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I've been asked several times to make T shirts stickers etc etc But I've always been faced with the common problem of not enough money for the initial investment while I found a company that all I had to do is make the designs they will print them as long as they are being ordered so if you have ever been interested in a shirt with my logo or any of the other logos that I use now is your time to get one

What are your T-shirt here


2nd design here


Video Transcription

hey guys doing this William Myers mess outdoors just a really quick video telling you guys that you know you guys have asked me for some apparel because even asked me for like manis outdoors pins and coffee mugs which is you know hey I like it sounds good so I've listened to you guys and I'm trying as much as hard as I can right now I have a company teas free you know it's something that I really don't have to invest money in cuz you know I don't really have money so you know as long as you guys order and fulfill the order requirements that they have they'll continue to print them so that's what's going on right now I have some manis outdoors t-shirts and some another t-shirt that has like my logo and Chris's logos kind of mingled a lot of you have seen them on Facebook so did you guys like them so we're trying this out see how it goes you guys follow links down below to pick up any of these t-shirts I hope you guys enjoy them and hopefully out when I see you in the woods do we wear on

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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