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Richard's 4-Month Adventure, Video Two


The second installment of Richard's four-month adventure at ReWildU! With special insight on pooping in the woods! =)

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

all right the people should go first of all you just got that so that I just took a bath oh dude so wonderful so this morning I definitely would have wouldn't though but it sounds like a good idea yeah I think it's 50 degrees just went down you guys mean living outside so cold has probably changed a lot for you have you been cold at all oh yeah yes like when we want to let when we did the challenge like that was cold that was cool okay so we did and I have some video of that oh you do the plane-crash challenge you get a CT bond oh yeah you got some honey mushrooms which is nice we're gonna have food like as soon as it started to be not all right there was too much I was pretty comfy there for a while I had a nice Rock between my legs and then like my feet started to go you know like dumb and the tarp wasn't too much of a haul because it's just way too big you know I could have really insulate my feet yeah thank you

yeah yeah they got really what oh I put I had a plastic bag put over way you know blanket to make canvasing bag I got so what they're just really convinces from the inside yeah yeah which is really explain but I guess it's waterproof good thing that's in frame yeah but yeah I ended up gosh I don't know time but there was still dark out and I went to the bathroom and I tried to find my way back to the campsite then I missed up at the fire pit and there were still some little coals I've been making fire it's wonderful well from the experience I've never I've never went through a morning like this before you know like actually what usually when I wake up this early it's like to get on a bus to go somewhere oh yeah so it's like you know you get up early to go in the bus and then I fell asleep again yeah but like I'm I'm wide awake because you're going to sleep this out of the question and it's in really neat like the deer snorting or earlier and like the birds in the morning and the way the Sun like the dusk was and you guys opted to not bring blankets or anything mm-hmm not really thinking too much I don't know cuz I've been used to the sleeping bag so I figured it wouldn't be too bad

and it wasn't exposed as they should have brought socks always bring wool socks but yeah otherwise like it wasn't too bad of a night at all and it was super beautiful so like not being able to sleep during the wee hours of the morning was amazing they got to see the whole table yeah I've never done that before that was really really tricky and there's a deer snorting at me the whole time little fire going it was definitely worth nothing sleeping that's yeah something about that dawn time that most of us don't get to and counter it if you're cozy and you're sleeping comfortably all right yeah and because you opted it I mean did you two decide together that you weren't gonna bring or you decided you weren't gonna bring me any blanket because there's always the option for people to bring a real blanket on this plane crash scenario challenge will you just go out you have whatever I give you I brought a little sweater which was nice but yeah like I don't know temperatures or time or any of that stuff out here but for the most part it hasn't like I think not knowing the temperature actually helps with that because I don't know okay like I'm not I'm not tall back oh it's sixty degrees I should be getting cold there now you know like it's it's pant season that's more like whenever I feel cold then okay I should go do something or put on some clothes now because think that I mean like during non challenge days the only time I really get cold is like after waking up I usually don't like doing mouth cleanse and like you know like the wim HOF and some breathing things like that yeah and when I come back to it get some water and eat a little bit that's usually the only time I'm chilly

they're never know I don't really get like cold cool yeah at least yes I mean it's so September doesn't cross it yet [Laughter]

so I continue to be pretty amazed by your attitude you know both you intent in the sense that usually people come to the woods they just hit a lot of walls and I've had people that don't hit those walls but I've never had people that do it with this kind of constant smile on their face and this super positive attitude where you've been here over a month and we just had your month anniversary and there hasn't been anything that's really pays you how do you do that on my serious secret how did they get a little bit of this for themselves

