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A Different Perspective on Loss


We all experience loss. Here are some perspective shifts that have helped me to transform loss experiences into growth and personal evolution.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

yesterday I said goodbye to Matt he's done here for 11 months if any of you have been watching his adventures that we video chronicled during his time here you'll know that he went through all kinds of things during his stay here and he was an amazing young man to work with if you have been tuning into his adventures the last one the last episode is forthcoming I will get that out before too long he is going to film some at home he's kind of last thought and then that would be included in the video so I'm hoping he gets that to me and we can get that out to you before too long when when I say goodbye to your student that's been here for 11 months it can often be quite sad for me I've become very invested in people that I work with you feel great deal of love for them and say goodbye is both joyful in the sense that they're moving on to new things and there's the sadness that comes with parting there's a couple of other losses that I've experienced here in the last six months basically there was a dog that was very dear to me that was in my life for almost 16 years and she finally died and then Rebecca's father my wife thought my father died and it's made me think a little bit about loss loss is something that we don't often think about a lot because when we're in our the good times of our life it's easy to take for granted the things that are around us and the people the things that make our life feel solid and stable and unpleasant when one of those things is removed it can feel devastating like everything's shaking apart something that's helped me with loss or grief is just understanding it we humans have this built-in ability to heal comes naturally to our bodies and also comes to our emotional self and so when there's loss it now helps me to realize that if I don't sit and fight that sense of loss or grief I feel like I shouldn't be feeling this right you know why why am i sad or crying then I can simply experience the emotional state that I'm experiencing and I can understand that with time those things heal and that's simple simple realization has been very powerful for me it was a flip side to this there's it's kind of a magic to going in to loss or thinking about loss and when when I think about this what comes to mind is a story of my brother told about I believe he was in Thailand and there was a beautiful garden that he was walking through I set up by some Buddhist scraps and there was a little lesson sign that he saw and the sign showed two people a man and a woman walking together hand-in-hand in the garden enjoying the beauty of the garden but a second glance showed that one of the people was a skeleton and this might seem morbid but it's it's present in the number of wisdom traditions that they want to remind us that the things in our life that we are it seem solid the other people for instance in our life that they will be subject to to death to illness we will lose things things come and go will even lose our own lives and we can be very afraid

to think about that we just know don't want to think about that it freaks us out but if we go into it properly not in a in a dark kind of morbid fashion but just in a realization that this person before me that I love or appreciating I'm having a connection with they may not be here tomorrow what that can do is you can soak me in to my experience of them was it I think it was Matt that was saying when he went out and did one of the challenges that was set before him and he said he's been trying to think of this that he's going to die tomorrow and when you think that this is your last day then you start to really live in a different way doesn't mean that you're going to skip work today because tomorrow's your last day what it means when you go to work you're going to appreciate the people around you you're going to admire that person that you respect you're going to give your best for whatever you're doing because being present in this day in this moment has such power such potential to waken your spirit your strength your courage your joy your passion when we take things for granted and we just think Oh going to be the same tomorrow going to be the same the next day same the next day then all the joy can snap beep out of light so in this odd way by acknowledging loss or death then we can come alive in a stronger more powerful way then we can when we're afraid of death and we're trying to push you away from us if you've had experiences with loss or death maybe even feeling like you were going to lose your own life at some point share with us the insight the changes the transformations that came out of were born out of those experiences down in the comments below we share your thoughts about this and I'm very excited to hear your wisdom your insight thank you my friends

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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