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Squirrel Pole/Spanish Windlass Primitive Trap - Mantis Outdoors


Will knows you like squirrel for dinner. The trick is, catching them.

Steve "Critter" Davis's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/woodcrafter76

Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods

Video Transcription

hey guys how you doing this William Myers Mass outdoors and today I got a trap for you well actually a combination of two traps and we're going to show you that right now alright first of all so where we're at right now we're at this hickory and that's a very good place to trap squirrels and if you look down here on the ground one of the things you want to be looking for is squirrel cheese you know all the signs of squirrel these are all cheers from squirrels so this is gonna be a target area for us to either hunt actively hunt or passively hunt so let's show you some passive ways to hunt squirrels and a buddy of mine Steve critter Davis just did a video not too long ago about well he called it a lenient pole snare I call a squirrel Pole tomato tomahto you know this is something that I've been using for years and teaching for years because it's such an effective way to get meat on the table and that would be squirrels and what this is it's just a basic pole that is 45 degrees or roughly their hub to a tree and a squirrel you know isn't going to really want to that's a good angle I like that hard to see there we go there's this air get so a squirrel's you know nature is it's not gonna wanted to go 90 did you know a 90-degree angle hopping along the ground then up the tree if it has like a 45 degree angle pole or something like that to jump on and run up the tree that's what it's going to use that's why these things are so effective because all you have to do is lean a pole up against a tree throw some snares on it call it a night

you know that's passively hunting so as you can see here we have a couples throw out one snare and I would put three four snares on this thing and I have actually come to a squirrel pole before and seen two two three squirrels hanging from it not just one so these are incredibly effective

you know squirrel comes up here they run really fast they don't you know waste time come up here get hooked and there you go then the good thing about this is is that nine times out of ten they're so scared and they freak out so bad that they drop and when they drop that's even better because one they're hanging they don't have really that that leverage to twist and and turn and pull and yank and that's what really phrase these fine snare wires up and that's what you know nine times out of ten will break that snare so if he's just hanging there he could spin and stuff like that but it's not really gonna be doing too much to your snare I've actually come to you know squirrel poles before being able to reuse the snare if I set some kind of grounds there that's usually not gonna happen so that and if you can get a close-up on the snare itself so this is pretty much what I want to highlight here this is one of the things that I do that I find is a little bit more effective and you know there's no way that I can really prove this to you I just know that you know before I was doing this it's just I know that this works a little bit more than the knot is putting a 90-degree angle right at the end of your snare and what that does is it's not really going to sound very humane to people but that gets caught in their fur and it'll poke them in the back of the neck or the body or wherever you have that catch and that's an irritant to that animal you know so that's going to make the animal push harder to get away from it or you know harder you know whatever and that's just gonna help dispatch that animal a little faster you know so I mean it might not sound humane but in the long run it is a little bit more humane because it's forcing that animal basically to dispatch estelle itself a little faster so outside of the snares on the pole we have basically our last line of defense so if they get do happen to get past the snares we have a windless trap up here and what this is basically is a Promotora pig on a wide stick and if you can get an upward shot up here there are holes drilled up here like placing them there are holes drilled up here for spikes the reason why that there are no spikes in there right now it's just this is just a demonstration you know safety is an issue out here we got some you know other people out here you know I don't want to put spikes on there but I'm just showing you that that is definitely an option to make your trap a little bit more you know useful so what I would do Chris if you wanna come around here with this problem Terry peg right here you know I would sharpen this into a V I didn't right now I should have it on a wagon but usually I will sharpen that into a V and I'll either stab a berry or something like that I found that's not very effective what's more effective is that if you actually physically chew on that will say like peanut butter in your mouth and you're chewing and impregnating that that trigger with that peanut butter or raisins work incredibly well you know that's easy to pack you know raisins they're not gonna you know they're not gonna spoil or anything like that so you know having a mouthful raisins and chewing that stick and impregnating that stick with that raisin and then setting your trap up then the animal comes in here smells and then starts actively chewing and biting and then you know nine times out of 10 he's gonna whack himself so hard that if he's not pinned to the log he's gonna be down on the ground dead

I can't call it accident yeah it works I didn't even know that did that it just kind of accidentally happened you know like I said my friend Steve just did a video about this uh well what he called I think Otellini pole snare or something like that and you know something that I've you've used and taught for years and I thought you know I just did a class not too long ago in Tennessee where I did this same exact trap so you know I wanted to show you guys the same thing there's gonna be a link in the description below to Steve's channel I suggest you guys check him out very knowledgeable guy pretty much nothing about trapping this guy doesn't know he's really good primitive trapper you know as I say in pretty much every trapping video primitive trapping you're gonna have to check your laws in your local area primitive trapping is illegal you know so you know this is something that you could practice if you want to put you know store-bought snares on this so it's a practice and you know that's completely legal you know but you know anything that you make pretty much primitive trapping is illegal pretty much in the all 50 states Omni I don't know if it's lute you know I don't know each and every state if it's legal in Alaska or anything like that but just check with your local laws before you do something like this don't do something illegal you know but if you do catch something definitely you got to use it all right guys well I hope you enjoyed this video and we'll see you out in the woods

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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