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How to Overcome Laziness


A viewer requested some methods to overcome laziness and lack of motivation. Whether you're trying to get out for an adventure, practice your survival or prepping skills, or get in shape, these simple tools can help you to get out of the "laziness rut".

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

somebody wrote and asked me to talk about laziness how do we get ourselves out of a place of wanting to do something we just want to get in better shape we want to eat right we want to go out on an adventure but we can't even get ourselves to take that first step today I'm out in the woods with the forest monks it reweld University and they're doing an airplane crash challenge where they came out with just their clothes and magnesium fire starter and then I placed out some things and they get to use the things that they found and see if they can get through the night the food hydrated and warm in the morning this is the kind of thing that makes lifelong memories it's fun but even though a lot of us might want to get out and do something like that we just have trouble giving ourselves again

out the door whether we're Preppers or survivalists or just try to get in better shape it's one thing to sit in our living room and practice our skills or think about what we'd like to do but to get out there and actually do it so many temptations in our culture at home I would have good food to have a nice comfortable bed I'd be with my family lot of us have television and somebody's not happy with me over there a lot of us have television movies internet there's those comfort foods and I'm not just talking about food but the comfort things that we surround ourselves with so if you think of all of those as comfort foods then we start to see that there's a wall between us and those adventures that we want to have or those efforts towards self-improvement today I'm gonna show a couple of methods to get yourself past that wall the first one involves a lifestyle change this one might not be super exciting to hear but it's realizing that there is a wall between where we are right now and a lot of these adventures we want to have and that wall is made of comforts different things habits the things that just make us feel like our day is normal relaxed the way we like now one way that we can bridge this gap is to reduce the power of that wall that means starting to infuse our daily lives with more adventure if I love sleeping in my comfortable bed

I might realize that that is a wall between me where I am right now and getting out in doing a minimalist camping adventure my heart I might want to go out and do that minimalist camping adventure and the air going out in the woods sleeping with just a blanket but that bed there it is between us so here's what I can do I can start sleeping without a pillow I can start sleeping without all the sheets even go and sleep on the ground next to the bed as they begin to do those things I start to teach myself that that comfort is maybe not as comfortable as it seems and the more I do it the weaker that wall becomes before long I might be at a place where I don't feel that wall between myself and getting out and being Aragorn sleeping with the bucket whether you choose to reduce your walls power or not there's some other methods that you can use I'm not going to get into developing willpower here except to say that every time we utilize our willpower it's like a sprint it gets us tired in the sense that it reduces our the willpower that we have at our disposal right now researchers have found that you can think of willpower as this you know a certain amount that you have in your tank if you're gonna use up half of it to make yourself do something you're gonna have less willpower in the short-term but just like a sprint it gets you tired and weaker in the short term because of that end of that sprint oh you're feeling pretty beat but tomorrow you're stronger so every time we utilize our willpower it gets a little bit stronger and even though in the short term it reduces our tank our tank gets bigger and bigger and bigger and filled up more and more and more the more we exercise our willpower to number one is willpower your way through it a lot of us we've tried that doesn't work we have self punishment mechanisms going so that we try to willpower through something we fail we say god I suck I just never going to do this and we reduce our ability to do it next time so here's where we can utilize a couple other tools the first tool is enlisting the help of others the monks out here have the advantage of I'm setting stuff up for them you know quite frequently so they have that encouragement to get out and practice some martial arts to exercise to go on a wilderness adventure to go foraging they also have each other so they can motivate and encourage each other there are groups online there are apps on phones and there are your friends in your family there's a lot of power to saying okay I want to go do this tonight outdoor adventure and test some of my survival skills what I do then is I announce it I say hey friends and family I do a big mass email and put it on Facebook here's what I'm gonna do and I want to let you know because I want you to hold me accountable I'm gonna tell you about my adventure when I get back now we've told 30 people and you've harnessed the power of tribe to help you and motivate and encourage you to actually do it you said you were going to do a second tool it's called the bowl of challenges if you watch the rest of the videos on this channel you've already seen it it's an old video I put out but it's definitely one to watch I'll put a link at the end of this video the bowl of challenges in short gives us the daily hourly weekly whatever you choose challenge that you create for yourself so it's something that you can scale you can start off easy make it more and more challenging as time goes on and it starts to recondition your mind essential thing to understand is that that feeling of laziness or the the feeling of non ability to get momentum going it's a conditioned thing inside of us our culture really does this to us it does it with the comfort walls and getting us used to a comfort that feels good enough that we keep finding ourselves kind of tempted back into it but it doesn't make us feel alive doesn't fill us up and so breaking free of that changes your life and the good news is that whether you're using willpower or you're going to hold yourself accountable with a friend or a group of friends or tribe or you're going to use the bowl of challenges any of these methods is sort to recondition your mind this is what it's all about my friends

is taking control taking the helm of our minds again for so long for so many of us the various media's the various habits all these things that are in our culture they've been dictating how our mind works and they don't create an optimal mindset they tend to create a mindset it gets us just satisfied with the mediocre aspects of life and keeps us in that rut so that we will continue just working at jobs we don't enjoy keep outputting never really stopping to think what is it that I'm passionate about what are my true gifts that I can give the world when you do this and you start to break free of that laziness you're literally changing the world because you are part of this world when you make a change in yourself you make a change in the world we need this right now we need you we seriously need you because you have gifts that this world needs bring them to us okay please please do thank you for watching share your thoughts ideas in the comments below other methods for getting motivated what's worked for you what hasn't and we can all be inspired by what we share down there

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