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Wild Edibles and other Camp Cooking


Come hang out with me Austin and the Kids Connor and Corbin as we show you around camp and cook up some wild edibles and some burgers

Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods,Outdoor Cooking (Industry),Campsite (Accommodation Type),Survival (Multipart TV Episode),Cooking (Interest),Survival Skills (TV Genre),Cabin

Video Transcription

let the kids run around here very very very unclean kids if a dirty look at you man all right that's that's a kid it's been in the woods for three days got the fire we got a pretty special video for you today guys you got some camp cooking going on go over here to the half dead dog go over here show you what we're going to have for dinner today guys we've got some dryad settles that we're gonna cook up I got some spices when I'd a little garlic and salt and stuff like that to it pepper a little bit not much what's it a coin into town and pick up some burgers so I'll be fixing some cheeseburgers with the Dryad soup basically dryad sell soup but poor that let's just go ahead and show you camp a little bit here hey doing videos at night but we were working pretty hard today so didn't do we did one video earlier and that's about it this is austin's right here kind of halfway knowing he's going to get his blanket and stuff like that in there but this is his bedding bella about a foot high betting before he compressed it he just got a canvas menards tarp here and a plow point it's only about only gets about 40 42 tonight not a big deal this is me right here in a tent Smith plow point on the hoop with that stick right there probably want to boys add a compressed needle bed all right guys these dryad saddles that we got here otherwise known as pheasant feathers the reason why they're called pheasant feathers obviously you can see looks like little feathers there we apologize for doing this at night guys but it's dinner time got you getting dark now about about eight o'clock at night so so what you want to do to process these out as of course we're going to rinse them off after all said and done but the core here needs to go and we're just going to kind of come in here and remove the core that's a little too woody and you can kind of feel with your knife when it's soft and when it's a little bit a little bit harder than what you want to eat then we'll give her everything a nice bath and then it's on it's one of my favorite mushrooms and i'm not a big mushroom guy and I don't teach a lot of mushrooms be honest with you I teach three basic mushrooms and that is this dryads saddle morels and puff balls the only mushrooms that are that's really really worried hell gate park up here little more those are the only mushrooms that I teach because they're pretty much user friendly there's really except for the puffball and if you as long as you follow a couple of guidelines you'll be safe there's really nothing that's going to hurt you there these dryads saddle is really not very much at all that looks anywhere anything like it and the underside there if you smell the underside smells just like a watermelon with the Rhine that's a real key indicator to and they said that you know the pheasant feather a look as well these real small ones are what you want to look for they are the best though the real tender tastes like chicken in my opinion it's not like everything tastes like chicken is just these really do okay a little bit more cut a little too shallow still was a little bit of court left all right there we go so give them get them cut up get them a quick bath and then we'll show you how we're going to put these up all right so let's get these cut up get these into the pot we're still going to kind of give these a rinse to these dried saddles just because they're dirty and my kids are going to be eating it so it's just me and Austin out and care sorry dude hey man yeah you're eating dirt okay it comes to the kids on a little different I guess no I'm gonna feed you dirty bugger promise all right so I'm gonna finish getting these cut up I'm going to rinse them out rinse the dirt off of them a couple times of real muddy there and I like to cut them into pretty decent sized strips all right so we got my bush pot out actually this one's Austin's I got mine right here we need to push pots and we're going to fill this with water rinse it out real good dump it and then put more water in it rinse it out dump it and then we'll start our soup all right so there's our bush pot full of dry ass saddles let's go and show you guys what we got going on you know hey that dude that's gonna be good go ahead adjust this tripod kind of hard trying to cook and find a camera and all that stuff the same time try to work it out got Austin in the background here trying to process would for us alright so let's adjust our tripod

last leg guys having fun you guys ever want to go home ever all right good we'll give you update so you guys have this enough alright guys so I kind of dip into my bush pot here and get my spice kit out got all kinds of different stuff in here with fixing wax those wider chicken bullion recipe falling off but what I want is my garlic that's sage that stage that must be solved my salt that is salt and pepper pepper that's three spices that I want so if we can get the camera guy to walk over here a little bit

pepper in there with salt

and some garlic well just the garlic took over power the stuff to myself oh yeah a little bit that picked up so I can start without killing myself


that nicest ER den is gonna be good yes all right put lid back on and get the fries and burgers all right so just kind of taking a rag that always keep around and I'm just cleaning off this rock a little bit come up fri up hammers on that and yeah I just got to put the one of the Pathfinder stoves over here like this and we'll fry burger on that then put another one can I in the vicinity there's gotta pay attention to your kettle flames get some high up on it you know just shut off perfect

all right let's get price burgers all right we'll go ahead and season them all over there I'll add a little bit of sage to these salt pepper garlic sage answer that rocks plenty hot now and get a little garlic on it gotta have garlic don't go anywhere without garlic and great for a bit salt I like sage on my hamburger try actual dry rub sage I like trying to pick up a woman the boys will just salt pepper yep miss yours right here baby sizzling what do you think Connor you get to go and thumbs up man you think Corbin gave it thumbs up to yeah there we go alright so we've got the hamburgers on and we use the pathfinder stoves to fry up some of the other burgers we got the dryads saddle soup cooking away up top here you have a really good dinner and we're going to rack out for the night so go away this is the Abu burger got a good fire there's a dryads saddle rocking and rolling they were ready already I'm hungry you're working hard and got debris beds and make it other videos and traps and stuff time to eat you know you're joking time to eat got too hungry birds down there all right you got miss your doggy here mr. Rader captain of the rolling and guts man yeah so good he found some chicken liver that somebody set out in the Sun pop it up and rolling it they do that to hide their scent my car smells really nice now I'll you Bob breeze you did this mess with you I think you got done burner here captain burgers when I grab the lid to my bush pot and it'll be a service place right now yeah thank you that good burger man yeah good alright Lee killing a burger awesome dude yeah I'm fine all right say hi to mommy oh hi mommy hi mommy you wish mommy was here yeah so do I child to come next time huh all right enjoy your meal oh yeah juices are running clear here so we're done on that one get some cheese on it just awesome ready to roll grab that a plate readers your bro thanks man yeah I'll do a light on that baby whoo yeah Oh y'all be good alright so we put two packs of top ramen in there there's a nice piece of dried seller

all right hang on baby piping hot anything brother how's that bra it's heavenly awesome cool good some chicken bullion in there pull it up sleep good tonight brother yeah big old hamburger patty in there some dryads saddle soup noodles and check their inner peace basically like chicken noodle soup that's I mean I can't tell the difference between this and chicken honestly it's just about you want to let this one cool for sure it's hot man all right guys like I said I really don't like doing videos in the dark but you know I just wanted to show you guys some of the camp cooking that we do on our little excursions all right well I hope you enjoyed the video if you did click Subscribe below like in the video helps me out a lot and appreciate all your views comments to support hopefully we'll see out in the woods I can't that you can't see anything in this man huh you can see jack shit I just filmed bro right yep that's it just a lens off the first step yeah just no no yeah goofy you pull the lens off oh yeah all right I can't see she gonna say I don't like dude your camera sucks up stuff stuff stuff alright guys so we got our chicken I'm sorry tastes like chicken well alright guys so like I said I really don't like no damn pervert pervert boo boo boo boo boo I really right 32

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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