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The REAL Primal Diet


What if we didn't need to purchase endless books and read endless blogs in order to know what to eat? What if each of us, naturally, had a sense of what was nourishing? We do, and here's how to reawaken your primal sense of "Nourish".

The difference between this and other diets is that this one doesn't end up being about willpower -- it ends up being about re-honing our tastebuds and learning to enjoy food MORE. We're also able to shift our diet according to our daily food needs, maximizing our health, our lean muscle growth, our energy levels, and our mental clarity.

When we truly rewild our tastebuds and awaken our nourish sense, we don't have to decide what to eat any more. Our body will naturally ask us for the foods that will nourish us most completely on any given day.

Because our tastebuds have been hijacked by our culture's SAD (Standard American Diet) and the sugar/fat/salt combination that is present in most of our processed foods, it takes some time to rehabilitate our Nourish sense. But with some fun experimentation, awareness, and true enjoyment of eating, we can get off the processed food cycle and start to really LOVE eating, while also giving our bodies a powerful dose of nutrition with every meal.

Visit http://rewildu.com/classes/ for unique educational opportunities in rewilding, wilderness skills, mindfulness, martial arts, primal fitness, homesteading, and more.

Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods,Health (Industry),Primal diet,paleo diet,eating paleo,nourish sense,what to eat,Paleolithic Diet

Video Transcription

as we begin our rewilding journey we never ibly start to think about food we become aware of how much food plays a part in our energy levels in our clarity of thinking and how often we get sick and how fast wounds heal and we start to think about food in the context of our long-term health and in the relationship that it creates with the environment that we live in for me I noticed that sometimes I would eat things and I'd feel really really good other times I'd be eating stuff and it didn't really jive with my body very much so of course I started looking on line and reading books and there are so many experts out there telling you exactly what to eat and it gets really confusing because the science of the day that's interpreted by these experts it's changing and shifting all the time you probably remember when saturated fats they were out they were evil and so we all started eating a lot of sugar instead now most of us are eating tons of sugar the whole get rid of saturated fats thing that didn't seem to be working because as as the country we became more obese we had more and more heart disease the science just wasn't panning out so when I look at all the experts out there and I say Who am I going to follow if you can beat up the Paleo diet people the primal diet people the Mediterranean diet people or you can do this dance of just dance of confusion right of any food you look up on Google you will find you can find how good it is for you and you can find how it's basically going to kill you by tomorrow if you eat even one bite of it so here's the thing no matter how good the science seems to be today and how convincing some of these experts are probably 10 20 years from now we're going to find out that their reasoning was flawed and we will have spent the last 10 or 20 years putting what they said into our bodies and then be suffering the consequences of that so what if what there is one dietary expert out there who knows better than anybody else better than any of these these other experts you may have guessed it already that expert does exist and that expert is you our bodies I don't know why this should come as such a surprise to us but our bodies have a natural sense of what is good in nourishing deep I call it our nourish sense and that nourish sense our body's ability to look at food and to feel drawn towards food that's most going to nourish us and our ability to put food into our bodies and to tell from that feeling that that food gives us how that's reacting with our body's physiology this is a natural sense a nourish sense that we all possess but it's buried like a lot of our natural gifts it's hidden and it's been eclipsed by our cultural conditioning which says always look to others for the answers but your body it knows as I have uncovered my nourish sense in my body I've come to a place in my life where I can look at a range of foods and my body will seem to be telling me exactly what it wants to eat what I feel is happening there is that our body is intelligent and it knows that it needs let's say vitamin C and so then items out there that have a lot of vitamin C content my body is naturally going to be drawn towards them well we need more protein or we need more fat our body will do the same thing it will naturally ask for those items when I put food into my body now I can tell just a few minutes after ingesting something I can tell Wow my body is feeling that it feels empowered or feel strong

