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gear list


showing some gear that i carry here are some links to find gear








Tags: gear,survival,bushcraft,william myers

Video Transcription

alright guys this is a video I'm shooting for a coke people that have been asking me about what gear I carry and what gear they should get and you know stuff like that so we're gonna do a couple different parts of this and we'll section it out by what you need I will say one thing you'll see a lot of redundant items on this blanket I'm just showing you what I carry and the reason why I carry a lot of stuff like this is because I teach and you know you can't just carry one certain shelter item or one certain firearm item so you'll see a lot of redundant items in here but like I said that's just because I teach so I'm gonna start out and we'll get down to it and stay with me guys it's from lester river bushcraft you can look them up www Lester bushcraft comm and this will keep you absolutely warm by them long because it's by them long then if you get in situation where you can't effect shelter very well you can always pull your knees up into it and strap it up and now keep you a little bit learn what else you got here is a set of wool pants these are not a hundred percent wool but they're really really really good pants and they're from Columbia you can get these from Cabela's and stuff like that next on my list is if you're in adverse weather like rainy snowy wet weather get you a good pair of insulated boots these are month arctic pros and it will keep you absolutely warm you'll sweat your feel sweating these things man these are a great great item to have if your outing really really bad weather so the next thing is a good wool blanket I always tell people get the best wool blanket you can get you've gotta settle for a harp set army blanket then settle for it if you can afford a $450 Hudson Bay Bay blanket by all means please get that you know there's there's wool weavers out there still that are weaving a hard set wool hand woven blankets these blankets are very expensive but you you can and they're absolutely phenomenal I suggest if you're doing any serious outfitting in the woods get you a good so that covers what's on your body as far as pounding okay the next part of this is one should always be on our body at all time that's our blades I suggest at least two knives as well you can pop that you always like a 90-degree spine on the back of my knife so I respect my Ferro rod afire odd striker is just one thing I just got me tossed it so we got a knife short promise

love them and then our main knife which should be about four and a half five inches anything more is unwilling turns it to machete anything short might be if not be able to process certain woods like you only want to be processing you know four or five inch pieces of wood anyway something that you can get on your knife and the talk-through so oh it's just obviously very round handles so you don't get fatigued out if you have square handles in your knife you can dig into you have tteyuu out if you have round handles it's a lot better for your work again 90-degree angle carbon steel the reason why we say carbon steel is because one stainless steel is is great don't get me wrong it can be a bit of a bear to sharpen but it will keep its edge for longer carbon steel will have a nice edge it's easy to sharpen and I mean like I said you can rob Peter to pay Paul it's easier to sharpen carbon steel but one more as as long but it will hold an edge for quite a long time so what this is the PLS k1 you get these from the pathfinder school or blind lawrence knives all my knives are blind horse knives i just really love that company you find a knife this issue that's fine this pouch is from Leatherman I'm sorry boards or leather work it also conceals my pathfinders beard point which can also be purchased at the path higher school or blind horse knives

so these are the tools that are on me at all time

nothing I'm not going to ever lose these tools the only reason why ever would lose these tools if I lost my life so there's always a Ferro rod for emergency fires and I keep an emergency fire kick in this pouch with two don't go away we'll go on to the contents of my hairy sack

alright guys so this is the contents of my haversack again like I said you're gonna see a lot of well you're gonna see definitely in the fire department here see lots of redundancies but like I said I teach so you know you can't just teach one form of fire you got to teach it also huh one thing you're gonna notice for first off is shelter these are to leave three mil 55-gallon drum liners and those can be one can be filled with leaves another one can be hung up to keep you safe from from rain and keep you out of the elements and the other one can keep you insulated from conduction so always keep two of those this is a light my fire or I'm sorry this is a strike force from ultimate survival technologies these can be picked up at Gander Mountain or other survival places stuff like that we've got a a flint striker there's multi-use because it's also a leather all or something to dig splinters out of me or it's also a blanket pen so very very multi-use definitely why it's in my kit this is a new product that I picked up from NorCal survival it's a live fire really really cool product if you get a chance to order it it's very very very much suggest that you can pick that up always have steel wool in any kit that I any fire kit that I have not only is a good for fire it's good for cleaning and stuff like that so definitely good Juke cordage not only is it cordage but it can be put into a tinder bundle and blown the flame help you get fire cut pieces of flint to go with my Flint steel kit these are wet fires these are pretty good out of I haven't had a problem with yet there's some things online about them that you know they get older they dry out but I have not had any problem with them yet I'm sorry for the lawnmowers in the background guys I'm in my back I'm in my back yard

