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Making Pineappleweed Tea


Featuring Mirabelle Soleil, this video shows how to identify, harvest, and brew tea with pineapple weed, Matricaria matricarioides, or Matricaria discoidea. It's delicious, and works as a gentle medicinal.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,pineapple weed,chamomile,natural tea,herbal tea

Video Transcription

all right I'd like to introduce my daughter Mirabelle how old are you right now yeah and you've probably seen her in some other videos but she is of an age that she has decided that she would like to start sharing some of her skills with you and today we're going to learn about a plant what's it called pineapple V or metric area dr. Carey organs all right Wow and how do we identify this plan so it looks like a mummy this is it right here yeah that's it this is this is not it no that's not it imagine now wasn't there that might help ok and it's related to chamomile chamomile all right and um and where does it tend to grow no I don't like gravel driveways and stuff like that yeah it's famously phone on gravel driveways isn't it so that would be something to be aware of i suppose is that we we don't necessarily want to harvest plants where there's a lot of traffic cars going by so often we can find them growing just slightly off the driveway yes Plus this driveway we know not many people drive on it since it's our driveway yeah so um tell us tell us what you harvest here and tell us how you well I guess personal tell us how you identify this plan how do you know it's pineapple weed well I know it because killing you hads petals and pineapple we've got it okay so it looks like it has no pedals yeah yeah it's one little flower there's some other plants that look kind of like this but there's there's something about this that is different from any other plant yeah it's kind of because they don't have any petals ok and what about the smell it smells like pineapple that's why we call it pineapple me yeah it really does smell like pineapple and that's the look-alikes if we take one flower heads and we yeah well between our fingers and smell smell the flower head it's right it really does have a pineapple smell doesn't it so are we gonna we're gonna make it to you at this yeah all right okay okay what are we harvest so see these you have to make sure they're not dirty at all so this one looks good it's not for a dirty Oh staffers are gonna harvest okay this little flower yeah well our head part okay I mean it don't eat the leaves but when we make this she we're gonna use the flower heads okay and like a handful of them uh yeah yeah maybe even yeah handle that's not fair a good cup of tea so this one looks like it's kind of dirty but just picked it to show you guys that if it looks kind of like that you probably shouldn't pick it okay nice so let's gather up a bunch so we did not take too much from this plants we probably should move to another pan move to another point I see so you want to leave some honor so it can continue flower okay they can have a couple we can have a couple to all right all right let's move to another flat you keep collecting so we have to find one that has like a lot of bugs and there's growing big like that guy yeah or maybe we together than that so let's walk around and see if the car but these are minor tiny any good start picking honey it's on a little bit look just like you one or two kids enough so got a lot here as you can see oh you've got a good handful enough to make some tea wait maybe but it would be a rather time okay right yeah if you zoom down yep oh wow tons of it times and you don't want to pick any of the brown ones you know it's the same plant because those won't like she all oh I see there's some here that are ya then I Brown do not look so good yeah you're really looking for ones that have nice flower hang clean you have to be probably a little strong so that they can get watched on pretty tight all right and if you do mop really cause you might be able to see the really baby one right here gone to come over I'm zooming up that's really small I see what you mean yeah competitive a big one in my hand folders because looks let me you see that oh yeah all right what do you think do we have a glass of tea all right let's take not a big one for the whole family that would be like a whole cock pole you would have to get you have to pick and pick pick pick pick pick but for a cup of tea for you was it all right let's take it back and make a cup of tea so what I'm going to do here then when take my finger mush only us it will probably give it a little more flavor all right we're gonna use a t-ball I suppose you could just throw these into a if we were out in the woods we could just throw them right into the into a cop and boil it but this all this is the way we do it at home yeah okay smush him a little bit they turn it down on me this is we don't really break up you just kind of open up the flower heads a little bit to release more flavor I get it yeah like if you imagine ours fact flavor in there that are kind of hidden money set little flowers hmm I'd you have to kind of mush to get all the juice out currently it parses hard as you can squash him a little feel free to practice hard to want me in there just flowers ok press is higher zealand patching as hard as i can go ahead oh wow that looks great these i probably is good right close it up so we don't lose them right all right and then into the teapot yes into the key part

so t ball is going in and we have some steaming hot water yes okay awesome now we wait right and we're just going to leave it in there until it's cool enough to drink is that then I'll really let the flavors get to perfect so I already you can see the water already starting to turn yellow all the flavor and oils just working to you that it's ready let me have a tangle efficiency okay scratch Oh

I think it's ready it's ready you have to take kind of sick though okay well um my first question my first question is this has some medicinal properties what's a good fire well the first one is that it can help fever and stomach ache fevers and stomachaches okay and conserve you Oh kind I just makes you feel more relaxed but there's some people are gonna cry it you should have maybe just for a little um flower but little flower like one at first yelling at first and then like today's later you and me may want to check Eddie see how you feel okay especially if you're allergic to stuff a lot it slow yeah all right well I suppose it's time for the actual taste test do you want to have a good sip and tell us if it's worth making what it tastes like oh yeah that's really good is it good sweet everything and pineapple II i assume be a pineapple you didn't add any sweetener but it still tastes sweet to you yeah Wow tell me in the comments I could try this before if they try to make it to make it before and if you made it through the experience amazing in it like if people like that yeah people liked it it helps them with their stomach ache and of course the day's good right yes be interesting to see if other people think it tastes sweet yeah that would be yeah alright so hopefully we'll hear from you in the comments thanks for watching

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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