it feels vital or is not it's not feeling right and that's it feeling that we can tune into again I call it the nourish sense and I'm going to give you some tips on how to start bringing that sense back to life first of all we have two rewilding have an article on that that I wrote on my blog that goes into more depth but our taste buds have been conditioned to really only enjoy a certain little concoction of tastes that is very strongly present in our culture and that's that's a mixture of salt sugar and fat and you put those together and it's addictively delicious and mostly addictively because after you start weaning yourself of that combination when you taste it maybe you know it's not that delicious doesn't actually taste that good and a lot of our foods just that that is their flavor and as odd as it may sound you know chips ice cream a candy bar it was really deal in that same little combination that suite of flavors and that that combination so overwhelming that we miss out on this vast range of flavor that is available to us as human beings so a simple exercise go through your spice cabinet pick out some little pieces of food and take take 20 samples of food and set them out in front of you a little teeny bit of an apple a piece of dark chocolate a little dab of butter pile of cinnamon and then go through and just taste each of those foods do it slowly and really just feel what happens in your body when you put that food into your mouth and what's surprising for most people is if you've put out if you've thoughtfully arranged a whole bunch of different flavors out there it's amazing how much flavor there is out there in the world and that can wake us up to the realization that in our usual meals if we kind of ease up on especially the sugars in the salt and and we start to taste our foods with a little less of extra seasoning we can start to appreciate the amazing flavors that are already present in the food so I can have a plate of vegetables and I can drown that in a you know cheddar cheese sauce oh yeah and oh it's delicious but really in a way all I taste is the cheddar cheese sauce and the rest of the stuff becomes like white bread I it kind of flavorless but if I get rid of that cheese sauce and I taste those vegetables one by one especially if those are homegrown or organic vegetables or wild gathered foods amazing how delicious and how much flavor is in each of those different vegetables here's something you can do your friends or family may look at you a little bit strange but you can eat blindfolded if you eat blindfolded you will be more engaged with your food because we're so visual and tend to always be looking around being distracted by our vision when we take the vision out of out of the picture then we're able to interact with our food on it on a much more profound level and as you bring the food into you blindfolded and you eat it you'll start to appreciate the flavors the textures and you'll probably be more tuned in to your body and how it's responding to those foods in the same vein you can try a silent new when I love talking with my family during mealtime but when we don't talk and then similarly not watching TV or reading a book or a magazine when we just eat the food we're going to be more tuned into it more mindful of the relationship with our food and I think that you'll find that not only do you appreciate the meal more but you're going to be able to read the messages from your body a lot more clearly another method that can be useful for awakening our nourish sense is to eat a meal and then set aside just ten minutes after the meal to sit quietly with no distractions what this is is a small space of time that allows you to pay attention to your physiological reaction to whatever you vie I'm not saying we can't hear people a little bit when they're telling us what might or might not be good for her body but I think that most of us you know it's kind of a no-brainer that that that quart of pop and in a hungry man dinner you know that's barely recognizable as food it's not doing us any favors the fast food you know that you'd get at at McDonald's or Burger King it's just for me personally don't even consider it food why why bother putting that in my body I'm better off not eating but but for a lot of other foods I really have to ask my body butter is that is that good fat coconut oil Oliver bacon ice cream dark chocolate put carrots carrots are one that Oh some people say you know are great and others say no they're terrible we're going to kill you they're just full of sugar your body knows as much as we would like to have somebody give us a cookie cutter diet that works for everybody the fact is that we all have different physiologies our genetic makeup our heritage our current state of metabolism even our mood all of these things and in much more affect how our body is going to process food to say that there's one diet that's going to work for everybody I just don't think that's viable your body you you have a diet that's going to work for you and it's not something that you can write down on paper and hold to as a rule because it's going to change day by day as your body is asking for more protein for more fats for more specific nutrients or minerals if we can tune into our nourish sense our body will speak to us and then we will naturally be drawn to food that is going to make us feel vibrant clear minded joyful and very appreciative of food in general food does not have to be our enemy and we don't have to spend our time buying people's products in order to learn what's right for our body your body knows if you experiment with any of this please write in on the comments and I would love to hear your experiences and also your past experiences what works for you food wise have you found a diet that just ah makes your body thrive let me know love to hear from you and as always thanks much you

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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