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A Survival Game -- the One-Item Group Challenge


A game that builds survival skills, critical thinking, and is tons of fun as well (or tons of torture, depending on your viewpoint =). Share your "one item" in the comments!

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

greetings today I wanted to share a fun survival game that I'm gonna be running with some of the students at least those that wish to participate this summer at reweld University and by sharing it I give you a chance to try it out for yourself with your friends if you want and if you don't want to suffer you can just it's a fun game too if you're sitting around you know having tea with some friends and you just want a table talk it and and play this game you can imagine it out in your minds and it gives you some insight into people's personalities and such so here's how it works the idea is that you're gonna spend one night out you're gonna go with a group so let's let's say for the purposes of this there's me four people you and three of your friends and you're gonna go out you're gonna spend one night out and you each get to bring one object just one thing you can bring the clothes you're wearing but not a lot of extra clothes just you know pants and shirt basically and some kind of footwear if you want and when you get to bring one item but here's the key you don't get to tell each other what you're bringing and then go out you reveal to each other what you've brought and see if you can get through the night you know fairly comfortably and there's there's a lot to this if you sit down and you think about it people will say what's the one item one survival item you should bring and you know the truth is there's not one single item that is gonna be the best thing to bring it's always going to be dependent on a lot of factors one of those most important factors is the environment that you're going into is are you going out in winter are you going out in the middle of summer are you going out into it that's it where it's really hot your environment and then your skill set so for me I'm pretty confident with starting fires in the woods with natural materials and so I might not choose a fire starting item where for a lot of other people a fire starting item might make more sense and somebody might be really comfortable just producing their own heat that I've been doing wim HOF all the time and and they know that they can get through the night without any problem even if it's you know four Celsius 40 Fahrenheit or something they know they can just sit there they're not gonna need a a sleeping bag or something so environment your skill set no I said there's not a single most important item but there is a most important thing and I think we'd probably all agree on that and that is your mindset so if we have a positive mindset we are gonna be able to do way more we're gonna be able to function in crappier conditions just because we have that positive mindset and so remembering with this game we're talking about physical items that we bring along but there's nothing more important than this in the comments below I would love it if you we put down the item that you would bring obviously other people are gonna be able to see this so we're not gonna be able to exactly play the game here but put down the item that you would bring in why you would bring that item now unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to reveal the item that I would usually bring along on an adventure like this because if any of the students that are coming or going to be coming in the future to revile the University see this they're gonna know what I usually bring it's something kind of fun but I'm gonna show you a little bit more serious thing that I would usually break so this is what I would usually bring with me if I could bring one item

because I'm usually able to create fire from natural materials that's not as big a worry for me I think I can create a cutting tool from some of the rocks around here but creating a vessel there's some ways to do this of course there's coal burning like I did in one of my videos and some people I cannot I cannot make a birch vessel that holds water consistently but I know some people can but this Wow you can boil water which is important in this environment because when it's not winter water really needs to be purified with boiling and you cook stews in here it's just it's great scare away bears so if you want to try this out in the comments here's the imaginary night that you're gonna be spending out you know just your clothes and whatever the single item is that you're gonna bring and the the temperature is about 15 Celsius 60 Fahrenheit during the day it's gonna drop down to about 4 Celsius about 40 Fahrenheit during the night there's it looks from the clouds like there's a chance of rain but probably not and a little bit of wind and it's just kind of beginning of its its late late spring just feeding into summer so tell me what you would bring down in the comments and obviously if you try this survival game with your friends let me know how it goes and what you experience and what you brought and if you do sit around a table with some tea and you're talking with some friends and you think about this what you would bring share that as well we can all learn from each other by sharing what this item is this most important item that we would bring along

on such an adventure short-term just one night thank you for watching my friends I look forward to seeing what you have to say down in the comments

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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