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The Forest Monk Online Training Community


Your invitation to join the Forest Monk Online Training Community, which includes a community forum, an annual real-life gathering, and a monthly Forest Monk video newsletter. A new way for us all to connect more deeply! Learn more at patreon.com/forestmonk

You can stand beside me as I make these videos by becoming a patron on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/rewilduniversity

Visit http://rewildu.com/classes/ for unique educational opportunities in rewilding, wilderness skills, mindfulness, martial arts, primal fitness, and more.

Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,FMOTC,forest monk

Video Transcription

as I've said in videos before one of my pet peeves is watching a supposedly informative video we're going to discover at the end that the person's trying to sell you something so in this video I wanted the upfront right from the beginning and let you know that I'm talking about something that I am asking tuition for as you know I run reweld University and this has been a you know I have an actual physical school and it's been a one-on-one mentoring type of school up until now and I love working one-on-one with people but it's prohibitive in the sense that if I'm only going to work with one person for 11 months I have to charge enough that my family can get by and we're certainly not rich but we make enough to to live so

with that in mind all of the things that I offer they come with a higher tuition price then I would like since i started the youtube channel i've been hearing from so many people that want to connect want to come out to the school or very often they're writing to me with questions I'm in high school I am really having trouble long to be out in nature what can i do and i get so many of these emails that i can't keep off anymore basically I can work with a student I can come back try to answer my comments from YouTube and then try to take on some of these emails and it's getting to the point where this is going to break my heart where I'm going to have people that are writing to me with heartfelt questions asking for help and I have to say I just don't have the time in my life I want to have a little bit of time with my family they don't have the time or energy to write to every person and that just it feels wrong to me I I believe in being there for people as much as i can so Rebecca and I have been putting our brains together trying to figure out a way that we could alter what we do a tree while you in order to reach more people and we've come up with something that I'm really really excited about and I think it works well for everybody it it allows direct connection and it brings tuitions down from way up here down to as little as a dollar a month it

honors my time because it's because it's in a community format as I'll explain here when I answer that question to that young man or young woman who's written about their experience in high school other people can see it and can benefit learn from it and when the next person writes with a similar question I can direct them to it I'm calling the forest monk online training community and and I want it to be open to anybody that wants to become a forest monk and what that means is that you are at a time in your life where you want to make some really powerful positive changes in your mental state your emotional state your physical state if you want to reconnect with nature and I mean nature outside and your inner nature if you want to start exploring meditation get your body strong no longer find yourself pushed around by our culture connect with your inner wisdom then this might be for you this community I'm mostly it's going to be online if you join there's there's three things that everybody gets essentially being part of this community the one is I'm going to be doing a video training newsletter so that's a once a month video that is just for members of this community and it's going to it's going to deal with things that maybe just aren't quite right for me to put up on the youtube channel for instance a more in-depth instruction on a certain meditation that would end up being kind of a long video that wouldn't appeal to most people but will be very applicable to people who have taken this dedicated approach to becoming a forest month I might bring the camera into the kitchen when Rebecca and I are making a particularly helpful delicious meal that that we cook often so that you can see the recipe every month I'm going to try to have some really valuable content that also comes out of the form which I'll explain in a moment so if people have been asking questions and a lot of people have been really trying to figure out a way to stay in shape when they're restricted to kind of a small space they live in apartments in the cities then I might dedicate part of that training video to that there's going to be an online forum which is kind of the heart of the community and every forest monk is a member of this of this forum and I arranged pretty cool for my thing has a lot of different subject areas and from you know gear and camping types stuff to meditation to primal fitness to spirituality so if you're trying to shift your diet you'll be able to go on to this forum ask questions and instead of me standing out here and just answering the questions of everybody else I get to step into this farm and become part of you and hopefully everybody's going to start speaking up and sharing our own wisdom their own experiences so with that example of the diet what's worked for people what hasn't some really good recipes that's what I'm looking for in this forum is that we all come together and start sharing and supporting each other in inspiring each other it's going to be a very friendly forum where people really sharing a lot of good content and the third thing is an annual forest monk gathering and this is the actual physical gathering and I'm not exactly sure where it will be held somewhere here in Wisconsin I think and at first I'm just envisioning one a year but I want it's a chipmunk over there I want to provide a chance for people to come together physically so we've gotten to know each other on the forum now we can come together and we can share our skills sharp passions sit around campfire tell stories talk and and that physical gathering I'm really really excited about I'm running the community through patreon because patreon is going to allow me to send out the members of the community at a leveled approach so for instance if you just want to pay one dollar to five dollars a month as a tuition then at that level you'll be getting the video training newsletter and you will be getting an invitation to that annual gathering and you'll be part of the forum and i'm creating levels all the way up to people having more direct interaction with me personally on a private level if that's what some people want so there's a great benefit to me in having things at a public level within the community so it's still sort of private but if people want more one-on-one private sort of interaction or mentoring I still have that available through this training program so this is it it's a forest monk online training community and I think it's going to be a lot of fun I'm super excited about it as I said because I just I'm hoping for more connection there's so many of you that I feel like I almost no personally I want to place or we can interact besides on YouTube and maybe even for those of you that can make it a place where we can meet in person once a year which would be incredible it's also in this community you're going to be hearing about the most up-to-date stuff going on a tree while do there's a possibility in the near future of a community forming physical like living together community of some kind new training options that are opening up shorter term programs and this will be the place to be really really up to date with all that information if you are interested in becoming a forest monk please do make sure that you want to make this commitment I'm aiming for a very cohesive supportive community so make sure that you're in that place in your life where you're you're not looking to criticize others you're looking to look at yourself and find the own the places where you need to grow and you need to look at things that are hard to look at if you're ready to go into those places and to start exploring and making big changes then check out the link i if you have annotations turned on I should have a link that's available down here otherwise at the end of this video will be a written link if you don't have annotations turn on on your YouTube channel

thank you my friends I am very very excited about connecting more deeply you the four small community I'll talk with you soon

About the Author



To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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