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Identifying plants in the winter


Identifying wild plants in the winter

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Tags: wild,plants,edibles,Plant (Organism Classification),survival,outdoors,camping,Camping,Survival Skills (TV Genre),william myers,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,winter,Weekend,Summer,Garden,Snow

Video Transcription

alright guys do today this is William iris mass outdoors today we will do a video about identifying plants and different times of the year obviously you can see square time the snow's back plants and this stage their life and this period and no other uses as well is very good information ok guys what we got here is bull thistle this is a basic plant teach this to all my kids in my students and this is great tender at this time of the year the stuff go up really really nicely but in the summertime in the spring and summertime spring especially there the stalks of these are edible and all you gotta do is remove the the tides from here the thorns I guess I could say and you can do that with a rag of some kind you can do with a knife but it's not really necessary a piece of leather works great if you wrap the piece of leather around it and just go all the way up the stalk knocks all those Barb's completely off and then it can be eaten raw it can be boiled whatever however you want to cook it you would cook it like asparagus but it does not taste anything like asparagus no matter what a book says I've read several books that says it has an asparagus taste makes me think that they haven't ate to stuff ever in her life alright guys so this is goldenrod that we're in front of right now and at this time of life it's again really good for fire to this is one of my favorite tenders as far as similar mission goes this time of year this time of yours'll organization can be pretty tough cuz you know obviously it's colder you got to work those temperatures up you're further away from the Sun you have variables that are against you so you want the best tender that you can so everything you know you're setting yourself up for success and this is one at this time of year yeah and it's bringing a summer without when this stuff comes up he is stopped flowers everything okay but into a texture and as long as you got some kind of like a brown pure bottle or something that's not going to be penetrated by the Sun very well you can put these in that bottle or drawer what have you fill it up with something that's not and that will make that t-shirt just shake it every day for melon two weeks and then I'll be ready all right guys so after that two weeks is completely change really good I encourage you guys just research on her on herself for dosage these are edible these are the head for the full of the yellow flower head can be collected and can we tried and then powder eyes neck fee act as a flower extender I find the taste actually fairly nice it's not too bad some flour extenders that are in books and things like that aren't the greatest this I find has pretty pleasant taste there's also a really really cool thing that happens I'm let's duplicate the camera to boulder on that is resource there is this is a larva pot and this just makes an awesome natural bobber for fishing that's just natural stuff that you could pick up and use and this works really really well just tying it on one part you know as long as you got a decent a little bit amount of weight underneath of it to stick it up and it just acts just like a bobber alright guys so what we're seeing here is milkweed in its final stages of life and this is just a plant that's good to know what they look like at these final stages of their life go ahead and try to get on down into the the ground here so you can see the stem and you know obviously these are great for fire tender right now even better in my opinion I would class this fire tender as a flash if you have any kind of tender that's marginal anyway this would not be anything that I would go for it this is something that's going to light up for really really quick with it a blink of an eye and then it's out but it has its uses for sure in the spring in the summer the leaves of this are edible very edible i have read books especially from some very very notable sources that the milkweed is a very stringent and bitter that is not the case in my experiences and i'm just going to say in my experiences there are plenty of books out there that will contradict that let's say absolutely not it is not exchange it is not bitter I'll just go ahead and say right now on camera that I believe that the people that are writing these in these books have just read it in other books and it's just being passed down and it's incorrect information I believe that the originator of this which I'll not name because I don't do that misidentified this plan and he was actually eating dogbane which I have tasted myself even though it is toxic it takes a lot of that toxin to actually hurt your body and it is extremely bitter milkweed contains a latex so if you have any kind of reactions to latex then you probably should stay away from this if you have no problems with it then this plant can be eaten raw but I suggest not eating a ton of it this boiled once is great it's an amazing plant in my opinion I eat this every single year alright guys so what I'm in front of right now is cattails and this is the one-stop shop in the woods this is everything from food to bedding to building material this this is everything you could possibly want we'll be right here pretty much I mean there's arrow shafts so obviously everybody knows about the cattail fluff being used for fire tender I myself don't really use it very much because it's just like the bull thistle that I was taught them out that's just going to be a flash and if your tinder is marginal in any way that's not going to help you out very much but you know there it has its uses and in the field I'm more used that as insulation you know I'll make a you know probably a couple dozen heads makes it awesome pillow and we'll be showing that sometime in the future like I said there are arrow shafts in here as well these are kind of in my experience one time use shafts they do work they work great they fly great most of them are pretty straight as you can see there's not too much no fuss no muscle you have to worry about as far as to go but on impact start pretty much trashed at that point but like I said they do work so in a pitch you know things like river cane are way better but in a pinch definitely use these these heads that you see right here this is the deadhead this would be the female part and up above this and the springtime you can see that you can see where it was the male end will be up here which before it's unsheath when it's still covered you could take that and you can boil it or you can leave the sheath on and then put it in the fire and then that's just I can't really explain that the taste lot of people say it's like corn on the cob just because the way it's prepared tastes nothing like we're in a cop to me it is a very pleasant taste in my opinion but cattail is one of those resources that if you have it in your area you just have so many things that you can be done you know I've made shelters completely out of nothing but cattail before and it's very extremely warm right now the ground is frozen but if I was able to get to them