mm-hmm well I guess like I'm super excited to be here and I haven't really stopped being excited to be here you know I get enthusiasm for always learning like the monk monk attitude you were talking about us treat everyday is like a clean slate to learn a whole bunch that's helped a lot because I mean if every day's you know one day closer to being done with the program like every day is just one more day of oh how much can I squeeze out of this you know being able to do that has been it's helped me a lot and I haven't really thought about it like as walls they've just been challenges you know I'm not even like I don't know they haven't really been any like scary scary things or anything that's been boring or something like that you know to be right usually people hit for them or you had a big just knowing that thing was there whatever it was and that didn't freak you out at all oh no it did read Secord you know like I'm sure if we were to woken up to no food and a bear on top of us that might have been a pretty big wall but yeah it's pretty sure from Tim's description it was something like about yeah and I was pretty sure cuz we had the plane crash challenge the next day that guy was gonna come back and surprise the next three months [Laughter]

oh it's been wonderful and I've been wanting to do this you know for so long that like the intensive the anticipation for finally being here yeah after I my mm-hmm it's surprising a month when bar that's that's insane I mean gosh I think you are you willing to talk about poop above absolute okay yeah so pooping is fantastic like I don't know like what the different types of poop are like people who poop really quickly and people poop slow but I've always definitely been a slow pooper like like I've gotten better but I like probably seven to ten minutes usually not here it's like a minute at most so like just that that is really nice and then also it's like squatting which helps which is like the whole thing and I don't really know the mechanics of that but like having a squat in the morning you know just like a nice long deep squat like that it really like loosens everything it's yeah it just stretches everything out that way usually wouldn't get stretched out in that same way you know during a regular day and we were talking about like if everybody uses squatty potty everybody would have a nice deep squat like that because there's a lot of people like even in even in school like our PE teacher would always get on everybody's butt just to be like you're not squatting right you know like your squad is awful just the form and everything and at how it screws up like people's low back and like their knees and everything not doing that right but if everybody like had a nice deep squat I mean every one or two days it and so it'd be incredible for people that might not be familiar you're talking about heels down and you're in a squat yeah like a well yeah it's just like yeah you can see it's just like just like that you know it's it's just nice and then you can kind of rest and do it if you want or you can make I don't know try to keep your back it's not it's not bad about it and and then it's nice too I mean this probably isn't for everybody but like just having a big old view of nature while you're taking a poop is fantastic

yeah without the little and for some reason we box ourselves in where we go I guess it's to not yeah to people but you're just out in the woods and now I've suggested to some people before that they try the the method that I saw in Nepal and and use there and that's just instead of using you know toilet paper or leaves and I remember my brother coming back from the pollen saying I have so uncivilized because we just use this kind of gross but use what toilet paper and we just smear it around but you know use water and you clean yourself then you get really clean mm-hmm and I suggested this to you guys you guys mm-hmm yep I've been doing that even doing this hmm it takes a little bit of like what is that a learning curve okay actually you waste a lot of water in the beginning to see I don't know it's it's kind of gross but but it's it's it's definitely not as gross as having like poop I need the rest of the day it is super cleaning it's like huh yeah really really nice yeah I've wondered sometimes why more you know other bushcraft community and stuff doesn't utilize that because toting around toilet paper using these and it's just the water what you you don't have a stream or a lake right there to use but often you can just get some water it doesn't have to be portable water since it's such a good way to go but yeah any other with some or thoughts that Oh probably should have thought about this before I know I just don't go got done fighting here yeah couple concussions Megan talk well this isn't like a super big insight for people who aren't living in the woods but always have dry firewood and like dry dry tinder hmm and I guess you want to get sort of metaphorical with that being prepared is super duper nice and not not like over-prepared but just to have a little bit of something for a rainy day cuz seems like there's a lot of rainy days up here you know and I guess you can take that in a bad way and be like ah shucks it's raining you know now I'm not gonna have a nice fire and fires aren't really necessary like we've got a lot of nuts and berries and stuff like that to eat still but just to kinda to prepare a little bit

