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Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2


Day 2 of my Lake District Adventure sees me head to the woods for a solo overnight camp on the roof of my truck. Truck camping is fun. The ability to be able to set up and fold away the tent pretty quickly is good. You can also move camping location pretty fast. I find a nice little clearing amongst the forest, with views across the valley and mountains in the distance. Join me as I chill out in the tent, cook some food and then head out in the morning for a swim in one of the lakes.

WATCH EPISODE 1 OF THE ADVENTURE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIoKl3ZYui8&t=4s

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#camping #rooftoptent #lakedistrict

Tags: solo overnight,camping,truck,truck camping,lake district,woods,roof top tent,tent,forest,mountains,cooking,bushcraft,survival,swimming,fishing,lake,wild camping,solo camping,solo,alone,alone in the wild,wilderness,4x4,off road,overlanding,overland,4 days in the mountains,ta outdoors,camp

Video Transcription

the Lake District National Park one of England's finest jewels majestic mountains that were formed as a result of 500 million years of geological processes

some were once formed under the seabed others as a result of volcanic eruptions nearly 450 million years ago the first part of my adventure saw me hike up to one of the peaks to camp overnight and go fishing in one of the mountain lakes join me now for Episode two of my trip as I head into the woods to spend a night alone in a tent on the roof of my truck [Music]


so I'm on day two of my wild camping trip up in the Lake District yesterday was a really good day kept up with my buddy Hayes from Hayes outdoors if you want to watch that video we went up into the mountains did some fishing in the the towns the small lakes up there had a little fire you get there'll be a link somewhere up here and you can watch that that's sort of the first episode I'm gonna fall the tent I don't get it all set up and then just show you the views in just the area because it's really really cool I mean you might be got to see here don't quite see through that but there is stunning views all the way through and even off the back of the truck here look at that all the views through there the lakes I'm high up now it's gonna be cool I'm looking forward to it you still here the main road and things which is I don't you know I won't mind that'll die down quietly scene it's a really cool cool area mixed wooden coniferous trees broadleaf trees Sycamore and things like that bit of oak it's gonna be good so I have a slight problem before I start this video that's all the water that I've got left for this trip I was up in the mountains last night with my buddy Hayes and that's all the water I've got left that's fresh tar water fresh mountain lake water which we filtered this I've just drunk on the way here that's empty as well so my issue is now I've got to go and find water and there's no there's nothing near me there's the lake over there which is like a mile and a half away

nice bit nature so got a look at the map and try and find some streams that are nearby because to say be going all the way down to this lake which I'm telling you now is a real bull a it's it's right down the bottom of the hill I'm gonna cut map I reckon we can find a little stream or something like that and just try and filter water from there so that I've got enough for the night do you mind so that there is the lake I don't fancy that walk if I'm honest especially if there could be streams nearby that's the big lake here I'm not in the wilderness guys really because this is not a wilderness triple just up in the Lake District National Park but that's bestest wait Lake I'm down here but with words like spring bank right near my car park here and you can actually see a tiny bit blue which looks like a fresh fresh stream hopefully there's also I mean it's pretty steep as run the other end of this this little Ridge here there's another River here which is a lot bigger that's called cold out back there's a small stream but I'd rather try and get somewhere here and try and find this little stream so let's see if I can find it it's the waters fresh is clear it tastes good after going through the filter it tastes fine done as I filled up a liter bottle I filled up this 75 centimeter bottle and I felt up and filled up the soya squeeze bag as well put the cap on it so that I've got plenty of water for tonight this is stunning though this little area that I'm in just listened so peaceful look at this this whole tree here for some big old bugger really damp this area you can tell there's a moss on the trees okay let's get back to the truck

Bristol Tennessee looking good it's all part well windows are open rain covers on I've got the fly mesh down obviously I could only tie out one guy drone one guideline sorry from here down to there the reason I couldn't tie this other one down it's because it's like proper hardcore this is all full-on hardcore for the carpark say it's just all stains it there's no at least over there there's grass so it's it's sunken okay but here rock hard so unfortunately I either need to extend that rope at some point just so it can come out bigger or I could just get a rock maybe and tie it to a rock but there's nothing big around at the moment it's literally just this this scree stuff at the moment of tents all shut because so I want bugs getting in and I'm gonna cook but this is my view you can see the I've got the skylights in there open but this is the the best for you because I've got the the skylights open now as well they've got mesh on the inside and actually the rain cover plastic on the outside so I can actually leave those open and it can rain and it would just won't come in which is awesome so I love about this tent the good old they gave me this the old guys at World Coast tents this is a sundog X so that that view there that window gives me this view look at out into that that's the bench there's the view that is something else that's awesome and I've got all this forest around me on this little hill top which is wicked come around this side this is another window that can open but I've got this shut at the moment it's all Thai it will tensioned up I'm chuffed with it I've kept this window shut as well because I really just want the view out there and the view out so this way because there's an all mountains through there as well you can't really see them but they're all through there let's get some gravel on people

so this is the choice I have because hazy yesterday actually cooked me some food so I've got loads left over well some pasta bolognese these are the Wayfarers ones they're not sponsored by them I did pay for them they're just good quality packet meals that you just boil boil it put in boiling water and they're done in a couple of minutes about five minutes I think pasta bolognese spicy sausage and pasta all day breakfast and some chalky pudding before pudding overseas so we're not going to have that one and probably all day breakfast I will need for tomorrow

