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Winter Wild Edibles, Ground Cherry and Watercress


Among the various wild edibles available in the depths of winter, Ground Cherry and Watercress are among the most delicious and nutritious. This was filmed in January in west-central Wisconsin, and covers two edibles that a fairly widespread and easy to recognize. For more detailed information, visit -- http://rewildu.com/two-winter-wild-edibles-ground-cherry-and-watercress/

Tags: Wild edibles,wild edible plants,winter wild edible plants,watercress,ground cherry,wilderness survival,survival skills,rewild university,kenton whitman,edible wild plants,winter edible wild plants,food from nature

Video Transcription

it's the end of January in Wisconsin it's warm today but we've had a number of nights that have been under 20 below so it's been a pretty cold winter looking around it can be hard to think that there's any wild edibles to be had when it comes to plants and we're looking for nutrition it's really important to be able to find some some good green things to eat so today we'll cover two plants that give us some very good wild edibles that are both nutritious and delicious and can be found even in the middle of winter in Wisconsin this is the ground cherry or fairy Lantern some people call it and easy to recognize these are in the nightshade family and they have this nice little lantern that grows around them inside

a yellow cherry that is really delicious it's been frozen and refrozen numerous times and all it's done is made it sweeter and it takes on a flavor that the even the ripe ones in the autumn don't have it's indescribable it's really delicious these guys are very nutritious and have a high content of niacin gelinas vitamin b3 and vitamin A and vitamin C so they can be a great hit of nutrition in the middle of winter plus a lot of flavor these usually grow quite abundantly when you find them there's a small patch here but they'll be all over the place sometimes when they freeze they burst open they get more raisiny I don't tend to enjoy the flavor on these ones so I leave them be and just go for the ones that still have a nice healthy appearance gourmet really good these are fringe dwellers so look for them at the edge of field and forest second plant will be covering today is right beneath me this is watercress this is another nutrition powerhouse again vitamin A vitamin C and packed with vitamin K also its phytonutrients that probably have cancer-fighting properties being studied right now looking for that characteristic mustard family growth water crust is found where there's flowing water and it usually grows in massive quantities a little bit north of here there's a place where you could harvest for a week and you wouldn't even come close to taking it all grows abundantly it's delicious it's peppery remember if you're going to eat this right out of the water and it's only as clean as the water source so if you wouldn't drink that water be careful about eating this I trust the water source it's peppery it's delicious this is another gourmet food that's served in restaurants around the world it's really peppery it's delicious these two plants are fun to look for and they're really delicious when you find them so happy for you


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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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