this are this is fat wood shavings from this can help you get a fire going this thing is these things light up great so we're gonna get lawnmowers and a helicopter great again I apologize for the noise guys as part of the living in the city I guess alright so what we got going on here I'm not going to pull it out it's a this is my magnifying lens this doubles as a flashlight because it has a little LED light on it that's a piece of chaga that you see chaga does pretty good from solar ignition so that's why I keep it in there and I keep all that in that pouch right there okay so what next we're gonna go is my compass I keep my compass in my haversack because my haversacks one of those things that it's a small pack so if I'm going out on a scout it comes with me this is the Sun to MC to G G means global needle that means you could be anywhere in the world and this needle won't drag bottom and I get that too because on high inclines some compasses will bottom out and they won't move on you so always try to get you a good compass that's got a global needle always keep a spare Hank of of cotton that's just a cotton bandana cotton multi-use for bandaging for first aid to burnin up for char cloth for keeping your head you can wet that thing down on a hot day put on your head get you get your cooldown so bank line that's my cordage and my mi I recycle along with my Jew cordage and then a nice canteen and I like a secondary cup so if you need to you can invert the cup on top put that in a fire with with the bandana in there and that's your next fire that's your if you're concerned about getting your next fire that's how you can make some sharp fall so also definitely keep you a nesting cup I mean why not that's also all one big package right there you know and this is a var var go

titanium cup you can get them from places like going gear calm as well as this canteen this is a 40 ounce Klean Kanteen so you can pick up all that stuff there moving on I always keep an emergency fire kit in my haversack now what I mean by emergency fire kit I'm not talking about a flint striker or something like that I'm talking about what's in this is a nice bundle of cedar bark and then a lot of shavings and other sticks from cedar so all I have to do I don't have to go scrounging around to get emergency tender if I'm super cold which has happened where I've woken up and I'm just freezing to death I need to get a fire right in there I just open that thing

dump it strike it and it's on from there you know then I got preparations ready for for a fire so you know you don't have to go around trying to get fire basically okay moving on I always keep gallon-sized ziplocks baggies in my and my kit you can carry water in them carry food in them whatever have you this is just my little kind of kit toothpaste toothbrush yeah yeah I brush my teeth on the woods yeah okay I always keep I got titanium fork and spoon in there and it's like to eat you know those things are pretty easy to manufacture out in the woods but if you don't have to why would you this is something not a lot of people carry right here a lot this is pine resin I always keep this stuff it's good for wounds actually the stuffs edible it's not great you put in a pot of boiling water and make tea out of it like I said it's not great but it'll put some nutrition in your body this is a natural accelerant though and you to put a lighter this it'll just go and go and go it'll definitely help you get a fire going and then just some little food stuff you know some calories some little calories if I need them so that's the oh I'm sorry out I carry hand sanitizer constantly in the woods you know sense and not being sanitary these can be picked up at your local bait shop or at the Pathfinder school they're just the fish mouth spreaders we use them to hang our bottles stuff like that over fire so that's the contents of my haversack stay with me and we'll get to the main pack all right this is a 30 liter dry bag I love these things because but perishables in here stuff like that they're not going to get wet so they're going to last year you know that I'm gonna be soaking wet by the time you get them out of your bag so I put my clothes and my sleep system in here when I need a sleep system so my MMS is in here right now at summer time this is again ready get unpacked so it'll be more I'll probably actually put a wool blanket and then my clothes and stuff like that in here and thinks I don't want to get soaking wet so moving on this is another kind of shelter kit this is - reusable space blankets with silver mylar on one side as silver mylar helps reflect the long-wave radiation from you and your fire helping you recirculate that that that energy back to you this is the all famous all popular dope farm will go primal now primal gear unlimited though you can get these from WWF primal now calm he's a little bit backed ordered as when this video comes out he's gonna be pretty backordered so you might have to wait a little while to get that in here the contents of this is my sling bow okay you guys have seen all those before you can get those at the prata pathfinder school llc.com i keep a sharpening kit attached to it kind of moving pretty fast here guys so just keep with me I always carry two rat traps with me right here just very very good for kitten game it ups your chances by at least 50% online always carry Gorilla Tape big roll of 2 inch Gorilla Tape and again you'll see another bandana just for for first aid and you know my personal needs and for for making char cloth out of this is I believe this is the 65 pound bank line so it comes it's a wound 3 strand strand so you can break those down very good for trapping and if you noticed you have seen any paracord yet because I don't carry pair Corp these you know this bank line in this bank line is definitely enough to see all my knee needs I got another roll of the small Gorilla Tape stuff and then I got a sewing kit that goes on here we won't go through the contest of that I always keep vegetable oil on me for tool maintenance and cooking means and stuff like that you know it's just just one of my things that I carry a lot of people thought again more redundancy is very big nice robust

