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Bushcraft Camp Shelter - Campfire, Long Hike with my Dog, Folding Wood Stove


I hiked out into the woods with my Dog. We stumbled across a Primitive Bushcraft Camp Shelter and decided to get a fire going using my knife, firesteel and making some feathersticks. Whilst in the forest I show you how I light a campfire and use an adjustable pot hanger stick to boil water. Fall has just started and hiking in nature this time of year is so enjoyable.

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Tags: bushcraft,bushcraft camp,camp update,ta outdoors,hiking,dog,bushcraft with my dog,overnight,natural shelter,primitive,primitive shelter,primitive technology,self reliance,survival,survival shelter,bushcraft shelter,log cabin,solo,alone in the wilderness,alone show,alone,solo overnight,camping,woods,forest,wilderness,bushcraft film,firesteel,featherstick,campfire

Video Transcription

it's windy one apologies guys I did forget the wind protector for my microphone so if it's really roaring I do apologize that and to be honest with all this wind I think we're gonna fight a bit shelter to fire up the Firebug stove and maybe get a little them get boil on get a coffee going Josh is loving it thank you buddy you can see where they chop the trees down before here where they've managed the land cuz look there's all baby conifers sorry it's windy but all baby conifers just planted in a line along there so this was all forest they chopped it down replanted and now because it's a conifer it would just grow back really fast you know 20 20 years I'll say this would be a forest again I wish I had a long lens there's a bird of prey sat on that fence just wait for it there better pray see how closely we can get before you kiss a buzzard it's a real big Buzzard you might see him fly off in a minute here he goes he's twitch he cos Jax is there thanks Jackson

still we're about to go he might go for Jax actually

stick to the tree line there he goes there he goes big Buzzard man awesome bird hey guys thanks Jax yeah you did that wait hey wait wait boy going on the one ready for those cold overnighters the grass I mean the grass is dying to change color I'll show you but you can see the grass and the bracken starting to change over there you can see the Bracken's change color that's died right back now which is fine that's that's normal this time of year it's a great tinder to use in the winter I find Bracken's especially when it's when it's obviously dry it's a real good sort of flashed hinder good for a finish steel but you know other than that the grass is still green October still green what's going on what is going on lovely peaceful wooden oh here comes Josh he knows I'm not with him there he goes he's scared he's good you do want to go back on your own and hug your boy I just bought some really cool shelters here look at this someone has been hard at it look at that one over there hey let's go and have a look at that look at this that is awesome Fairplay someone has been watching far too much ta outdoors that's a decent little shelter obviously kids have come and made it I guess either way I'm impressed I mean there's plenty room inside this they've even got their fake campfire thing down here I might even have a bar up a coffee here this is cozy so that's gonna use the fire box today guys reason being is well you heard me earlier it's 19 degrees still everywhere is pretty dry so I don't really want to be having some huge campfire and risk burning on the forest not worth it so just gonna use the fire box yeah this is just behind the camera being a terror as usual last time I used this was actually that 3-day overnighter down at the coast probably why it's nearly rusted together but they're really handy probably put it there clear and it clearly Duff or pine needles just to be safe it's got its own ashtray it ain't worth it okay on level ground just gonna collect some joysticks two points let shit burn pretty easy so varied right everywhere away needed lots of the boil water oh that's one enough let's process it down a bit that's my stick my snake Jack's nice stealing what sticks yeah yeah monkey leave Leave you need these that I gave you one I gave you on that okay take it that's your one these are my ones

I'll just price this and down so about that size guys cuz you don't want them much taller than the box to be honest so I'd say literally six to eight inches that's what I came to you anyway everyone's got their own way of doing it that's just my way yeah yeah that was it rotten no I know what you're trying to think I think they're boys and girls we are there now it's gonna make a fence dick we didn't I that should probably be all I need to boil boil a pot of water and then yes missus theta hey wait that's not cool that's not cool note to self when collecting firewood with a dog collect twice as much as necessary


go in your bag actually I'm using which I'll probably let you guys know about in a different video first long straight I really need to get a new blade for this laplander thanks dude thanks man those people have different ways of doing feather sticks guys this is just my way of doing it I tend to obviously place the stick on the ground I have it on the outside of my leg here away away I have it on the outside of my he's gone insulting now stolen more of my firewood so yeah I tend to have it on the outside of my leg here so that any slippage with a knife it's just gonna go that way away from my body it's just basic knife safety we then I start the top and make sure you get a straight piece of wood tend to try and remove any outer part but the no no way now and then start really gently really gently and as you start coming down then you can get sort of thicker doesn't necessary work the first time all the time