it's always nice and just just a simple living has been incredible like we thought we were living pretty simply and then we went on that plane crash thing we were living like super duper simply you know we just had like well we brought along the clothes some some cans like that had beans in them for a little bit but just some cans to drink out of and then like little aluminum foil bowls that we made so to go from like living SuperDuper simply to how we have been which is which feels kind of deluxe now but but still really simply it's just incredible the amount of stuff I haven't needed huh you know in your regular camp yeah yeah they get me in a sleeping bag is really nice but I mean it's not super necessary yeah you know I feel like a couple blankets would suffice if I had them you know we're close and then they the amount of make good food I've needed like it's still been like like like nutritionally sound but it doesn't have to be quite as tasty I guess you know it doesn't have to be no no just the luxuries have all been stripped away and I feel a lot freer you just need and then there's so many things to do like wild crafts and learning how to harvest and stuff like that it's it gives me a really deep appreciation for people who had to do that because I've been I spent like three days trying to process wild rice just like a little bit you know that you guys had given me an it was took forever and I got about that much in like a peanut butter jar maybe three mouthfuls it took a long long time and hazelnuts are sort of the same way you know stay through the winter and have to store all their food just the appreciation for that that's huge yeah because I'm sure I'm sure they would have been doing it a lot more than me you know I'm kind of lazy about it because I I'm not gonna be here through the winter but like still it's it's incredible the amount of stuff they have to do that and then lighting too you know I mean campfires are warm but they're they're not light like you can you can't really see you and there's a campfire going in the middle of the night so like getting up earlier and going to bed earlier just with the Sun that's been really cool - yeah - the natural light has been really really neat for me and it's also one of those things cuz I was always a really late stay or upper o night owl yeah yeah I was a night owl so to go from that to more of a morning person has been really nice - yeah it's been good it's been good everything's been good in the air up here there's amazing mm-hmm because well for me like my nose has always been really plugged like especially like the first week of school yeah I'd always or not the first week like the first month I'd get like a really snotty nose because the air is stale in there and then you know a lot of bloody noses and people like all my friends would make fun of me because I'd always be at the front of the front of the class like the teachers trying to talk and then I'm over in the corner blowing my nose and everything Richard quiet but I haven't had any nose problems at all Wow big Rebecca's been doing that like the breathe through one nostril breathe out the other nostril yeah sing with me and make my nose has been clear every morning yeah which is such a change for me because fall was always just the big and here comes all the Kleenexes but I haven't needed a Kleenex once yet yeah oh I guess another thing with food so nice but things like apples and carrots and other other like like fruits and vegetables that have parts that like I usually didn't eat before like the core of the Apple or like the head of the carrot yeah I guess I guess those are like the big ones but I've been eating all those now you know so just like not wasting the food that I do have that there's all that there's all that food there's still it's like three or four more bites at Apple and it's it's still good like I mean I don't eat the seeds but everything except for the stem what is is nice it's delicious I'm not sure if there's any way health benefits to eating the apple core but it's extra food some more calories and it still tastes wonderful so that appreciation for I don't know the word for that but not wasting you don't know what the the positive word for that would be yeah I know it just like the living simply and then they're not

what is that minimalist maybe is that yeah yeah so just I've been noticing that more and more with everything - then like clothing as well like I brought up way too many clothes I've been wearing these shorts probably 50% of the time by themselves you know I've been that's just like this I don't need that box and I'm sure that'll change a little bit when it gets colder but maybe not too much well it's gonna be interesting to see how you guys continue to you know adapt to the cold because it's I can I'll tell the YouTube people maybe you know but it's what people would consider chilly today and just I know we're just fighting yeah we were exercising but yeah but I woke up place this - I mean everything a sleeping bag done but huh you know until you ki moves like this so yeah it's coming along I didn't I didn't ever really think I'd be cold condition and there's still a long ways to go but that's a really cool one to see or to feel happening as Tim would say the world baby steps oh all right well thank you thank you good what did well we'll keep these videos coming cuz they heard from a lot of you that you want to take part in his adventure in this way so keep it coming there's plenty of the show [Music]



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