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Condition Your Mind to Avoid Junk Food


We can feel powerless over our attraction to junk food. We're not. This easy mental conditioning trick can change the way you eat forever.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,junk food

Video Transcription

hello everybody along our rewilding journey most of us start to realize how much our mind is basically hypnotized running on autopilot it's something that our culture does to us and if we're not aware of it it can take over our lives in two major ways today I'd like to share a tool that is really powerful it can really help you reclaim a lot of your mind I call this tool consciousness Association now this is one of those tools that's already running in the background in most of our lives it just would be called unconscious Association okay here's a brief example you meet a person there named Federico no offense if your name is a Frederico and you have this really bad experience with them and it sort of creates some associations that name Frederico the next time you meet another Frederico that Frederico might be nicest person in the world but you've already associated something with that name and so you might not give them the same chance at becoming your friend as you would have if you would never met that initial Frederico different person but you've created an association just with one aspect of that person this is what advertisers use to try to get us to buy products so if you associate the product let's say a car that you see with being wealthy or attractive or other people liking you or being really adventurous then when you go and then you see that Jeep at the store I mean you have that association with that advertisements that said Wow the person driving the Jeep they had a really adventurous life and my life's kind of boring

then there's that unconscious association if you buy that Jeep then your life is going to get more exciting and adventurous probably not true but that Association is there working in the background now if we want to claim this tool for ourselves we just have to make it conscious Association when we do this we can start using this tool to really affect and change things in our life today from the title you saw this is about junk food a lot of us have junk food addictions we just we see that that candy bar or that marshmallow or that pop or energy drink whatever it is and it just draws us in probably we've created associations in the past that give us a positive feeling about that and it's entered into an addictive state where we don't really have a lot of choice as to whether we pick that up or drawn to it and we almost can't help eating it now by using conscious association we can make that junk fruit into something that is completely distasteful to us here's how you do it I know that this candy bar really draws me in I'm going to set it on the table next to it I'm going to put a healthy choice like an apple now I'm going to look at that candy bar and I'm going to start to create consciously some associations with it and what I want to do is really gross myself out this is going to be very personal for you so you have to choose I'll just give some examples here you might envision the factory where it's going through the machines and grease from the factory kind of getting into the candy bar and the person that's there doing the quality check is the first layer of the candy bar is put down there they're a mask is falling down and they sneeze and snot goes into it and then some bugs crawl in as it goes along and get smooshed under the layer of chocolate and they try to get out for a while but then they drown down there and and they poop bug proof slimes out underneath the chocolate these are we'd like to think that the candy bar Factory is probably kept pretty clean but the fact is things happen and although you're creating a fantasy of association some of these things might very well be true and by keeping that memory and trying to make your fantasy something that you realize could be realistic then you can start to convince yourself that that candy bar is really filled with snot and bug poop and grease from the factory all kinds of stuff that is is not good truth if it's filled with a lot of stuff that's not good so you're not really lying to yourself but now you've started to create an association a conscious association of a lot of gross stuff that's connected up with that candy bar look over at the Apple think of it out in in a pristine field surrounded by some other beautiful apple trees and imagine the wind and the fresh rains going over it and the the sunlight in the soil and all these things combining to make this incredible fruit that's filled with enzymes and nutrition creating very positive association if you start to do this you can literally make it so that when you look at the junk food it will gross you out first time I encountered this is when in my early kind of teen years I went and I worked at a bakery and I worked at that bakery for about two hours I came in really really early and the guy was teaching me how to make the dull the basic dough for the pastries at that point in my life I love donuts with gooey frosting and they were so good and and watched it going and I thought it was supposed to be kind of a white vanilla pastry dough as I watched this black swirl started going through it and I said is this chocolate or fudge he said no that's grease from the machine as always some of that gets in there so just ignore it that's about when I quit that job and that is a reality of a lot of our processed food so to get yourself off of junk food we have these two choices we can sit here and we can use our willpower and fight fight fight you may or may not win that battle but if you use this tool of conscious association and you start noticing whatever something has a craving for you you're walking down through the grocery store you see that piece of junk food that draws you and stop this is your chance

use conscious association really gross yourself out about that drink or that candy bar that food take the time to gross yourself out about it and then you should find it pretty easy to pass it by next time notice if you have the same draw towards it if you do repeat the conscious association do that a few times you're really going to be able to look at that thing and have a repulsion towards a reverse-engineer it for broccoli for whatever the healthy things are that you fill your diet with just think about how positive those things are and that's actually I believe our science will be telling us more and more that's actually going to make it so that when you eat this that broccoli that you've been creating a positive association with it's going to make it so that it actually benefits your body if nothing else is going to relax you and put you into a state of happiness and anti stress because you're eating something that you have these positive associations with and that's good for your body right there this is a powerful tool you can use it for a lot of things if you extrapolate I will go into all the uses that I can think of but if you extrapolate this tool can be used for many many things in your life to switch what you like what you don't like instead of going through life saying I just I can't help but I'm just addicted to pop or I'm just addicted to coffee or I can't stop myself from smoking pot or playing video games or whatever it is that you don't want to be doing using this tool you start thinking creatively you can use this tool to make yourself like or dislike almost anything when you have control over what you like and dislike you're taking back a lot of the power in your life you can make an amazing difference please share your stories your thoughts you've used conscious association before if you know that unconscious association is working powerfully in your life tell us all of your experiences share your insight share your wisdom I look forward to talking with you in the comments below thanks for watching you


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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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