and then each time you've done a curl put a slight twist on it sometimes the cars fall off it doesn't matter or something you got enough on on the actual stick itself yeah give it a slight twist each time so that you're basically curving on a ridge not a flat piece of wood slowly come up the stick each time so that you build your feathers up closer towards you and make more of a kind of tree effects really I guess if that's what you want to call it any cares that full on the floor are not a loss you can throw them in the fire box or under camp fire just to help get it going so that's that's a tight enough look that's not a perfect feather stick for enemies leave leave that's not a tight enough further stick leave it leave it to Jax that's that's not perfect guys but it will work when I put a ferrule to providing you leave it alone stop touching it does their find you're in one point ring yeah good boy join stick but what do you so there's one for you hey let it get it flat flat edge first to think create rich but it's partially rotten wood so it's not coming up very well just to prove that your feather sticks don't have to be right towards the end and you can still like them so firstly clear on a few sparks and it's gonna be fine I like to hold my fire steel against the stick like this sometimes it just makes you get a bit more leverage don't always work but I found it has for me recently and then shower it with some sparks hey is that gonna light just turn that for the sit over let some air in plonk him in get said sticks yeah actually gonna be in the way now mate this is the tentative phase as I like to call it Jax awake he wants to be naughty us his problem


let me just need a few of those sticks tonight

where is he gone Jax it's a problem those of you guys out there with dogs will know half a time you gotta watch where they are and watch what you were doing at the same time so don't matter that I'm building the fire from its sort of top down here that's okay okay I treat him every time he comes good boy good boy it's all right yeah good boy he's still a puppy Jax is only not even one and a half yet so he still classed as a puppy but I always always treat him every time he comes back to me you reinforce that he should always come back okay handles this close to the edge as possible

and then to speed up the boiling process get the lid on and then I hope you guys yep it's his he just feeds her sticks in the side here either of the side to the firebox she's feeding nice and easy and the heat the heat should actually make those sticks go so we have french vanilla caramel hazelnut maca black and classic now which shall it be well I've had obviously classic coffee before I've had black coffee before I've had maca but four can't say I've had hazelnut caramel or french vanilla it's between these three that I'm gonna give a go and I reckon the French vanilla is gonna be a good one I have had a vanilla latte it's a tough one it's so tough it's got all the details and nutritional and and sort of calories and stats on the back of it which doesn't bother me too much but it might for some of you guys and this is what they look like this is why they're great for camping and hiking because it's literally the instant coffee and everything's in there just one cube takes up zero space in your backpack and what you could do is get a load of flavors and then just take them out of the box so you don't have to take all the boxes and just have a ward you know a packet of these basically so the water spoiled now you can see the steam coming up and I'm just gonna plunk this in there and stir and enjoy before that I've got to find Jack's Rosie there is hey buddy hey buddy buddy thank you buddy good boy sit wait there you good boy ain't ya oh yeah hey I haven't bought my cooks away now actually I might do on the next hiking trip step let's give it a smell oh that smells incredible there is the keys guys very small very compact it's basically like a double sugar key block you get the sugar cubes the brown sugar cubes in the white sugar keys instant coffee and it goes changing color already give it a stir oh look at that oh that was fast you know I can't even feel the coffee thing already guys I think it's already gone there's tiny bit left I can just about feel obviously I brought water for Jax what I tend to do sometimes he drinks out of my hand but usually in my bag somewhere I'll have my ten centimeter zebra Vinny which I keep in this pouch and then he's a lot of dried biscuits and dry kibble where I've been treating him but if you guys had dogs this is a great way of giving them a drink on the journey with a Billy can you've got your lid here you're kind of worse it's more like a saucer sort of a a frying pan ray he knows that that's why he's waiting no he knows that's what it was it goes in so I always carry that and obviously extra water for chats here gonna and then make sure he's got plenty of water good boy good boy that's yours yeah good boy you could boy it Jeff

yeah buddy you could boy whoa there's yours buddy you can enjoy your water no wonder with my coffee I think the coffee there's a plane flying around us unless apologies guys cheers guys vanilla coffee thanks to joy a coffee for sending me these smells incredible hopefully it tastes as it smells that's really good that's really good I'm quite impressed much more impressed than a normal instant coffee actually I thought I didn't think it would be that good

