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Primal Fitness In Your House


Skip the gym! Kenton Whitman shares the secret for staying in great shape even if you're stuck inside -- WITHOUT using any exercise equipment or setting aside extra time. Bonus? It's fun =)

For the full article, visit http://rewildu.com/primal-fitness-in-your-house/

Primal Fitness uses non-repetitive movements to keep your body in prime condition. It's not about looking like a body builder -- it's about strength, balance, agility, flexibility, and the ability to interact effectively with your environment. Our ideal gym is the woods, the dunes, the ocean, the snow . . . but in this video Kenton shares 4 principles that will guide you to a new paradigm about fitness.

Music is Dupakupado, Kumasi Groove, and Tafi Maradi, all by Kevin MacLeod, at http://www.incompetech.com/. Please consider donating if you use his great selection of royalty-free music.

Visit http://rewildu.com/classes/ for unique educational opportunities in rewilding, wilderness skills, mindfulness, martial arts, primal fitness, homesteading, and more.

Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,primal fitness,indoor primal fitness,fitness without exercise,getting strong without weights,fun fitness,fun exercise,Fun

Video Transcription

hi everybody my name is Kenton I am 42 years old I've managed to stay in really great shape throughout my life and today I'm going to share one of the biggest secrets that helps me to stay in that kind of shape here's the thing I never go to the gym I also do not have structured workouts essentially I don't exercise what I do instead this winter in Wisconsin it has been 20 below 30 below almost every morning when we wake up and so it's been especially relevant to be able to be able to take that play inside and no matter what sort of living situation you're in I bet that you can find a way to make it playful this is not about developing specific exercises it is about the attitude that attitude of play

and you can see to the eyes of play you can take your living space in this case I'm going to be talking about your house and you can make it into a playground a gymnasium where you can test your body take it to its limits and beyond and have fun doing it without ever setting aside extra time for exercise today I'll discuss four principles of indoor primal fitness this is not about doing what I do in the video some of you may be able to jump circles around me and some of you may find that the things that I'm doing look impossible it's not about mimicking what I'm doing in the video it's just about understanding the principles and adapting them to your fitness level and to your environment in the environments we've created for ourselves everything is flat we walk on flat roads flat sidewalks flat floors we're always on very predictable surfaces picking three-dimensional simply means if we start to break off of those flat surfaces and look at our environment like it's a playground how can we move up and off the flat surfaces as much as possible we move creatively through our environment we all engage in numerous everyday tasks that have us just standing there doing something without really engaging our body in the positive

when doing the dishes working on your computer cooking a meal all of these things offer opportunities to find a way to do them it isn't just standing on your two feet can you improve your posture and you stand on one foot can you find a way to do this task that's still possible but the challenge is your body in a major way

this principle reap incredible benefits for you

get you off of that flat plane and up into all sorts of different positions really challenge your entire body especially your core musculature bar culture worships being comfortable but some of us think that uncomfortable is a little overrated

creates a state of stasis in our body where our bodies continually grow weaker softer we start to see all of the health issues osteoporosis weakness of muscle premature aging that we take for granted is normal in our culture but they're not we can begin to get uncomfortable it starts to become really fun especially sitting having a conversation with someone talking on the phone there's always options for doing it less comfortably and seeing what that brings chairs are hazardous to your health they are the ultimate tool for putting us into poor posture and degrading our bodies but the good news is hey you can turn chairs into something fun whenever you're in a chair how can you make it so that it's less supportive and how can you use it to enhance and strengthen your body you just lean back a little bit engage your core can you get rid of the chair all together and just squat can you turn the chair sideways if it doesn't have arms and lean back to engage your core can you bring your feet up off the ground can you simply have the best posture that you can which will strengthen all of your core musculature as you probably noticed all four of these principles oil down to the same thing re engaging that sense of play we all knew it as children we can rediscover it as adults even our homes which seemed like the most boring flat environments that many of us see all day long are full of possibilities start looking up looking at different surfaces finding how you can move through this environment creatively and in a way that engages your body works muscles that you don't usually use and get you up off that two-dimensional plane this doesn't take any extra time during your day all it requires is a paradigm shift and how we view movement and our environment you'll reap amazing benefit more strength will build muscle you increase your agility your balance if you do it consistently you'll even get a good cardio workout play with it give it a try let me know in the comments how it goes for you share your tips tricks and ideas thanks for watching


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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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