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Boreal shirt from lester river bushcraft


100% army blanket wool shirt from lester river bushcraft

Tags: 100%,wool,shirt,lesterriverbushcraft,bushcraft,survival,camping,self,reliance

Video Transcription

how we doing today we're going to do something a little different we're going to do kind of a product review those of you who know me know that I really don't like doing product reviews because it kind of makes me feel a little bit a little obligated if you will say to the company that that makes the product or whatever to kind of definitely say only good things about it but I will say this I've never done any prior abuse just because that and I'm doing this because I like this product so much this is the boreal honey shirt from Lester River bushcraft i'll put a link to their website below I like this so much and there's some features in it that I really like that I wanted to do a video about it and some of the people that that are unaware of this product you know make them aware of it you

well here it is boys like I said again this the bull real funny shirt from Lester River bushcraft again i will put a link to their site either on the video itself or below there's their partner company empire rule in canvas you can order the same sure through them i think on their side of the company it's an 8020 rule nylon blend and if you don't mind that a t20 flint you can also get the same shirt and blue I believe it is blue so if you want a different color other than the screen you can go to empire wool and get it through them and i think is they have green and blue but if you get it through less river bushcraft it will be a hundred percent blanket wool blanket wolf i can't say enough about this shirt I didn't want to point out some of the key features the wrist as a snap closure in two different spots so you have some options there if you don't want it too tight or if you got some gloves that need to go over well back up here the waist has a spot a pull string some shock cord and a lock so you can cinch this up and lock it down so airy it conforms to your body so air doesn't come up it it's the really great features about this and it be possible for me to show you actually is that against the stomach portion of this there's another pouch in here that has a zipper okay and then there's two pouches on this side with a pouch in between those two so it's a little bit smaller so excuse me so instead of just putting something in the kangaroo pouch is what I call them and then you know you roll over in the middle of night or your your going uphill or something like that so it's going to fall out these have actual enclosed pouches on inside that will allow anything to fall out another key feature I might be able to show you is yes and get that he says like d-rings with a lanyard so I mean your car keys I hope I hope my car keys in there and then I'm sure that nothing's gonna fall out let's come out there I've actually I wear hoodies all the time and I've had flashlights come up missing leo just used something and throw it in here good a flashlight or something like that will fall out but I did want to know Jason from lesser bushcraft told me that he's on backorder with these right now so he said if your order right now which is it's pretty much the beginning of februari if you order right now and get on a list he can get you a shirt probably by mid-summer early mid summer but you have to actually call it talk to him see where he is now that but it's well worth the wait trust me guys get one of these you will not be disappointed thanks for watching appreciate your views or comments a sport we'll see you out the woods you

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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