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Our experience with the Wim Hof Method


Rebecca and I took the 10-week Wim Hof video course. Here is a review of our experience. You can learn more about Wim Hof and his offerings at https://www.wimhofmethod.com/

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End music is "Hidden Past" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Check out his free music, and consider donating to support his work!

Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,Wim Hof

Video Transcription

hi everyone well this is how we solve marital issues in our family oran I'm here today to talk about the wim HOF method and I want to be very clear upfront that I did write to wim HOF and asked him if I could see and review his video course and he did send me one for free however I let him know that I was going to be doing unbiased review you're going to be hearing the good and the bad all right

when I first started getting interested in wim HOF I looked all around the net trying to find some really good reviews of this video course now you can find some awesome tutorials on his breathing method which are amazing and I'm not going to go over any of that here but I'm going to tell you my experience and Rebecca's experience with the wim HOF method video course so right away we want to do the started out on the course and some of the positives first wim HOF is very inspiring so there's a series of videos that you get and it's also very important to realize that he also includes a lot of written material and if you do take the course don't ignore the written material it's really important there's scientific studies that kind of help that rational side of our mind to think okay there's a reason behind some of this stuff that can seem a little crazy at times so the videos are awesome could swim helps keep you on track

because it really is inspiring I think you know without having met him in person she seems like a really passionate guy that really wants to help people now as you go through the video it's not just the breathing method that everybody is talking about there's also exercises physical exercises kind of like yoga asanas and the mind state is really important and so essentially what I think that woman's talking about and if you go through the course with this in mind I think you'll get more out of it is that really this is about a mind state it's about a mind state of non-resistance but quite the cold that I'm experiencing right now I can instantly make it feel painful to myself if I am in a state of non-resistance to the cold this actually does not feel bad at all he doesn't go into extreme detail on how to cultivate that mind state but what he does is kind of tricky in a good way and that he uses the reefing exercises and the meditations that he gives us and the physical exercises to kind of lure us into that mind state we can't keep resisting and keep going through the course we just won't be able to fight it there's a time when he's going to ask you to do your set of breathing exercises your physical exercises and then to get into your cold shower if you use those cold showers a lot at the warning for 10 minutes and I can't resist and fight that for 10 minutes really you've got to find your place in it and so he doesn't jump us into that 10-minute shower on week one he uses us into it I think that one of the negative that Rebecca and I experienced was that it says that there's really a lot of support and at least in the comment on the video people are asking questions and there wasn't a lot of support being given and I can understand this Wims Reach is expanding every day and I think going to do a world tour soon means having research done on him at different facilities and so there's you know he's not present in some of his assistants maybe not as present as one would like to see on the course so when people have questions are not always getting answered that being said I think if you use common sense and start to go on forums and explore around a little bit you'll get your questions answered one way or another now the one time I wrote with the people who wim HOF method personally email they sent right back and so there was really good response there but in the comments section the support was a little bit lacking this was about a half a year ago when Rebecca and I were going through the course the course itself as you go through it you are going to get benefit and Rebecca wanted me to point out that if you are disciplined and you go through the whole thing I think you'll get amazing amazing benefit but she and I went through it a little bit sporadically to some other things were going on in our life and we still got a lot of benefit she was always a person that was like oh I just don't like the cold I don't want to do cold showers and during that course she would go out in really cold weather just in a t-shirt and she'd be fine so she noted extreme difference in her experiences exercises are also being shown to increase our brown fat production and to enhance the immune system really cool way so not creating a more resilient immune system and these are being scientifically proven which is really cool but did you experience it yourself the last thing that we really noticed was just that it's empowering the exercises the meditation and the breathing methods they give you a power feeling of invigoration and power and so you know you add to that the cold showers that you're going to be taking and we start to see life in a different way just feel more empowered and more engaged we both noted more clarity of mind not getting sick as much not feeling as resistant to cold we also noticed that it worked for things like pain and so you stub your toe and Rebecca would use that breathing method and she felt that she would not experience pain in the same way we even felt at the risk of sounding a little rule that is aided in healing and and when we were you know injured by something especially bruises using the meditation and method that he uses where you kind of go into your body in that place that it it seems like things heal faster just what we noted flexibility is a big part of this too so you're developing more strength and flexibility probably the biggest downer about the whole course for me is the price and at the time we took it I think it was $250 for a lot of us you know for some of us that's nothing for a lot of us that's a lot of money and I wish that there was some you know a sliding scale or some other means where it was available to people for less than that because it really is some good stuff and it didn't have that huge price tag I think it would be available to more people which would be really nice and if you watch my channel you know how I feel about that in my own video course and make it available for free or for as much as people want to pay so if it's in your means and you're looking to make some big changes in your life especially in the realm of resistance I think the wim HOF method can make sense again even if you don't stick with it in a real religious way you're going to get benefit to your immune system your clarity of mind and your cold tolerance so overall I think I give the course of thumbs up it was a powerful experience for both myself and Rebecca and you feel like we've had lasting benefits if you do give it a try let us know what you think and tell us about your own experiences with the wim HOF method if you have any other questions about it feel free to ask thanks for watching my friend [Music]

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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