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How to Become an Adventurer


All of us possess an adventurer inside us. It's not just about climbing mountains -- it's about learning to find adventure in every moment of living! This is your birthright, to feel excitement about everything in life. Claim it!

Visit http://rewildu.com/classes/ for unique educational opportunities in rewilding, wilderness skills, mindfulness, martial arts, primal fitness, homesteading, and more.

Music is "Heavy Interlude" by Kevin MacLeod. You can find his royalty-free music at http://www.incompetech.com. Please consider donating to him if you use his music.

Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,Adventure,How to Become an Adventurer,Inspiration to Explore,You can do it,Inspiration

Video Transcription



a tree wild University one of the first and most important things that we try to pass on to students is a sense of adventure we live in a culture that preaches security and comfort security and comfort may have its place but it also can lead a lot of us into living a life that doesn't really fulfill us we go to jobs that don't excite us or challenge us we may keep relationships that feel safe instead of ones that help us evolve in our personal growth often it becomes easiest to just kind of make it through each day and that is not the way any of us are supposed to be living we can seize life enjoy it immensely but we need to take claim that sense of adventure today I will be sharing some principles and some body hacks some mind hacks and some culture hacks to help us rediscover that sense of adventure that is inside all of us principle number one it's pretty easy one challenge ourselves every day if we let a day go by where we don't seek out and find some sort of challenge it's a day that hasn't really been lived so what is it that you find challenging seek those things out and tread into some uncomfortable territory this might be having a conversation with somebody that you usually avoid it might be going into an emotional state that usually you try to push back and repress it might be going for a hike in that place that you've always been looking at when you drive by it in the car but you've never made the effort to actually go there find at least one challenge every day and rise up to meet it how about that comfort that our culture preaches right have the perfect bag - the perfect pillow

there's something about discomfort going into discomfort you can start to wake us up I know this one can throw a lot of people off right because I don't want to be cold I don't want to experience any pain I don't want to experience any mental distress but if we find that borderland of the thing that we call uncomfortable and just step a little bit past it often there's amazing things waiting for us there another benefit of going further into discomfort is that it allows us especially for outdoorsy right to get out here and to get into situations that otherwise we'd be afraid of getting into you know I have spent so many nights because I foolishly brought nothing to sleep with where I'm just huddle up freezing pacing back and forth doing jumping jacks trying to keep myself warm those nights were uncomfortable yes but they're also the nights that I remember in Treasure even if I look like a complete fool during the whole night exploring discomfort really is a sort of a mind hack in a body hack now if you've seen my cold conditioning video we can learn to become comfortable in temperatures that otherwise we thought don't want to go there it's not just with cold that we can do that we can do that across the board in our life foods that we the people we interact with the nature experiences that were willing to go into

here's what most of us will enjoy increase our skill set all of us have more to learn and there's so much to learn in in this realm right so when I get outdoors if I think that I'm really good at starting fires okay let's try starting it in the pouring rain let's try starting one in the middle of the night when I can't see anything you could think of skills as entrances or doorways into new realms of adventure because every skill allows me to shed something out of this pack and instead to try to do it by my own means or using natural materials and that leads to some really exciting stuff okay so by now some of you might be thinking well you know where's the real adventure

where is rafting down this impossible River climbing Mount Everest that is for some people what I'm talking about here is creating a sense of adventure that fills every moment of your life and this means that when I'm out at a restaurant right and I look at a menu I'm gonna order something that looks a little sketchy to me right god chicken feet okay let's give it a try a friend of mine client of mine client and friend um recently started approaching people and he was very shy and he started going up to people and talking to them strangers homeless people business and business woman really attractive person that otherwise but it would have been way too scary to approach there you go finding adventure in every moment of your life so adventure does not have to be putting on a pack and going out on an overnight you can get adventure right in your own kitchen right it really can happen try cooking something that you don't think you can cook see what happens all right

this one might seem funny to some people but dress the part you know in our culture we wear uniforms all the time police officers wear uniforms military personnel a lot of us when we go to work we wear a uniform the things that we wear can have a psychological power to put us into a new mindset so if you dress up in your buckskins or cloak or your camo clothes whatever it is maybe a talisman or something that puts you into that mood put it on go out and allow that to work it's psychological magic you might just find if you dress the part that you do a little more exploring than you otherwise would

okay I'm gonna go kind of deep for this one this is a culture hack which means we're looking at our culture with rewilding eyes and seeing it for what it really is and here's the thing if any of you have ever role-played Dungeons & Dragons any of those games you become a persona you play by certain rules right and that's what makes the game fun if you look again the eyes of an animal the eyes of an alien at our culture all of us are doing a lot of role-playing I might have one role at home where I play the role of a father if I go into a factory and I'm the foreman there I put on uniform and I take on another role and people act according to that role right so the people below me at the factory would would answer to me and consider me to be an authority so you can utilize that if you start to realize that you don't have to just play roles on autopilot because our culture is said that's the way it needs to be done you can consciously roleplay and have some fun with that so you know going back to two D&D let's say your Lord of the Rings fan right and you really love the elves go out in the woods becoming elf just see what happens you're gonna have fun with it again that gets us out and gives us a new perspective because if we go out into the woods in the mind of a factory foreman it's not gonna be that fun so become a ranger and try it out I know again it might seem like what you asked me to go out in the woods and pretend and then out sword fights with with pretend orcs if you want go for it the key is to realize that if you feel funny doing that why don't we feel funny when we go and we roleplay in our culture dressing up in uniforms and taking on the form of a a waiter for instance right we play that role that's just playing - so use it to your advantage

see what happens so the final one I'll share today is what I call 30 feet off the pad and what this is is this this came to me last summer I was sleeping in my comfortable bed next to my beautiful wife and I suddenly realized that less than a hundred feet away from me there was this pond with springfed icy water and weeds growing in there and I realized that I could get up out of my bed I could walk out there and swim across that pond and that experience that super intense experience of going through that cold water in the middle of the night with the sea with the weeds just you know all over my body that intense experience was a hundred feet away from me just sitting there waiting the only reason it wasn't happening is because I didn't get out of bed and the key is that if we start looking even just 30 feet out from our regular pathways in life and start to explore things that look a little curious we might be surprised at what we find I've found caves that are just paces off of of a path that I've always walked it might be climbing that tree over there and seeing what's in that fat crook there it might be heading over there and seeing what's over the ridge right adventures are waiting for us right off of the beaten path this is in nature and it's also in in our regular lives and it's also in things like urban exploring there are ruins across the planet of human habitation and I mean ruins from old castles to abandon factories abandoned cities there's so much adventure to be had out there and it doesn't matter whether you decide you want to go climb Everest or you're going to try to cook up a Thai meal in your kitchen that looks way too complicated but makes you really curious Adventure is everywhere if we start shifting into adventure mode and having that as our key mindset the more we do this the more we will wake up every single morning totally excited about life because in our relationships at our work which will become our play when we head off into the woods whatever we're doing that sense of adventure will accompany us adventure on

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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