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Wild Ways Camp


A good look at the wild ways camp... great times were had dope to see you there next time

Tags: Camp (TV Genre),wild ways camp,survival,bushcraft,Camping,skills

Video Transcription

oh it's his stature yeah 14 good job man want to begin here you know I a meeting me farting or somebody's gotta stomp you guys we have ice over there we have a lot low hop-by-hop rigor pops over here we got by the way you know what it's a little o'clock and we haven't even eaten lunch so I got snacks combos chips everything if you want to take a break and grab a bite to eat really I got some ham salad this is okay you see these beaver choose right here yeah here's what I would do first thing I see is this is a really narrow spot right here for you buddy that mess bindles it's been this way too long for you buddy he needs that little one day expended be about alone maybe write a computer's outlook hear you fine usually gotta fuckin it up so let's say okay well buddy good job use the full ball all the way to your cell that's interview yeah that's right let the boat of the work yeah that's he's going don't give up he's going all right so you gotta get hurt because all right let's see if you got together boy can I get it out of there so you were here use a tip your knife don't lost up that hole yeah no I lose a cow freakin size fool you good job is that your first goal son he's ain't your first asking questions while he's trying to hold on it oh yeah yea sorry I'm more psycho than he is hail hail you got going on here yeah nothing is Bill got time you got time to let that thing build up you have a girl you are awesome yes yes sorry I get excited there lately my first time every time is your first 90 cool room that's nice oh yeah it's nothing like candy see when you guys keep getting holes with a filmed ride home depot set you know you're doing something right with the proper material once you get a lot of these holes go out in the woods and you're going to find it's really hard to make a set off the landscape but at least you'll start off knowing you can do it you've done it with the right wood now it's just up for you to find the right one you try to everyone Oh stinky right yeah it's stinky it is thinking it's very tannic and it did turn as a nose that's what I started out with your sons that are my house khadi woods with crazier on my own yep get him up in your son's not all right like be it down here good thing is is you got a nice dust piled out Oh take you take a breath carvanha hello man does arrows be a baby when I want to know yeah I'm right an old rumbles I'm a fresh pot this is another trailer story I want me to shave that Sarah flight all the way across the top and just knew your dad will turn and burn that will destroy their does p you got it oh yeah he's old peasant saw fit whole song they call me that's office unique you really go man the pheasant sausage alright get that out of there and let that breathe you got it jack good job what made this amazing it stays still horn yeah you got lots of time 33 great-granddaddy beautiful toss a nice pic value to thank you very much would you give that like snow birds nests down oh sorry okay now the guy it's why the main lighters again you're using right now drill that yeah I know somebody else fit but they do riverstone zone above slippers normal ring yeah you gotta tighten it up take it in you that I saved have my no but I can make it off I have what you can put your own ass see that's why I thought I punheta Liam into short for your legs but you got so I'm not sure that's my longer one that's perfect nobody touch my arm so long it goes further down maybe jargon let you take it great now you're gonna go there you're actually tilting it towards me get it right up in line with your like nice right there yeah there you go looks like she's half off of the board go all or when you need a kingdom right yeah then you're you're off your whole your head isn't yeah right knee instead of celery look super simple I'm telling you there's guys it's been two years before they got a polo player okay I son did it before I did so I wasn't lost yeah well I son get it help at minor gathering he cheated why did she because he didn't want to sit there all day we had other regular we took a piece of that would scrape the bunch of shavings now and into his nest okay now is that to me yeah considering they were only supposed to use the stuff that the my permanent guys brought my dancing but he had in his kid he's low pieces are you carrying her shaven yeah laughter this death I stop right now free man it's really powdered and it's also that and I strong enough to go Lily they're like holy crap now you're going to do all the wall every kind of you just get home given that flatter spindle that's tapped his size but if I could cut it down right there hang on buddy we go whoa okay look first of all where's your bow I want to get pizza co yeah that's what happened with my personal keep can i use your ball for self so that's why i got to get a proper under bundle cuz this know which you know let's go get it though we're in the back home we're gonna burn into that hole right there okay my brother it's knife up yeah use it this big now with you it's just control go don't care against me I've done tons of you can skate it sounds good no I have a good set and that's all how we keep going don't lose win all right keep going up a little bit I don't daddy died goodbye John buddy go go ahead the girl solo kill him instead of going across that he doesn't solve them with across a little you get more right on the same way I want to stop it where he up but he may get it you may feel possible that way so you don't yeah I always tell people it's your Pico their first their first time with a bow drill set in their hand see how they sit naturalize that's what it feels natural to them the first time and then i'll try to adjust see smooth now you're not your heads on the man Mitzi for midwest over your patience did you see you were costly him to blame yourself back you got on arbitrary this is a charity drive just bail until you two need this wooden plank is gonna go across out guys doing over man but you caught her up a letter of the order over there that thing is going nowhere she's gotten it this board won't try longer bow vanessa leon against your thing this should be closer look like it's reversed on this watch yourself

talking to take sides not never stop the tugging her yeah chug it as I was listening to you and I'll blow a yellow smoke and I'm like all I can see such a lame accent oh yeah are you doing now keep going babe what store seeing yellow smoke away vomit Ellen DeGeneres train your body to be their way to cuddle with done all the Potter one foot soldier the big man's feet he was cooked on a hundred faces he shouted a couple more with better balloons over different i'm still big jim vance cake and speed you singing Jamie Superman's cape you don't spit no Jamie whoo guys sounds great where to go along with the name Jamie burly at the shop with a tradition to yell help me Jamie burly I was with a friend who has no idea who jamie burly is wow you got another guy add that to your life listen girl store us is the word behind that ah ok so before we knew Jamie I knew that I had to do this really trick reg form doesn't write on like a production piece that's fun and I'm always in the background now he's really religious and I go Jesus if you can hear me help haha how's that work there and but uh it was me and Nick or something like that we were out in the woods one day Nick aside downhill hold on us day and branch it was like two days after we got word that we're gonna be meeting Jamie and stuff like that and Nick had been going Jamie barley and Andy Blanchard they're like two days ago somebody started we slide gonna fuck a meal and just because he's been saying it for days he's like Jamie burning hell oh okay Marla so it turned into turn into a shop that yes yellow when I called a shop that's good I call the shop and I they know that I'm on the phone i'll hear that they know you're on foot what second somebody wants to talk Oh Jake Berman oh you spent eight out 13 hours side by side in a vehicle for fucking how many days straight I've been going what did you say him out we didn't dummy Oh My Chemical dude we had a good time on that trip that was hot we're going again in October right on i'll just smoke him out at certain few but most of the Yago because if we're going to Genesis I got the Yampa you right now and I'm going to stop you idiot back no record on paper now way we can do my math down too yep yessum you're done I want to come around here and give me a number met here and then you are off give you three wild yeah you need to us here i'm in my show up what are a lot like no state of the male you now i'm all slick willy get over here

I told emergency vet dialing don't trust this measurement that's all I'm saying I was thinking that too like I'm good day inside you're not right on a very different that could be like cheating off you I've seen 500 maybe yellow I don't have to feel history I see people 180 lb because they thought the north part of compasses the south and south was a goal oh you know they were perfect on everything but they're exactly 180 out I never ever Aslan yeah couldn't fox couldn't find a would soar I was looking for that in the look low you should be good at that yeah my neck doesn't turn down you think we gave him a hard time you should meet new yours Scotty Scotty low boots pumps gear your God is my range estimation off dude tell me what leaders right yes forgot those steps I so you're doing the hypothesis right all right can I deck

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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