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cayenne pepper first aid


got a nice little gash on my hand and viewed it as the perfect opportunity to show some home first aid

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Tags: First Aid,Cayenne Pepper (Chili Pepper),Try,Attempt,Sight,First Vlog,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Medicinal Chemistry (Field Of Study),Home Remedy (Literature Subject),camping,spices,herbs,preparedmind101,william myers,bushcraft,Spice (Literature Subject),Herb (Ingredient),Summer,Fun,Weekend,Family,Safety,Holiday,Kitchen,Cabin,Outdoor,Camp,Village,Campsite (Accommodation Type),Outdoors,Wilderness,Lake,Hiking,Camper,Hunting,Adventure,Outside,Recipes,Nature,Woods,Fishing

Video Transcription

hi I do today guys we Marshall prepared my 101 tare mushroom a little short video today actually it's kind of impromptu actually what happened was I was testing out a new blade and we were cutting some firewood and I took a bad bounce and actually hit my hand there's no big deal it's not like bleeding profusely or anything like that but I thought it'd be a good opportunity to show you some things that you carry in your pack or at home that uh that works as a medicinal purpose as well and that one thing would be cayenne pepper and this is a great blood stop actually if you get a tip I can't remember if it's a venture middle kid medical kids are not with that they have a blood stop and actually it's like 90% cayenne pepper anyway so just vodka a pepper but you know if you have a deep perfuse Lieber Nora said Bernie because Gary burned like heck but not too bad deep cuts this will clot it up make stop bleeding get that in there real good it also has micro antimicrobial properties so it helps with infection actually I'm type 2 diabetic so that's definitely a plus for me you know fighting those secondary infections and stuff like that alright well this is just a short video about what you can have in your house that can help you out on medicinal purposes stop bleeding and this works on on to the bone cuts as well guys and like I said the antimicrobial properties in this will help from secondary infections and stuff like that sorry alternatively you can use flour sugar stuff like that you're just not going to get the same antimicrobial effects as cayenne pepper but this is doing William Myers thanks for viewing my videos then subscribe like really helps me a lot commenting even if they're bad I appreciate all the comments and views thanks for your support

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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