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On the love of nature, and a question


A thought about why nature holds such an allure for many people, and a question for you about how we are affected by our technology.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

this spring two people are going to come out to reweld University and they're going to be spending a year living in our primitive camp doing our immersion program this leads me to reflect on what would what motivation would make you decide to leave all the conveniences of the modern world behind to come and spend a year in the woods so what is it that draws us to nature probably all of you that are watching have a deep love of nature I've heard some people say that it's essentially because they think we're bored that our modern lives give us no outlet for challenge for adventure you know the biggest challenge we face is trying to get the cap off of the pickle jar and where do we have to put our strength to the test where do we have to put our creativity or ingenuity to the test if you think of our ancestors it's easy to imagine them living in this world of saber-toothed cats hunting mammoths having to max out their skills their physical their mental and their emotional skills almost every day whether their lives were really like that of course we can never know but we have an inkling that life back then held a lot more adventure and so it seems like people that have put forth that idea I often say that you know we're longing for for a danger longing for something that it really takes us to the edge longing for fear but I think it might be something related but different and what I think it is is that when we go out into nature we become present moment you'll notice the danger does that to us when we're in a tense or dangerous situation our sets has become honed and primed we're very right there in the moment but we also experienced this when we are running through the woods doing woods park or we sense this when we are hunting and being very very still and quiet we sense this one we're crossing an ice sheet and we're watching every step if you practice ancestral skills then you've experienced that too when you when you're doing a hand drill with a bow drill when you're working a church point when you draw back a bow all these things bring us present moment in a very powerful way that I think is perhaps at the heart the root of what makes nature so appealing and why the modern world can seem so unappealing but here's my question for you there seems to be a lot of things in our modern world that call for a full attention so I'm thinking of a video game or I'm thinking of watching television or a movie and these things seems superficially to bring us present right there to draw our full attention but most people would say that there's something intrinsically different about that that if you spend two hours in the woods being perfectly still watching a fox tab trying to see that baby fox that when you leave you're going to come back to your life feeling richer feeling empowered feeling energized that if I sit and I play a video game if i play a Halo or something for two hours when I come away from that I don't feel really good now I'd love to hear from gamers is this true I mean that's my experience with gaming is that if I play halo a lot and if I would spend two hours or more playing that video game it'd be fun well as doing it but I'd come away feeling not so good and I think if you watch TV or go to movies you'd probably say the same thing that you come away feeling a little dazed and strange something not quite right so my question for you is what is the difference can you explain that you have any insight into why are our modern offerings that seemed to draw us in to the present moment don't leave us with that feeling of vitality where our time in nature that brings us present moment leaves us often refreshed and empowered for days we love to hear your ideas your thoughts about why this is thanks as always I love hearing from all of you it's you know if you if you subscribe to this channel and you don't read down through the comments I would urge you to read down through the comments the comments are better than the video the the insight that people have the experiences that they're sharing it's amazing and so thank you if you are one of those commenters that has left such insightful thoughts down in the comments and again take the time to check out those comments as they as they build up underneath each video there's some amazing stuff down thanks for watching

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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