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Thrive Freeze Dried Food -Mantis Outdoors


The best Freeze dried food I have ever had this is in my opinion the best option for packing hiking camping Hunting All of your outdoor activities Follow the link below and get some for yourself try it you will not be sorry


Video link to the nutilock system from thrive


Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods

Video Transcription

hey how you doing this is we're Mars manis outdoors back at you with another video and today's video we're gonna do something that's very special a company contacted me because truthfully they seen a video they even link the video to the video that they saw and we'll kind of annotate that somewhere around here the old video was about camp food and what I bring outdoors and things like that

and there was several different selections of foods and things like that that I use you know in the wintertime you bring whatever you want you know I just did a video not too long ago showing you know me bringing steaks and potatoes out of woods that's because it's freezing out you the world is your frigerator at that point but in the summer months and things like that you can't do that because you know rapid spoilage things like that so that's when I choose to bring like the mountain house MREs and stuff like that and different foods things like that and those things are good they're alright they're loaded with sodium they're not really good for you you know they sell them are pretty tasty some aren't especially some of the MREs you know not just not good so they contacted me and they were like you know we have a better solution for you and after a lot of reading a lot of research I went ahead and I got the product and I cannot tell you how impressed I am with it yeah like I said one of their main selling points to me were you know they don't add anything to this food and the food is from thrive thrive live you know things like that so this is what they call snackies which basically it's freeze-dried food that you can just open up and eat as it is you don't really have to rehydrate it but again if you can see the ingredients list I don't know if you can or not but you know this is corn sweet ingredients corn that's it nothing else you know so not to like rip on mountain house or anything like that I mean you read the back of those ingredients and it's like a laundry list of things that they add in there preservatives and things like that and an odd ton of salt and that's not what you see in this and the quality of the food it's above that as well

you know mountain house they're not too bad and I keep I keep rehashing on that cuz that's what I'm used to I'm used to bring a mountain house in recently like that and they're not bad and then I tried this stuff I'm like way better like this is just food well let's go ahead and show you guys the burger some snackage video oh yeah chris is hungry alright so you know they contacted me and I told them just kind of send me a variety of what you guys have you know and what you could purchase there you know there is a lot of food and one of the things that I like about that is that it's it's just food it's just deeply it's just you know dehydrated freeze-dried actually I'm sorry and you know they have a big process that they go through it's called a neutral lock system and you know I'll probably link videos to this because you know there's people out there that explain a lot better than I can at this point do a little bit more research before I comment on that but some of the things that you could pick up there you know a big number ten can these things have a shelf life of 25 years you know so on the prepper side you know Chris's channel we might do some of that stuff too as well and just because you open the can doesn't mean you have to use it right away anyway because you know as soon as you open the can one of the things that I asked them was open how long do you have if I open this can right now I can eat it next year and it's it'll stay good for a year more you know so number 10 can you know they have the smaller cans as well this is like sausage crumbles good for breakfast I wouldn't do that yeah I would rehydrate these oh not the snacky exhibit that's right

and then they have what's called a simple plate which was pretty interested in me this is basically a meal in a box you know and if you're out on the line like a camping trip or something like that you know just taking these bags with you and just separating them in to you know other bags combining them whatever you want this is a meal it's a whole meal you know this is this is pulled pork and it looks kind of scary in my opinion when I first pulled it out as I go I don't know because I mean it's like chocolate mousse but once you rehydrate this stuff and we're gonna be going through this stuff on camera in another video this is just to kind of introduce you guys to the product you know once you rehydrate this stuff it's just it's both work you know it's just not bad it's great it's awesome I love it alright so along with the simple plate stuff which is a good idea but I you know I like it it's a really good meal I've already tried one we're gonna try one on camera but more off is just the ingredients if you've got if you pan over here you got like scrambled eggs haven't tried that yet one of the big things about freeze-dried food if you've had mountain house is the eggs are usually a no-go so the scrambled eggs is going to be an experience I'm not sure how that's going to go but we'll see but you know you have the cans you know just get like a sipper bag or something like that put your ingredients together dehydrate them and cook them in the field and it's that easy and those stuff last and last and last

but also they have what's called snackies and these are just bags of freeze-dried foods that you just you don't even have to rehydrate you just snack on I'll have Chris try some of this stuff filled get a guinea pig he's kind of famous for peanut colada so we'll do coconut and pineapple your Christian camera switch man we've got some Lucky Charms marshmallows looks like coconut and that's just a piece of pineapple free-throw okay you say so hmm

