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A Bow-Making Adventure


A 'thank you' to an amazing man and an amazing bow-maker, David Dill of bisonbows.com. Come along with us for a week-long bow-making adventure!

Visit http://rewildu.com/classes/ for unique educational opportunities in rewilding, wilderness skills, mindfulness, martial arts, primal fitness, homesteading, and more.

Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,bow making,self bows,how to make a bow and arrow,Bowyer (Profession),Archery (Interest),Survival Skills (TV Genre)

Video Transcription

I was pretty skeptical about starting a YouTube channel in the beginning you know I'm a little I don't know what the word is little wary of technology and so the thought of having these videos online

I was the little hesitant but I have met so many amazing people and today I would like to present you with a tribute to one of these people who has become a very very good friend and a cherished mentor to me his name is David dill Dave wrote me a letter some months ago said he had seen some of my my youtube videos and and was touched by them and wanted to send me a handmade bowl and now that was incredible I went to his website and it was more incredible because his bows are works of art I was floored and so I'm good at giving but I'm not very good at receiving so right away our relationship started with me having to look at some of my personal boundaries and and issues there with being able to receive and and I said yes not only did he present me with a beautiful bow but he said that he would like to come up and show me how to make one of these dolls when I first shot this bow it was unlike any other archery experience I had ever had I had been shooting fiberglass vintage bear recurves they were great I loved them but this felt completely different it was whose whisper-quiet it was powerful it was accurate I mean this is shot off the hand it doesn't didn't even have a shelf but it just felt different and I'm not quite sure how to explain it past that you planned our get-together Dave drove up to Wisconsin from Missouri and he brought his son Justin and his son's wife Julia who are these two amazing people amazing musicians and today I would like to take you with for this week-long bow making adventure that we had he came up he taught me and three of my students who are up here doing long-term stays at reweld University and it was great you're gonna see fire spinning and you're gonna hear some music from from Justin and Julia and get to see some of the bow making process and the bows that we made with DES I would also like to put in a quick word for somebody who is is Dave's mentor ed Scott and he is facing he is facing something really rough here the doctors have said that he's not going to

be with us for much longer and so if you can all put ed scott of owl bows in your prayers in your hearts that would be deeply appreciated so come along on the journey and let the rest of the video speak for itself one side



compared to

friends and relations one thing's for sure you

About the Author



To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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