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Winter weather clothes part two


guest on Mantis outdoors Chris Tanner talks about some non wool options

Tags: Clothing (Industry),Snow,Winter,Cold,Storm,Ice,preparedmind101,survival,bushcraft,mantis outdoors,william myers,Camping,outdoors,Summer,Winter Storm (Literature Subject),Holiday,Survival (TV Series Serial),Weekend,Family,Cabin,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Cottage (Accommodation Type),Outdoor,Wilderness (Quotation Subject),Travel,Tent,Fun

Video Transcription

- is Chris from preparer my 101 basically what we'll wants me to do

some other options for those of you that can't wear wool or for whatever reason don't want to wear wool maybe you want to be more tactical like me but the biggest thing that I would suggest is just going with the extreme cold weather clothing system and getting the good stuff now right right here I have the current issue US Marine Corps gore-tex parka so this is this doesn't have a lot of insulating value this is just your outer shell it is water resistant it breaks the wind it does have a hood hidden in the collar right now I don't have the entire system on I've got kind of like a mix-and-match if you want to do it right I would say get make sure you get the really good heavyweight extreme cold weather clothing system base layer I'll pull this down so you can hear me got a lot of stuff around my neck that makes so much difference that I can't even describe it now then the second layer is the Polartec 300 fleece inner jacket

and then you'd have your base layer right now I just have like some regular polypropylene stuff pull this off here I also have this wool like we'll call it a buff I forget exactly what they called this thing it was a Swedish military wall tube bandana it's really long you can double it over make it into a hat make it into a scarf it's very multi-purpose yeah I really like that thing there's sewing up one side of that you could carry snow in that you know mill tip for water use there's tons of options with that thing everybody liked that now for a mask I've tried out a couple of these recently I've tried out the the new Under Armour IR ones this is like a last year's model columbia omni heat hood this one has a lot more reflective it's not an insulated value it's reflecting your your body heat back to you so it's working in a slightly different way is it as good as wool altogether I would have to say when it comes to actually being warm maybe not being fashionable depending on what style you go with but actually being warm wills system is superior to this you can be out longer for longer periods of time and he's got a lot more layers on right now than I do but then again I'm freaking 50 feet from my house so I'm kind of moving in and out getting the different things and I'm also wearing the muck boots like we'll is that set mine are the arctic sports the difference being his mind don't go up as high so they're about $30 less expensive but you got to watch it if you're gonna be crossing any water or anything like that now one other new thing that I've got that I'm trying out today I picked these up from Sam surplus sales you can see here these are the Polartec 200 fleece pants so I'm wearing these underneath some of my older pants that I had when I was a little bit heavier so I'm I tell you what my legs have never been warmer so I've got my base layer then I've got these Polartec 200 pants and I've got my outer layer and I've got a liner sock a thin thin wool sock and then a heavy wolf sock plus the the Arctic month boots so I'm pretty warm there now ideally if I was gonna be out here like if we were actually out in the field doing stuff and not just at my place doing videos I would be wearing a little bit more up top I would have more the extreme cold weather clothing system base layers like the heavyweight ones Plus this plus my jacket and then using using like the wool around at least around my neck and then my all right took it off didn't I and my mask and then something up top because you really got to pay close attention to the top of your head and your neck it sparse that's where a lot of your your heat is escaping and then also just keeping your core warm because as soon as your core you start losing your core body temperature that's when your extremities start going cold faster because your body's pulling all that blood away from the parts that it's willing to sacrifice in order to keep your your core warm so that's usually a good sign when you start you know one of two things I mean your fingers gonna cold if you're not wearing the right gloves anyway but if you start getting cold around the hands and the feet and up your arms and you got to fill the fire do something warm yourself up real quick easy gloves I've been looking for the perfect winter gloves and I'm coming to the conclusion that the perfect winter gloves are gonna be what we'll just showed you multiple layers of wool because everything that I've tried so far fancy stuff they're okay for short periods of time like these are called zero degrees Celsius they're kind of like a mid-weight neoprene type glove and there are okay as long as I keep my hands moving every once in a while to warm them up but long period of time no they ain't gonna cut it so actually on my list of things to get in the very very near future it's basically what we'll just showed you the fingers wool gloves the mittens and then the over layer and then I have this in n4b Air Force pilot gloves or extreme arctic weather I forget what this actual nomenclature of it is but I mean that's what you got to do if you want to stay warm you got to have a lot of layers and when it comes to insulator value wall is king but at the same time if you have the extreme cold weather clothing system the way it is intended meaning you've got all the different parts all the different layers then this is going to keep you warm for a really long time too because I could say I am NOT what I'm wearing right now is not very thick it's not and it's not very heavy and I don't feel like I'm walking around like some big freakin ski jacket I feel like I'm wearing like a light maybe fall coat you have mobility yeah I have a lot of mobility and I can I can work and do stuff but I'm still warm so this stuff works really really good now the polar tech 300 fleece you can find those certain surplus stores I can't give you an exact one but I've been told people say well they got him in my town for our 20 bucks or 15 bucks or whatever used I got my new on Amazon about 40 45 dollars price fluctuates they've got the zipper that match up to this part on here so if you need to ventilate or scratch your armpit or whatever

