Learn Bushcraft skills by videos
watch the best bushcrafters explain techniques and skills

Asking You for Help


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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

when I started this channel I thought I would be sharing a few wilderness skills and maybe giving a little instruction of meditation or something like that I had no idea that someday I would be hearing from people that these videos had changed their lives that they had watched my video a different perspective on on drug use and had given up drugs or they had decided they were gonna stop playing video games and go climb mountains

I've gotten so many inspiring letters and comments that I feel like I'm constantly glowing there's thirty five thousand subscribers now I can hardly believe it and I'm so grateful to all of you that are a regular part of this channel some of you have been here from the beginning and all of you who comment you had so much richness to the experience of each of these videos today I would like to ask you for help and I'm very bad at asking for things I'm very good at giving things but I'm very bad at asking for things and so this is a huge step in my personal evolution to dare to reach out to all of you and say would you be willing to stand beside me and help me make this dream come true I the more and more that I do these videos the more and more I realized how much I love making them and it it's turned from something that was just on the side hobby to something that is I want to say it's become a life mission in the sense that when I put out these videos and I hear from people that it's made these life changes it makes me want to keep doing that and it's made me think that maybe what I'm doing can be making a difference

and that fuels me in ways that I can't even describe some of my you know a lot of the ideas behind my videos are unleashing people's potential helping people to break free of the traps that our culture can lay out for us and find ways to bring their passion to the world to really take what they're good at and offer it up I've been able to do this through this channel but I've been realizing how much I want to do that more I would like to move to a place where I can be making these videos regularly and put more of myself into them because they do feel like they're making a difference and you know I made one video course and I offered it up tuition optional I'm working on another one I want to put that out there I want to also make it tuition optional for people who can't you know pay for it or just choose not to pay for it and I'm writing a rewilding book that covers a lot of the things that that are covered in here and you know I'm probably 80% done but but working hard on it and I want to devote myself to those things in a really serious way as you know I have a patreon page and if I can get more support on that patreon page then I could devote myself full time to this and that would be a dream come true for me so what I'm asking is if you have ever considered becoming a patron of reweld University I would ask you if if you're gonna do it at some point please make it now because more than ever I feel at a point in my life where I'm ready to do this the cool thing to me about patreon is that it allows people to support things they believe in and to support people that are creating things that they believe in and it allows the creators to be able to make a lifestyle out of that and it doesn't take much if 2,000 people pledged $1 a month that would make a huge difference in my life because our family is able to live on relatively low income that would set me free to be able to do this full-time if you know flip sided what I'm not really great at but 400 people did five dollars a month it create the same thing and so if if you made a pledge between one and five well enough of you did it it'd be life-changing for me and then hopefully it would be something that will allow me to continue helping other people change their lives it's very important to me that everything I'm offering is available to people who do not have an income who have a very low income my wife and I at one point in our relationship we are dumpster diving and so I know what it's like to be poor and I don't want that to be a roadblock to somebody who wants to take one of my video courses and so that's where together I can create a video course you can support me with $1 or $2 or $3 a month and then together we can co-create this content that's gonna help people to make these transformations in their life thank you so much for watching I would be honored if you would stand beside me and help me to make this dream come true for me allow me to make these videos hopefully to make dreams come true for others special thank you to all of you who are already patrons I'm just so grateful that you're there with me watch for more videos coming out soon I'm a really fun one plan that I'm excited about hope you like it

About the Author



To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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