know so i'll put those links or I'll put them in the end of the video what have you so you can go ahead and reference those videos but if this scale it looks familiar to you is because I make these candles to fit the UC okay no later and we're going to show you that here in a little bit and before even how do you see okay later I was researching them you know I really liked the idea of them I started getting ideals in my head of what the applications that i could use them for and then i got one and they pretty much panned out exactly how i thought they would i love them they work great they'll work great in shelters you know on and on and on all the applications the LED light the addition that they did with the LED light on the bottom of them great phenomenal and I like i said i'll go ahead and i'll put that in the end of the video that the video that i made on you clk knows i'll put it in the end of this video as well so I started looking at you know beeswax candles for the you co can later they're our ages they're too expensive you know and I was like why are they that expensive you know and I started researching how to make candles on my own because I knew a local source for beeswax local source of beeswax that i have is astronomical they're they're awesome they I'd never run out of beeswax I have all the bees wax that I could ever want oh honey I could everyone want it's all non GMO is you know it's not even pasteurized but that's the honey the beeswax there's no chemicals there's no additives at all straight from the hive period that's it you know these candles smell amazing some of the people that have bought my candles that's one of the first things they comment as soon as they open the package the whole room smells like honey in fact when we're processing these candles in the summertime bees just flock to the house no but like I said these candles will fit the UC okay no Lantern

you know these candles might be just like a hair smaller than the you co can align your candles you know and I did that kind of on purpose i shrunk them down just a little bit so nobody could say Harry you're copying their candles and you know bah I'm not out to make a million dollars off this guy's I'm just out to provide these candles just a little bit cheaper than what everyone else does you know the I've seen them as high as fifteen dollars for three candles that's just crazy in my opinion nine times out of ten you're going to get these off my website which is wwan south doors LLC com for about two bucks maybe 250 tops you know beeswax for some reason last summer went pretty like through the roof and I had to sell candles for about three bucks but you know still that's even touch cheaper than what you can buy them anywhere else ok guys so you know you can see the bottom of my candles these aren't made to be beautiful and lock up you know that's the back the moat the opening of the mold but the candle itself is pretty perfect if I don't say so myself proud of my work what can I say you know like I said I make all these handmade at my house and I sell them on my website you know just to show you they fit perfectly in the UC okay no Lantern and from my customers and my own experience these candles will last anywhere from 12 to 15 hours I've had two or three candles go 15 hours so that was more it was almost three nights worth of burning all right guys so there is the candle put that back plate on here's the base sometimes this can be a bit cankerous to get where it needs to be and there we go it's ready to go like I said that led light on the back of this I love that you know this can be popped out you know it's got a base on it's got stand on the back of it so it can be stood up these things are great to have you back I really really enjoy having them there you go you guys don't have one of these can Elena's pick them up they are not expensive at all they work great and the candles that they sell are really good but in my mind it can be a little tad on the expensive side so i started making them myself and a little bit cheaper so hi guys so if these candles is trust you like I said you can pick them up at ww.com a nice outdoors LLC com go to shop the right there there's other kinds of beeswax products you could buy raw beeswax from me as well there's even molds in there for making your own candles you know I have a deluxe candle-making kit which is I will ship to you everything you need minus beeswax they to make a candle and there's burly bomb in there there's other kinds of things and there's a lot of other things that are getting ready to come very soon to the store some sleeping bags another thing so be on the lookout for that all right guys listen we admires mass outdoors I hope you enjoyed watching this video for some more of our previous videos they're over in the boxes playing right now to my left there's also a subscribe button over there and if you haven't done so already I appreciate it click Subscribe you can stay up to date with me and let's go on with the videos by going to ww facebook.com forward slash mass outdoors by going to ww manis outdoors LLC com you can stay up to date with the videos you can read my articles and other blogs that i right you can also shop in the store and some beeswax candles and some other things that are coming to the site very soon so appreciate our reviews comments and support and hopefully we'll see out the woods there you know

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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