and thank you to the guy who left me the shelter to relax under the child or the adult whoever made it I am very grateful here we go here good boy good boy we're getting there aren't we with your training mate we're getting there buddy yeah you get those you get those every time you come back you get them every time you're gonna be huge if you keep coming back at this right come here minute well let's see to the camera guys this is my dog if you haven't seen him before his name is Jax J a double X he is almost fully grown now this will be as full size he's a Jack Russell terrier or a jrt for short what they call them they were specifically bred for hunting the Parsons Terrier was kind of the original Terrier and they were bred for hunting they were bred for the hunt they would go down rabbit holes badger holes things like that flush out the animal and then the hunter will be waiting there at the end to capture the animal or other dogs as well bigger dogs to help capture the animal they are very very protective dogs they protect their owners to death really so anyone who comes up to me who he doesn't know he will bark at he's not necessarily aggressive a lot of people mistake them for being very aggressive dogs that's not the case I think with most dogs aggression you know they're not all it's an aggressive breed it's an aggressive breed I don't really agree with that really I think it's it's all down to the owner that makes their dog aggressive I do believe that you know some dogs are naturally more possessive than other dogs you know they're more protective but not necessarily aggressive I think it's a term that's sort of thrown around quite a lot and personally I think it's all down to poor dog ownership but yeah he's a year and coming out he's not even a year and a half years just over a year and he's a tri-color which means he's got three colors he's got his white fur he's got his Brown near around his face in his eyes and he's actually got some black on his belly bit on his belly and actually just around his eyes almost like the scar but he wants the go now so let me go he's a short-haired dog overseas got short hair not so much of a winter dog he doesn't have a long fit coat see you can imagine it's like my hair here like I feel the cold here he would feed it in the winter because he's only a short-haired dog they come in different sort of coats the Jack Russells you get like why why head which is like like a brillo like why is what it is it's wiry like you get your wired head you get your long head but a terrier family in general are incredibly loyal dogs absolute characters you will be in for a hell of a lot of work trying to look after them but absolutely character dogs and his average his breeds average lifespan would be about 12 years probably 12 to 10 to 12 years average they live up to dads my dad's had the matter

I think 19 maybe even 20 but definitely 17 18 19 my previous dog that I had with my family which was sort of dad's dog the family dog he lived to 14 I believe so they generally get into their teens sort of mid-teens which is a great age and small dogs do tend to live a little bit longer than larger dogs this is amazing it's a really really nice coffee I'm glad I chose the vanilla one and not one that I sort of had before hmm lovely I like the fact that it keeps a compact you can just put them in your backpack and and you can select which range they've got great range of coffee which is awesome and it's all Colombian coffee and I like my Colombian coffee in general so I think they're based in New York I believe driver but yeah thanks very much guys for sending me this I really appreciate it thing their breed is good for is digging as you can see Jax loves digging dig it dig it dig it good boy dig it dig it dig it dig it and he actually digs on come on as well just that it's in their nature to dig getting darker now guys so gonna pack up the bag and head on off because Jax is getting a bit Restless it's cooled down now coffees lovely very nice but a Leave No Trace they No enough

just cool it down that's cooled down now I always keep a little bit of extra water just for the ground that it was on soak it a bit sure hats mate you're getting so deep there

that's enough you know too much man too busy you are too busy I give it rubbish that Moss comes in a cord or a bag anyway which is here and then that just protects everything this goes in this this is called your okay so that's like cloth and the cord area

Kabira outside case and that's it it literally packs to nothing water you ready to go me I tried to keep everything in protective sort of bags and covers just to really belong the life of your backpack and stop your backpack getting really muddy say for example that there's the Billy can cover

robot I try to keep this down my back and my back to keep it all rigid and then that's how to clean this nesting cup and canteen and the side pouch my packs along with that and my speed where's my spork notice my cutscene so I've kind of got my drink and coffee and everything in one side so I can easily access it and then tinder pouch on the top and that's that there's still loads of room because this is a 35 litre pack so you can act as a day pack and an overnight package which I will be using fairly rare we go all right let's go it's okay well there we go guys left no trace II wouldn't know I was there well you know Jax was there but thanks to whoever built this very kind person let's go exploring where is he hey this way come on come on you can't find me I'm over here there we go [Music]


