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ReWild Your Mind Online Course


ReWild University is offering its first online video course at rewildu.com/classes. We've put together something that we hope will make a huge difference in your life! Here are the chapter titles:

Chapter One: What is Rewilding?

Chapter Two: Freeing Yourself of Emotional and Physical Debt

Chapter Three: Recovering Your Natural Awareness

Chapter Four: Transforming Judgement

Chapter Five: Slowing Down Your Mind’s “RPM”

Chapter Six: Boredom Is Your Friend

Chapter Seven: Coming to Our Senses

Chapter Eight: Shinrin Yoku

Conclusion: Unleashing Your Inner Wisdom

Each chapter has videos where Kenton describes how to make positive shifts, and text-based exercises that can help deepen your practice. Thanks for being part or ReWildU, and we hope you enjoy the course! Visit rewildu.com/online-courses/rewild-your-mind-online-course/ to learn more!

Visit http://rewildu.com/classes/ for unique educational opportunities in rewilding, wilderness skills, mindfulness, martial arts, primal fitness, and more.

Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,rewild your mind online course,online video courses

Video Transcription

one of my pet peeves in the video world is when someone makes you sit through a supposedly informative video only to try to sell you something at the end so I want to be perfectly up front and tell you right from the beginning but this video is telling you about something that I am asking for money for in exchange though in the spirit of your wildin if you would rather have it for free I'm also giving it free of charge you all send me so much positive feedback in the comments section of these videos that I've been feeling for a while like I want to start devoting more and more of my time to creating richer and more videos at reweld University we do one-on-one mentoring so I have people come out from a month through a year and I love that one on one with people I probably will never give it up but that allows me to only reach a very small number of people these videos they just they extend that reach and that's why I'm so excited about them so what I've done is I join forces with a friend of mine gentleman named Calvin keys and he's an awesome videographer and he's helped me to put together a series of videos into a video course and it's called re wild your mind it hits on a lot of the things that you've seen in some of the earlier videos and then expands on them replacing judgment with curiosity opening up our senses and awareness transforming a lot of the emotions that we have learned frustration and stress and holding on to things to a very different rewilding mindset for me you know I went through a lot of time of searching in different religions and reading self-help books and and trying to fix myself rewilding was different because

connects to something vital that that I feel is inside all of us it's this inner wisdom that comes out when we can connect with nature and I mean nature in an outside sense but also the nature inside of us our inner nature so these videos are all about forging that connection there's 16 videos in the course and then there's a whole bunch of of written practices as well so it's divided into chapters you go through at your own speed this is not graded or anything it's just when you take part in the course you can follow a schedule that I have we can go through at your own speed and really absorb this material coming back to it again and again if you want I'm hoping that you're going to find this course to be very valuable in your life and I've put a lot of heart into it as i said i'm asking a small tuition fee of twenty dollars and by paying that fee you're helping to support reweld university and helping me to continue this mission of reaching out and helping people to forge their connection with nature and hopefully to see some really amazing transformations in their own lives again if you don't want to pay that that tuition you can also have the course for free I will personally send you a free code for it so if you'd like to check it out you can just follow this link it'll take you to the classes page on the reweld university website and from there you can easily navigate to the online course reweld your mind so thank you as always for watching they appreciate listening and hope you give the course of try and you find it really valuable you

About the Author



To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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