Ferro rod the cool thing about this is I made this handle out of and the lanyard is made out of Jew cordage so I can put this in my pocket and this is an all-in-one fire kit you can shred this you can shred this gorilla tape down and that will take a spark or the shootings or the Jew quarters of tickets Park definitely we got gia cordage here more G cordage this is fixing wax it can be found as a pathfinder school I use this for tool maintenance as well and my personal needs it can be used on your lips and all kind of stuff moving on over here this is an MSR Segal very good cooking pot I always keep a lot of stuff in here there's another fire kit obviously redundancies redundancies we've done season fire a spear knife for for camp needs and whatever these are my spice kit spices have multi uses as well for medicinal purposes I'll let you research that yourself I got more than what I need and steel wool right here a nice good spool spoon excuse me this is deer tallow 2% teacher iodine for medical reasons and for you know chemically treating my water I got a nice axe up here if you can see it's a cameraman will cooperate with me but grants FERS Brooks axe you can get them from lots of places you got to research that yourself these are some cool items from the Pathfinder school they are three piece arrows and three piece fishing arrows got the broad heads along with them I always keep spare pair of pants and wool socks with me just for bedtime stuff this is my hennessy hammock y'all excuse me guys are really trying to blast through this my camera camera battery is getting low this is my headlamp

that's a Princeton tech you know the right headlamp is when you have get a good one this is just coke pieces of chaga in here always keep a pencil and chopsticks we're eating and for writing and stuff like that this is a thermo rest pad there's some things some people carry some people don't I carry one just for my comfort you know it's kind of getting old my back's getting old this is a Duluth bushcrafter pack this is on the high end of things you know this is this pack alone is $475 so you know if you get one great if you don't you know it's not a big deal okay moving on to the groceries that I carry I always carry some coffee sugar flour corn flour and a banach mix and no those aren't my wife those are my wife's hands they're not mine I don't have pink nail polish off so in this bag is just something I put in top part of my bushcrafter packs got oatmeal and Swiss mix and some more sugar and T's and stuff like that just comfort items you know why you know you don't have to be out there survive and you can be out there thriving

I always carry eight hundred calories of ramen noodles with me so if I figure four will be out for three or four days I'll carry three or four maybe even five ramen noodles they're just great to have that's something that not a lot of people carry but I do if you're in a place some places I go they don't allow you to have fire so that sterno and the and the fire kit that I got that that grill right there on my bottle can be attached to it then I can boil water and cook on that without having a fire so the Rangers don't come and give me a big huge ticket so I know this was a very quick video and I kind of raced through a lot of stuff but like I said my camera man my camera battery's dying so thank you and I hope you enjoyed this video

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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