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What We Can Do (About The State of the World)


I have been hearing from people who feel the current state of the world is removing all their hope. Here's what you CAN do.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

I've been hearing lately from some people that has been pretty upset about world affairs right now and usually when when people write to me they're saying these these things that are going on in the world it's just it's driving me down into a black hole and I'm getting depressed and have feelings of anxiety just feels like the world's out of control and then my life is out of control

because of that so today I'd like to talk about what we can do and I want to put out there that we don't fall into despair now if we sit down and we watch the evening news or you get online and you go to any of the major news stations pretty soon you're gonna be fairly convinced that it's the end of the world is almost here there is really atrocious stuff being reported on this and and what happens is that we we intake that media and there's nowhere for that energy to go so I've taken in this information but I feel helpless and because they feel helpless I soon feel hopeless and the result is that I start to generate a lot of inner stress as I do that that's actually bad for me physically bad for me that is degrading my my physical self my emotional self so so here's the cycle every day we intake this media it comes in and it degrades us

and we take a hit and we take the media in and we take a hit over and over and over now I'm not suggesting that we close our eyes to the world but I'm suggesting that we take a close look and we know we know that there are a million things going on in the world right now and there are many there are million things that could be reported on those news stations there right now in this moment somebody is doing something amazing and miraculous that is helping so many people right now something terrible and atrocious is happening and in the next moment equally wonderful and equally horrible things are happening all over the world all the time now stop and take a look at your media when we look at our media we're gonna see that every media outlet is kind of reporting the same thing so things have been cherry picked out so that we're just being fed a very certain diet a very narrow band is being reported to us of what's actually happening in the world so number one question our media and as we look at our media say okay this is just a tiny little slice and some people for whatever reasons they have are choosing this slice to feed to me do I want to be in taking that slice that they feel is the only important stuff that I hear about little sketchy right number two thinking about if I am going to be using my time and energy to intake this media what is happening with that what am i doing with that because if I sit and I watch all these horrible things that are happening and it's just stressing me out is that a worthy activity is it a worthwhile activity and I would argue it I I would suggest that unless we can turn that energy into action it's not really helpful to us the way I try to think of it is that we have a circle of influence around us and all of us have a different circle of influence it's easy to think that that person that has the five million subscriber YouTube channel and the presidents and all these people they have a much bigger circle of influence may be true I've talked about this before but each of us has a circle of influence and so what can I do what can I turn into action if I intake media and it just sits inside of me it's just damaging me but intake media and I turn it into action Wow now it's doing some good and so we need to take that energy that's coming into us and turn it into something turn it into something that's positive and that's going to be doing good for the world when we do that we're gonna be bettering ourselves we're going to be bettering the world we're going to be building our skills win-win for everybody

often what this means though is that I take a look at should I be watching NBC or fox or these giant conglomerate media's that are reporting things that largely most of us cannot do anything about or can I turn my eye more to looking at that a little bit but mostly looking at a local news source or a new source that's reporting something specific to my interests in my ability to make change maybe that change is going to be donating money maybe that change is going to mean I am going to get some training in in medicine or in some other skill and go to the place where I can actually help people out maybe it just means that I'm going to be cognizant of my circle of influence maybe that's only three people I socialize with maybe that's how small of my circle of influences but I'm gonna use that circle of influence to try to reduce fear to try to reduce anxiety and panic and to replace that with positivity to replace that with actionable positivity so that when I'm talking to that one of those three people they're gonna be lifted up a little bit made to feel like they have more ability to create action and then they're in spirit their spear of influence their circle of influence they're gonna be able to affect their circle of influence you see how this works so even if it's just three people I interact with each of them they also have a circle of influence and that can spread out that I think is what we need to do here again if that media is just coming in it's just harming you take the time to question if you can take actionable steps when you're doing something with that energy that's what we all need to do right now if we're just sitting in stress we're just harming ourselves if we can take steps if we can make a difference and remember that all we have to do is make a difference in that one other person around us one of those three people maybe all three of them and then it's gonna spread out but maybe you have a skill

that can really change the world in a bigger way maybe it's your art that you're gonna use in a hopeful way maybe it's that you can write well and you're gonna write a book that's gonna change lives

maybe it's music and you're gonna create songs that lift people up inspire them to positive action what is your gift and how can you use it right now in an actionable way to make positive change this is what we all need to do right now it's really important because the world is changing in powerful ways and in the world is in a place where small mistakes by just a few people could have enormous effects on all of us so right now this is our chance this is our time every single one of us none of us can escape this responsibility to step out and give your gift to the world it is essential I know you have one I know it's powerful it's time to give it thank you for watching my friends share in the comments below where you battle with this intake of media how it's affected you share if you've turned that away if you've turned that around in some way how you've done that and especially what is your gift how could you give it out into the world and down there in the comments when you see other people sharing their gifts give them ideas how could they take something it might be somebody says I don't have any gifts I'm just I just do plumbing how can that be used to change the world because you can't all of us can do this can't wait to see the comments

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