when I go hiking with Jackson on like a day hike I tend to obviously have his lead just in case there's other people or things around that he might chase just as shortly which I wrap around my neck like that so that if I need to quickly hitch him up I can just do that but as well as that I take this whistle with me it's always all around my neck and this is a stag amp the whistle and it works really well with jacks obviously I can whistle myself and he tends to come but with the Wyss with this whistle it goes it carries much further and it's just in case he goes right into the distance I'm watching him now but I'll show you he just see him he's there watch he comes there we go and that's just one blast of this whistle and he's here straight by my side so I just carry that for when he goes really long distances a bit too far and I'm not too confident where he's going or especially being a small dog he's in that undergrowth you know that long grass where I just can't see him it's handy he's really white fur but when I can't see him I always blow this just in case and he tends to come first time I try it again he's only just there where is he he comes Mosely yeah he's trying to make his way around good no give you some treats yeah good boy I carry them in my cargo pocket here just for ease of use to give him there's a good boy right don't run off no this way this way this way going up there well guys made it to the forestry track now and which means I'm not too far and where I need to get to we've walked quite a while today probably about three and half four hours but I haven't filmed the whole walk because it'd just be a four hour video of meat walking and talking which would be pretty dull but we've done a good walk we're low in water he's ready to go home he's getting tired sad his food he's a lovely walkies enjoyed it being a great hike thanks very much for watching this part the video hopefully there's gonna be a second part if not I'll see you soon hey guys he join me on a different day I've just been for a nice long walk testing out the old backpack and I found a little spot here in a completely different Woodlands that I was in last time last time it's got a more of a coniferous sort of woodland loads of Scots pine trees and the odd Silver Birch this is much more of a sort of ancient wooden really and there's plenty of birch around I can see like autumns coming a bit earlier in this this particular woodland light there's loads of birch leaves that have come off a golden yellow and looking above I can see them starting to go really yellow now so it seems that in this woodland autumn is is a bit it's coming a bit earlier so it's strange I don't know man it's strange maybe it's global warming or something like that where but I don't know these trees definitely seem a lot more a lot more yellow anyway so the plan is I'm going to get a fire going a bit more bush crafty style this time though firebox the grounds nice and dry it but it's also not that peasy Brown so don't mind having a fire on it because it's not so soft so we'll get fire going have a drink and just chill and enjoy this lovely autumn day first thing I'm gonna do is get my blowpipe I've been using recently and it's leather sheath just get that around my neck get prepared basically and do the old belt and to get the nice sheath on my belt so that I'm already collect some wood process some wood and get a fire going buckle up nano or folding saw in my cargo pocket and I'm ready to just get my fire go and that's all I need to get my fire down do you have my tinder pouch but I don't think I'm gonna need it really because it's so dry the word I could just make some feather sticks and get it going this looks as good as areas any loads of sticks around all looks pretty dry that's what I get the sort of fire zone not too near the tree roots so I don't burn any trees to damage any trees at least you know metre and a half maybe two meters away from the trees protect them a bit but it sees leaves it's these dried leaves they're gonna be the ones that could catch fire so just pinning it up

there's so much dry wood around I'm gonna have no problem I'm gonna lovely autumn colors on the floor hit on the forest floor

definitely my favorite time of year the fall absolutely love it nice fresh mornings fresh evenings it's just a really nice time of year so this wood it's pretty rotten as you can see just snaps quite easily probably gonna give me a really smoky fire this is what I really want as you can see here this is dead standing so it's dead down at the base that's completely dead but it won't be too rotten now you go take it over to the fire area and that's can we price this down now so what I'm going to do here is using this base bit this is look at that the bark just peeling off this this will light so easily but it's gonna go on the base of the fire so I'm just gonna chop off this bottom bit purely cuz that's the most rotten part and it was smoked I want about four pieces for the base of the fire do one more full of five pieces take it that's gonna make the base of my fire just over here so what I do with these make a noise make sure it's on a nice flat surface which it is actually that unevenness will just help the air flow under anyway so it's not too bad so cut my foil a gonna go and collect some tinder now and then so Kinley well this is convenient obviously I'm in a birch woodland so there's plenty of this stuff around it doesn't come off loads but that's I see how thin that is if I put certain Ferro rod sparks to that that is literally gonna go up so well so satisfying when you get a real good strip of birchbark only the bushcraft fire-lighting guys will appreciate how nice that is to get a real long strip of park


