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Matt's Final Video at ReWildU


We are sad to see Matt go after 11 months at ReWildU, but excited for his adventures to come! He gives us some last "wisdom from the woods", and we see some memories from adventure.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

hello everybody Matt the camper speaking and I'm done home 11 months complete chicken this is why I live as Washington State pretty chill here on an island no mosquitoes yeah good place to come visit this is about my favorite place in the world right now awesome little beach the five-minute walk from my house totally got to come here every day and then and it's been an interesting 11 months I had definitely my share of challenge and I had definitely a lot of fun and enjoyment and that's good I wanted to do something hard I wanted it to not be an easy vacation that whole time and I also wanted to have some fun in it it was a good balance between vacation and Marine Corps training kind of a nice middle ground weird think about some of the things that I did some time in this situation where everything physically is so easy you know you still have to do stuff to work but you know it's not like you feel immediately threatened at any time with any danger it's weird to think about building a survival fire and trying to stay warm throughout the night just feel so disconnected from this like whoa actually did that you read about people doing that but I actually did it and it almost doesn't feel real I've been thinking a lot about entertainment I used to play a lot of video games and it didn't really make me any happier while we did the opposite so I was trying to figure out why did I do that and I think I have the answer in our culture we don't run into the situation where you take a break from something from just doing things because you've run out of things that need to be done it's always something more that you should could and that you filter says you should be doing at least that I've found and so we have to take those breaks yourself and a lot one of the ways that a lot of people take breaks doing things is to immerse themselves in entertainment that's what I would do I would like go on the computer and play video games for two hours when I get tired of studying and it's it's weird because it's not in my experience actually making you feel any better you know you come away from playing video games and you just feel tired and your eyes are sore your body is jumpy and it's like what do that but I think it's trying to fill in a sense of adventure you're living a routine most of the things in your life are the same got comfort all the time trying to give yourself challenge trying to imagine that you're like a dragon slayer riding off into the mountains to kill small with something but you don't have to have entertainment to get that sense of adventure I had that sense of adventure for like last three months because I was doing so much I was making things running off I got to swim with the beaver at one point pretty much and after an adventure like that you don't feel tired you feel energized feel ready to do something ready ready to keep doing the thing you're taking a break for I think that's the trick to spending your time wisely when you need to take a break from civilization don't chew his entertainment choose adventure so that's why I'm out here because I have decided I'm going to build a raft I was reading the reading up on some of the merit badges from the beginning of the Boy Scouts of America back in 1911 one of the merit badges was pioneering and I was in the Boy Scouts for a while I got the pioneering merit badge it was pretty easy for me I got into summer camp and about four days I don't remember I don't even remember really what I had to do is just like it showed me how to tie some knots and I built I forget what tripod and I was looking at this one from 1911 and the requirements are like I build a bridge build a raft those might be the only two requirements but they're there I thought ha no one's ever told me to build a raft I don't even know if I could do it I got this merit badge but I don't know if I know how to build it half and so is that what I chose to be my adventure and down here there's lots of driftwood sticks on the beach I'm going to totally build a raft and then once I have one I can go out and fish for crabs or have adventures of something el bote necessary I want to emphasize something about this type of adventure it does not have to be big does not have to be hard or don't have to have a lot of resources for it swimming with the beaver is awesome but can totally be something as simple as picking berries from the lot next door if you didn't know that if you didn't know there are berries there go out and check it out two things about this type of adventure though one has to be spontaneous you don't want it to be something that you have to plan out you don't want it to be another thing on the list of things you need to do because you're trying to get away from that list needs to wait but spontaneous and it needs to be personal someone else goes and picks berries it's fine for you to go and pick berries - but don't like follow their path don't go to the same berry bushes that they told you are already good somebody else goes and builds a raft don't copy their rafts design because then you're taking all the creativity out of that you're taking the individualism out of it and you feel like you've done somebody else's adventure and now your own adventure well I think that officially concludes that's 11 months forest monk training I'm extremely grateful to have been able to do this thing extremely grateful to Kenton and everybody at the school good luck to Anna and Olaf finishing your program we've got a bit more time left and

I'm considering starting a YouTube channel if I want to document these types of escape adventures that I'm doing that might might be useful for viewers to come up with ideas that they can use as substitutes for entertainment might be useful for me to try to have some accountability so I have to do these things so keep in touch for that otherwise farewell it's going to be the most stupidly simple raft of all time yeah














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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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