both the inner layer and the outer layer has that zipper but it really when you put one of those polar tech fleece jackets on you're like yeah I can really tell the difference between this in a fleece jacket that I got a Walmart which is pretty much worthless so if you're gonna be outside in the cold for long periods of time spend the money get the right gear or don't go out at all or don't go out without a really good safety net Basecamp easy to like fire no whatever because you go out with the wrong if you watch the prepared mind 101 videos from way at the beginning when I started last winter and I didn't have a lot of the good cold-weather gear that I got now last year was the first the 2011 early 2012 winter was the first of the new Ohio winters where it got really stupid cold and most of my videos I'm like every other word is me bitching about the cold so people open the Bordeaux for for calling you what's your name yeah it's like 30 below right there I'm the frickin boreal forest okay I've been freaking of Columbus Ohio so more power to you but I mean that's just me demonstrating that here I was you know I had a lot of layers on but they weren't the right layers so you go thinking oh I've got three four layers on but it's not the right material it doesn't mean jack I mean I had one of those sport Columbia looking coats went you know wind resistant and all that you know fleece but it just wasn't it wasn't good quality stuff it wasn't like this and I was wearing more layers that was bulkier than this but I wasn't as warm as I am now so those are your options if you're really really serious Bush crafty guy you're gonna be out in the woods for like a couple days or whatnot it's best to go like we'll what he's wearing if you're going out short-term or urban scenario or whatever you just like this style of clothing better you know go with good quality US military extreme cold weather clothing system stuff like stuff that actually gets issued to the not knockoff stuff by Rothko or something like that so that's all I got on that on the subject of clothing and one of the thing like will said about having the spare socks and all that I have in my kit I've got one of the 36 36 litre dry bags from Walmart I always keep I call it my clothing bug out bag it's got fun you can get five days of clothes in that thing and I change it depending on the season so I have in my know further in my car several extra pairs of wool socks several extra base layers extra pants everything so if something happens mergency or whatever I need to just change clothes or I need to add layers it's it's always there so at the very minimum I feel if you always your car's always gonna be close to where you're at unless you're open the real forest so I'm so happy we had to throw that at me it's like okay come on I'm not most guys those guys got yeah I checked off those you're nuts I checked out the hey River today cuz well I'm gonna be heading up here probably here in a couple months here that are over by Edmonton and it was 30 below yeah if I was if I was going up there I would have to go shopping basically definitely definitely definitely and

that's really about all I got I mean for what I've got in Ohio cold what winter where it's like 22 maybe 10 below what I've gots pretty good if you've got to go any closer than that then you got to go with this kind of stuff that will describe so other than that I'm starting to rambling so guy thing else you want to throw in yeah I'm gonna close okay

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William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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