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fire piston


a breif discussion and demo on fire pistons

Tags: fire,piston,bushcraft,survival

Video Transcription

alright doing a day I'm gonna use a fire piston a day to start a fire don't go nowhere

alright how you guys doing this is a fire piston and basically what it does is it has a seal on here so a rubber seal oring this goes in a tube if you can see that's compression that's airtight and that's what starts to far as when you rapidly compress a gas air in this case oxygen it yeah can bus it heats up like kind of imagine I don't know you rub your hands together really fast that's fired by friction basically this is for our fire by friction is the molecules and air coming together so fast that they combust get up to 500 degrees in this chamber from my research for my research from what I could find is this is a millennia-old technology it uh from what I'm can find on the internet and other books that I've read it started out Southeast Asia all right like i said this originated in southeast asia from my research the generally accepted theory is that it they find it mostly being used by cultures that use blow guns for meat sources so they think that it it was invented on accident probably by someone making a blowgun but actually i have not found anything one hundred percent on the internet that actually says this is how it was a vented i don't think that it is actually known a hundred percent but like i said the generally accepted theory is that it was invented by primitive cultures that he was blow guns for securing resources so it was somehow made that through that so basically what goes on in here is we're going to put a piece of tender it can be chaga which is tinder fungus I mean it can be a punk would really dried out punk would char cloth which will be using today's char cloth and insert it into the tube and like I said this is airtight and once we push this the gas is broccoli compressed and then ignite the char cloth there's nothing on the inside of this there's no batteries there's no nothing you're just this is a primitive way of making fire with utilizing no resource other than air and some kind of tender you know char cloth you're going to use up that but first what we're going to do is I keep a pill bottle of Vaseline covered cotton balls just another piece of tinder for me to you know if I have a really really wet area that I'm in it help me get fire you know other than other methods that I have this stuff burn forever and dry out tender a lot better but I'll take my finger and get in some of that Vaseline and I'm going to lubricate the tube here also keep carmax stuff like that it works great anything will work it on this tallow I have a block at a low of my back that will work awesome on this we get that nice and lubed up I can't like to get the chamber a little lubed up to

it's a little baggie with chocolate see char cloth they're just kind of pack that in there a little bit like you're packing a pipe I wouldn't know anything about that then I like to leave that like that so some of the charcoal char cloth is exposed put it in there getting it up push this and then you can pull out really quickly because it'll burn up the oxygen that's in here really fast the suffocating itself out so there you go that easy Neil take your knife dig that coal output in your tinder bundle like you've seen me time time again blow on my tinder bundle back to life you know get in get your tinder bundle tinder bundle above your head so the heat goes through it then there you go alright thank you very much for viewing this video I appreciate all your views all your comments and support hopefully we'll see out in the world thanks

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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