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Fatwood and ferro rod techniques


This is a video to help out a brother bushcrafter his channel is named eat carbs i am posting a link to the video i am helping him out on


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Tags: fatwood,ferro rod,william myers,mantis outdoors,survival,bushcraft,wilderness,woods,outdoors,Camping,Survival (TV Series Serial),Ferrocerium

Video Transcription

hi guys how you doing this is we Meyers mess outdoors today we're going to be shooting kind of a response video to leave my mark is uh youtube name is eat carbs and this isn't gonna be like a what not to do video or anything like that just you know I've seen a he had a video where he was working with a fat boy trying to get a fire and he was struggling he actually did get success out of it but I think if you watch this video and changes his technique up a little bit you might have greater success a lot faster he won't have half the challenge that he had when he was doing his video so don't go away alright guys so like I said this isn't like what not to do video or anything like that this is just a chance I believe for us to learn from someone that's learning themselves and for me to help some of this learning right now and what I guy here is a piece of red pine fatwood it's the same fat one that I sent to you mark this is same I believe it's the same that you were actually using in the video i hope so it's from the same red pine stump that i collected last year alright so we're going to show you what i would do to process this out and hopefully this might help you out first of all I'm going to use my frontier valley here and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to shave down long strips see what I've seen mark doing was he was coming in here and he was just doing really small chips you know like that pick a corner and if you don't have a corner make a corner and just come all the way from the top and just lightly do real slow strips just like this you get those get those bands just like that those curls and if this is the way I mean I can make a fire just by making the dust which I'm going to show here in a minute but you know if we're going to make curls for maybe we have a sub tender that's not the greatest in the world maybe we got some wet tender and where you're from a pair in Washington I had wouldn't doubt it if you do have as everything's wet all the time so we're making some really long curls here not those small chips that I've seen in your video and basically what I'm doing is every time every time I come down and I make a cut i'm making a square edge I'm just coming down on that square edge i just made and make another cut that's what i'll call fuel right there and that's just fat what i mean i've got i got probably three times the amount that i would need for a fire right here in my area but i'm not in your area but next what I'll do is I'll turn my knife on its side and use the spine right here and what I'm going to do with that is I'm going to shave off some some shavings some fine powder okay mark so that the the knives that I seen that you had in your video I don't know exactly all what knife you have the ones that I see in that video might not do the trick he's actually for you the right way I think I believe you have that I can SCH 24 that's a charade and you had a mora they don't have you know really really sharp spines on but if you take the striker that you had striking that Ferro rod that'll work just fine for this as well just take your the back of that above nuts back your knife that striker and just go right on the spine just like this and just create that fluff just like that and that's really going to take a spark readily just kind of work yourself around make enough especially if you first start now makes plenty I want to remove that because I want that ending up in my phone we'll gather that up to put that a pile there

I'll make a little bit more one up like I said that Pharaoh's tracker will do this job for you if your knifes long but I don't know they might work that's playing more than plenty okay one of the things I hear a lot is people get upset because they get pine resin on the back of their knives or they get them on their knives you know I mean you're out there using your knives mean they're going to get dirty but a little trick when you once you do get home is just take a little rubbing alcohol and rub on whatever surface you got pine resin on Pine rhythms pine resin is alcohol soluble comes right off alright guys so what I got here is just some sticks and curls and then some fine curls and dust I'm gonna take my Ferro rod here this the one who has that striker on it so i guess i'll just go out and use that striker anyway i don't use the back of my knife it's trying to try to replicate this as much as possible to the video that I've seen and I'm going to put a link to that video in the description of this video just because like I said I view it as an opportunity for everyone to learn from someone that's learning themselves so so what I seen and what I'd like to for you to work on mark is I senior Ferro rod technique like way up here just praying to God that a spark actually made it home to where it needs to be there's two different ways to do this I know you're working at a pie pan you could take just a piece of that piece of aluminum foil would work just fine you can through that in the pie pan or you could have worked in the pipe and you stuff how to be careful two ways to do this you can either lock your hand down like this and strike up not moving this not smacking your tender with your striker or you can just if you have a decent enough air out you can pin that fair rock down as you see one of the others pinned down one of the others not moving either my hands not moving and I'm striking up or either fair odds not anything and I'm striking down but when I am striking down I don't want to go all the way down I want to go just about halfway down and just throw a spark in so let's go ahead and try that now get this going there you go it's easy as that now like I said this isn't some kind of all he did it wrong and he's horrible he's just now learning so this is just a I seen that I could help him out with some techniques that I've learned over the years and years and years of doing this you know I just definitely wanted to show him on camera some better techniques to getting that going so he could I mean I although he did have success in his video when using this technique you're going to get success a lot faster and you you know it's not like going to be a lucky shot you know and that's not exactly what I'm saying that you got lucky but just standing over here and showering sparks and just hoping to God one of them catches i would rather definitely rather see you do it the way that I I just did it in this video because you're localizing your spark your know where it's going to hit and you're shooting it the same place every single time so if that one spark that hit isn't catching you're still raising the temperature of that tinder up at that time so the next spark two hits in the same exact spot might actually cause combustion but if I'm up here just throwing sparks anywhere and they're hitting here and there hitting hearing or hitting here and here maybe I'll get lucky and get one of them to light but if I'm here shooting sparks the same place every single time that temperature even a marginal 10 or i'll just create another fire even on marginal temperature that temperature even on marginal tender sorry that temperature is going to come up eventually and i'm going to cause the combustion and you see I'm not smacking the heck out of my tender or anything like that or the same principle false and if you brace your arm your hand the striking hand and pull it up you know I'm localizing my spark same time it's hitting in the same exact spot each time every time all right like i said this video is just going out to my buddy market eat carbs but i will post this publicly just for an opportunity for anyone that is having trouble to learn from and i'm going to post like i said a link to his video as well so you can see what i was talking about the technique that he was using and he had like i said he had success with his technique it's just I think that he can improve on that with getting this tender and preparing his tender and with this very raw technique as well but this has been William Myers mass outdoors hope you enjoyed the video if you did appreciate if you click subscribe like in my video helps me out a lot appreciate our reviews comments to support and hopefully we'll see out in the woods

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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