the root system of this the rhizomes which grow vertically they can be collected and they can just as they are cleaned off a little bit put on a fire and roast it really lightly and then split open it's just pretty much one hundred percent starch it's almost like mashed potatoes but a different kind of taste really really good food sources there there's a comb that comes off looks like a hook I wish we could get to to the system itself but it well i'm standing on probably about eight or nine inches of ice as we speak the one that you collect us sometimes you'll see a comb that comes out looks like a hook and that's edible right there in there and taste amazing great great food medicinally if you unsheath these cattails there's a gel that's around the stalk where you know the leafs will come off and you'll see the white the white stop least the green you can run your finger along that and a slippery gel comes off that's antimicrobial and it has some numbing agents to it as well so keep that in mind if you're cutting your around the water's edge unseating it at the same time the white ends of the cattail can be chopped up and you can eat them raw I have the case pretty good sauteed with some butter and onions great I mean there's just so much that the cattail can do for you from building material to everything there's so many different food values and food sources that the cattail is going to provide for you then this is something that you definitely want to do your research on you want to do a lot of research on it and you want to keep these in your toolbox all right in addition to the cattail there's just so much stuff that this plant can do for you there's sometimes you know little things slip my mind but I was talking earlier about you know unsheathing the the two separations here with the head there'll be two separate portions here I wish it was springtime so I could show you guys but after that comes out of its own sheath it'll grow a little bit more and then you'll see the top of it will turn from green to yellow that's when it starts to pollinate and you could take a plastic bag or anything like that and just shake that pollen right out you know you want to be responsible and collecting because that pollen is needed for the rest of the plot

but you know take you from here and there and every now and then leaving plenty for the cattail themselves to use that is an amazing resource from a flower extender here you can put your finger in that stuff it's good stuff so you know I've courage you guys do you research on that just figure out for yourself what you wish to use that for as well alright guys so the planets in front of me right now is a member of the humble family and its Queen Anne's lace wild carrot and this is one of the families they really really want to your poster children you want to get out there with a professional and you want to be identifying these plants with a professional as well in fact we're going to class soon as we cut the video and Rica will get me do with some yarrow just two seconds from me right here yarrow is part of the humble family as well also poison hemlock or water hemlock those also are part of the humble family with Queen Anne's lace wild carrot there'll be a purple flower in the middle there's also hair on the snips the poison hemlock has a hollow stem and also it has no hair and if you actually break that stalk if there's a very fishy treats poison hemlock will have key identifiers like I said there's no plan out there that has the exact same characteristics as any plan there's gonna be some key identifiers poison hemlock usually doesn't have any hair on this though wild carrot loaded with hair slipping down the stock poison hemlock has purple flexing all through the stock when you cut poison hemlock it smells putrid in my opinion now that actually caused kind of counter to water hemlock which the survivors of water hemlock I reporter kind of sweet taste like one leaf take your tan enough poison in it to kill ya its a bright alkaloid that works very fast in fact pointing fact it's pretty famous throughout history because Socrates the famous philosopher in Greece asked for poison hemlock T to kill himself

okay guys so this is yarrow edits in stage of life see that unbrella looking flower that will be white and here would be the the leaves of that which when you see it in this in the spring and summer these are really featherly leaves alright make it a tea out of yarrow have some anti-inflammatory properties not this stage life I'd go and just leave it alone but i just want to show you guys all the stages of plants life and spring a summer we'll go through some yarrow and its uses I actually excuse me I actually have a previous video on my channel on that subject as well but like I said make it a tea out of the leaves and the flower heads can have some anti-inflammatory properties as soon as you put up a leaf of yarrow in your mouth you'll know the varian stringent mediciny taste you know and later on in the summer is when it really gets that really a stringent taste when all the bugs are trying to attack it it'll develop that extreme as a defense to the bugs themselves another use for yarrow is widely known is that yarrow is a blood clot ER for nice deep wounds almost to the bone yarrow leaves and the flower heads especially the dried flower heads just clot that one right up it's also anti microbial so you don't have to worry about anything in there it's going to be really good for your wounds the genius thing for this is a key Lea and I'm sorry you'll have to forget about I forget the second part of it but the achillea comes from Achilles the Greek man himself he'll his rumored that he used to use this on his soulful voice alright guys let's just been a really short video I wanted to do show you the later dying stages of some plants and there are some plants out there that are still edible at this point there's a wild parsnip and another root plants you're going to have to get into the ground cattails like I said they can be a little bit difficult to get into this time of year but it's possible alright guys lets me William iris mass outdoors I hope you enjoyed this video if you did appreciate it if you click Subscribe that little red button rotten y'all like if my video helps me out ton appreciate all your views comments to sport hopefully we'll see how the woods these are edible in the winter tour these are not so let's move up Wow but what should have had that dico drink there's dog god I can't stay out of the water king okay just another thing about the cattails just adding to that there's so much of the stylist at the note that the ducks ducks to touch to rip remix oh wow tongue-tied and that's part of the RO up that's part of the oral family that's part of the humble family as well you got this you're the best you are the champion I'll from fire you know there's some Anna build this is eddie booth hmm alright guys with this has been a really short store as bestest best poet video that's less cost or to you well there's wild parsnip out there the cart tip that cocktails you know there's a plant sisters planted sees what is wrong with me i did it take some classes no speak very well as tough as far as stuttering goes dark can't remember his name but there was there was a country-western singer that could sing beautifully but he touch to the tentative really bad and I guess him and uh I want to say Waylon Jennings or something like that one real famous older country western star they were they were in a hotel room and somebody was breaking in and they were coming into the window and he's like he couldn't talk he was like a stutter and he couldn't make any worse mouth for saying so alright guys what's boo master this is the man's outdoors I'd I forget my own name

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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