okay so got my why stick here just gonna obviously sham for it into a point and just make a little stake of it so that it will go in the ground it's nice and even a little bit there I can get rid of for aesthetic purposes but it's a few knots that'll do just get this back in the ground and this stick should back here stop it like so hopefully see that should in fact I need to bring it you can adjust the height by bringing a stick forward or back now our idea is take this away and actually I'm gonna pull this out and take that away it leaves a stick there so don't have burn this stick right it's finite in time okay I'll try and show you the whole process again it sounds like this road works nearby I'm not too far from a road so apologies to be here road works or foresty vehicles just gonna peel this this big bit bark of two strips it burns a bit better it's got a lot of box a lot of inner monster on it better right got my bunch of hells coils try get the bigger curls done as well this is gonna go through fairly quick that's doing that getting real thin I've got the brace down at the back don't want to put it out which is nearly going out Oh any spare pieces of bark use very tense dinner and then these ones you can make it sort of TP around the edge there's so many different ways of lighting the fire this is just one of them try and get that TP game and what I tend to do is once I've got a good amount like that a horse oxygen in it with the blowpipe say blowpipe here on my neck put it out and that's it three three blows so what I've done if you can see these guys I've made three holes one two three so I can adjust this pot hanger as per the holes to make it hole number one goes much lower like that or number three much higher back up here so just a little tip you can dig different holes of different distances to adjust your pot hanger that's an adjustable one there we go they just so you can guys say you guys can see there's the notch on the bail arm or the bail of the Billy can that's the level over the fire I've got it port hangar goes down as the Y stick and the different holes to adjust it that stays back there and the way actually you don't even have to dig this Y stick in very deep the weight of that Billy can pulling down one it just keeps it in the ground so a couple of spaces if you want to raise that up and make it higher then you move that Y stick back there and it angles the stiff up higher so little tip if you guys are interested make a few holes with it first and you can raise or lower up got my extra firewood there and it's Coffee time so the other day with Jack's I had the French vanilla that was awesome and I did serve all he had obviously black coffee and I've had classic coffee and maca so I'm gonna go for I might go for two coffees hey guys just so it's fair that I've actually had a good taste of the range so I'm gonna go for hazelnut and caramel and today I remembered the cook sir so cook through it's like an old Scandinavian drinking vessel this one is actually handmade by a fella called will Caliban and his business is Whitehead custom crafts he is incredible he's made this with gouges you know an axe obviously a knife just amazing and this is spalted Beach you can see that spalted effects it is amazing it's got a little hole for carrying there it's got a toggle I put the red deer out the toggle on there at the end but that's what I'm gonna have my coffee in today and obviously the other one I have to have in my skill cup which is neat quite the same effect so hey how many cubes there are I think it's five cubes per box I'll pop a link in the video description for you guys to check out either

this one is hazelnut and let's have a smell oh oh it's incredible that's going in the cooker keep my rubbish don't leave any lesser people and then caramel bar this is good double coffee I have such a caffeine way oh oh wow that could be that could be top so guys remember hazelnut in that one caramel in that one they let me forget I was like we're boiling boys and girls are not going to keep saying girls because the girls do watch us but look at the lid whoa baby we are definitely boiling guys lift a stick up twist it to the side I'm excited let's get in on this cook so this is the forgot I'm ready hazelnut oh oh wow oh it smells incredible oh if you guys are coffee lovers honestly I'm on I don't usually have instant coffee I'm I'm a grind the bean down type guy I don't use instant coffee that's all really the only time I use it when I'm out camping because I do have a grinder that I can crush the beans down but you know when you're filming guys it's a lot of effort to do so it's an extra thing today I will film at some point but at home I use a French press it's my favorite way of having coffee just pour the other one no just enough hey guys we're gonna try the hazelnut first cuz the cooks our thing with would cook scissors they do cool down really quick the wood just saps the heat out their drinks oh oh oh that's really nice could because I treat my cook so with walnut oil anyway so it's got that nutty flavor of a CP and hazelnut mixed with walnut oil but that's really nice slightly bitter I'd say towards the end bit of a bitter aftertaste but that is lovely that is lovely

it's time for the caramel that did smell good it still smells incredible that's lovely

I actually prefer that to the hazelnut and hazelnut was nice hmmm can't be a peaceful afternoon in the woods especially at autumn I encourage you guys to get out there it'll always be a time you'll think I'm too busy I'm too tired you know haven't got enough time just honestly I promise you an hour in the woods dose you so much good you guys get the opportunity to get out in the woods at any time even for just an hour take it up you don't have to have a fire you can have your little gas stove and have a coffee you can even bring coffee in like a heated flask just sit down and enjoy it you will find within 15 minutes you'll feel so relaxed woodland therapy that's what everyone needs a bit of woodland therapy especially those politicians they've done doing the whole Leave No Trace apart now probably the most important part if you're having a fire don't leave it in a mess wait for it to go out put some water on it guys thanks so much for watching the video really appreciate it I hope you enjoyed it I'd like to thank Java coffee for sponsoring this video he doesn't really tasty coffee guys thanks very much and do you subscribers if you want to go and check him out I'll pop a link in the video description thanks so much for watching hopefully I'll see you soon I've got plans to do an overnighter in about two days time so plenty today and I'll see you then guys thanks very much you

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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