I'm rehydrating it with my mouth yeah got flavor to it a lot of flavor to it what's that grapes won't you leave that at my house like you did that bag of expensive cheese yeah like freakin $30 bag of cheese I left at Chris's house I called him like hey I forgot my cheese oh yeah he called me like a week later a week later oh [Music]

okay he's gonna find a excuse overnight this segment brought to you by Park River

it's one of these that's grapes yeah grab the strawberries there Chris it's like an adventure for your mouth I've already tried all these just to kind of prove like yeah like I'm good I'm not gonna put anything on camera that I haven't already tried myself yeah it's like they have more flavor than right well there's something be said about that I mean I've seen all the videos that they produce um things like that and you know they they are farm-fresh they they locally from around their local areas they've a resource crops and fruits and vegetables and things like that and like I said they're the whatever it is like I'm you know not screwed up on it enough to comment on that's like a neutral off system or something again it's like a twenty five step process to to getting to where you are right now some quality stuff yeah I mean dude that that blows mountain house away all right so the one thing that I haven't tried is the corn then we're just going through the snackies right now you know we're just gonna do a real quick video I'm actually gonna do a breakfast lunch dinner and in the woods and I'm gonna do leave the scrambled eggs which is the real big seller in my opinion if they can actually nail down eggs that actually tastes like eggs that's gonna be a milestone in my opinion because that's one of the worst things in the woods is eggs freeze-dried egg Club you just not going this all day long

look out

oh good sweet corn but again one thing that really appeals to me is that this isn't it was good it's good right it's one of the things that really appeals to me is like I said it's like me going to my pantry and picking out food and putting my own recipes together not say oh I'm gonna pick up this mountain house spaghetti meatballs you know I'm gonna pick out scrambled eggs with peppers and onions and and sausage crumbles and then that's breakfast and that's gonna be in a bag like this who can't pack that and that's two days worth of food you know and then I'm gonna do like pulled pork or chicken they have all kinds of meats and vegetables and you know it's just you deciding what you want to eat and there's nothing else added to it I mean this is chicken ingredients oh this is full pork

so ingredients is pork sugar and spices need this so like some sort of like lockbox or something because what yeah so I mean one of the things that they do is like I said there's so much food that they have on our website that you know they you can choose what you want or you could choose like a box and they kind of just throw some stuff in it send it to you and you could try it and then you kind of see what you like and what you don't like things like that and then that that allows you because I mean some people out there just indecisive and they don't want they don't know what they wanted to get hit with all these ingredients you know like you go to a restaurant and there's a 35-page menu so hard to choose what you want so they like I said they'll give you like a little box and that allows you to you know you could have a monthly subscription as well Chris is still private in the G before you came out Chris but you know like I said Doug it you could have like a monthly thing sent to you as well or you could just go ahead and customize your order and you know there's gonna be a link in the description below

you know I've liked this stuff it has impressed me the comedy of Chris right you know I've enjoyed this so much and my fan

not even on the was just at the house me and my wife trying things out like chicken and rice and peppers great awesome you know and it doesn't taste like freeze-dried food it just tastes like food you know make mountain house it's like you could tell like I know it's it's okay but I'm out here in the woods so I'm eating it yeah this is just like home cooking one in the background the kids like have all the little snacky bags

chowing down on them I'm not gonna have anything left but I wanna get on with this video but you know this has been just a really quick video just to introduce you guys to the company to the products you know I don't endorse anything or put my name on anything that I think isn't the best and the quality of this food is just blow me away and I mean it sounds we're done it sounds stupid to say but it's just food you know it's not like miracle or anything like I was just it's really good food it actually does taste really good so you know we're gonna do some other videos of us out in the woods doing some cooking and things like that to get into the really serious hardcore side of this stuff you know the ingredients and making recipes and things like that we're also gonna try the simple plate which is just a meal in a box ready to go you just follow directions and you just made something that you've never made or tried before in your life you know gourmet recipe you know so if you guys like the video and you think this is something that it could interest you and something that you could use out in the woods trust me you won't be sorry you'll be satisfaction pretty much guaranteed on my part legs beyond the description below how to pick it up if you use my link down below it help support the channel and more videos like this to come mark fish snagging on corn corn my I'm eating corn as a snack my mind blow coconuts doesn't like friggin coconuts pretty much right alright guys hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you guys watch the next ones

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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