which leaves pasta bolognese or spicy sausage pasta and pasta so toffee or which I'll go for guys which I know for yeah whatever pasta bolognese is little tip is put these against an edge if you can and just get all that food down to the bottom because that's what's going in here at the end of the day we're boiling I'm no you're gonna do is just fold it in half a little bit like that check the time it is 20 to 7:00 in the evening allow it five minutes plonk that in there oh look at that perfect amount of water perfect amount of water oh yeah so we'll give him five minutes or give him to a quality and he's done fine-dining this is I'm definitely chasing that down with a chocolate pudding the tea out those stickers Lincoln Bayern butchers today are in 20 degrees I'm up north in the Lake District National Park it's a five hour drive up here it took me actually six hours to get up here from the south of England all the way to the north here so last night I was camping up in the mountains with my buddy Hayes like I said at the beginning if you watch that video it's up here really cool night it was lovely and still and there was no rain which is really kind of odd for me coming up here to the Lake District is every time I come it usually does rain being that there's hills everywhere we have the westerly winds coming they hit those hills and it's basically relief rain for warm air comes in gets pushed up cools condenses rain happens it's just the way really it's the job if he teacher in me it's the way relief rainfall happens because we've got relief here you know sometimes you get like a rain shadow but most of the time it does rain here so yeah it's really good

we had some beers we chilled out a little fire cook tops of lamb steaks go and watch a video guys honestly it's really good fun we're down it's tempting to eat these straight away but definitely leave her for about five minutes

pass the ball amazed even dehydrating and bringing it in you know it's these are these flat-pack really well much easier to prepare I think less of a cleanup job afterwards as well chalky put time oh it is just gone 8 p.m. I'm gonna read a book I've gotta finish my side of manthan epic book almost finished it I've got my map of the lake this is your national park that I love Maps anyway said I'd have a read of that I'm up here batteries up here for my sleeping bag got pillow quite spacious in here surprising I've done a night in this already with them few guys when I see that then link in the description you can see the first night we did in this it's getting a sleeping bag out probably have my head listened so got nice for you

in the morning to wake up to saying pillow it's all the same gear that are used on last night's while camping trip with hazel same stuffs a little pillow fluffy pillow you know what's great though no bugs get in I've got on my gear here and I still got loads of space look at it space look I haven't even got every door open yet that's the entrance there I can stead open this one behind me and I can still open this side one but I'm just not bothering cuz that's just the sort of cider it's just the trees they're really so for the next few hours guys I'm gonna read a book relax enjoy the view and just peace out in the truck no freakin way this 10/10 is so versatile I've just taken apart these spreader bars the tensioning bars for this window on the view of the lake and look at this what obviously the window is here and it's dipping down so it kind of cut off a bit of the view but now that got the fly mesh there anyways you can't see it but the fly mesh is zipped up so I've got an awesome view now and you can actually do that to the other window so you basically get a 360-degree view across the whole tent which is epic [Music]


about 10:30 now I'm gonna call it a night I'm tired I want to get some sleep it's a woman really looking forward to tomorrow might even get up early and have a swim just to blow off the cobwebs I can forward to a new day and a new adventure see you guys in the morning morning everyone I slept like an absolute dream such a good night's sleep there was so much space it's ridiculous I generally don't need this much space but I slept really well it's 7:00 in the morning the moment I've been up probably about half nah plan is to get some breakfast going back up then I'm off actually to meet another friend today which will be the next episode it's a collaboration episode which should be fun but first things first I need to go drive to the area that I'm going to meet in this car park and I probably hasn't breakfast there if I can get a fishing rod out I will if not I'm just gonna eat some food let's go just a right here bassant wait Lake and the plan is to do a bit of wild swimming I've never been to this one before it's much colder today but the water temperature would be much colder and also it's the wind there's a wind chill today so I can't see myself swimming for too long we're gonna have a swim then I'm gonna get back in the car and I've got to go meet my buddy for another collaboration which will be the next video for you guys I scored oh that's a shock to the system [Music]


all that was absolutely freezing I'm like so cold good fun though enjoyed it I got one more thing to show you actually but before I do that I'm just gonna get myself cleaned up tidy up the truck a bit cuz it's an absolute bomb site look at this lot just a mess a massive gear at the moment in there say I wanted tidy things up I was gonna go fishing but sorry I'm not gonna have time for that today say gonna mute my body in a minute but let me just show you this thing I've got which is hopefully gonna benefit me in the future as well but all this with me which is called the soil one and it's basically one gallon so 3.78 liters and it's a container which you can fill with water and it's got the exact same adapter at the end that goes onto the soya mini but the idea is that now I'm a freshwater lake I'm going to completely fill this and then I'll put it in the back of the truck and that way I've got water with me wherever I go if I park you know really far away from water maybe up in the mountains and there's no water nearby I know I've got a gallon of water but I can just stick my soya mini on at the end and then I'm away

boom there we go one gallon 3.78 liters roughly all chilled in with this cap here all I do is just get with the soil mini I just obviously leaned it that way up undo it put the saw a mini filter on and then I can just squeeze out what I need but it's just handy to have all this now and I'll just keep this in the back of the truck and I'm sort of drinking water well that was a really good swim but I've now got half an hour to meet my buddy I'm not going to tell you who it is yet but stay tuned for the next episode thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate it if you enjoyed it hit the subscribe button tick the bell all that sort of stuff and I'll see you guys on the next day adventure here in the Lake District the next day I travel an hour further to the east of the National Park this time I head down into a river valley that shrouded in mist I wake up at 4:30 a.m. to hike up one of the hills and try and beat the morning light to get the perfect picture stay tuned to find out who it is that I collaborate with until next time bye for now [Music]

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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