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Power in the Woods -Mantis Outdoors


For some of us it is necessary to power certain items when we are out in the woods. For some of us it is not. If you wish to keep certain electronic devices such as phones cameras GPS etc etc then in this video I'm going to show you some of the best options on the market





Video Transcription

hey guys how you doing this is William Myers Mass outdoors back at you with another video and in today's video we're gonna be talking about external batteries power in the woods and this is something that really never concerned me is still until I started my youtube channel you know having the power batteries for cameras and things like that but you know I started getting into it and when I first got into is anchor and Chris turned me on to anchor and they're really really good company but now we have so many more choices so let's go take a look at those alright so when I started getting into the external battery packs for you know the outdoors and things like that like I said Chris kind of turned me on to the anchor battery packs and this is one that I've had for a long while this is twenty six thousand eight hundred milliamps now these are great and they'll last be pretty much the entirety of a three or four day trip you know filming out in the woods keeping things fueled up and charged up the only thing that I have not a problem with really it's just kind of maybe a reliability is that you know they're not waterproof at all they're not net to be waterproof they're really not meant to be out in the woods in my opinion they're you know if you drop this in the water or you know getting it out of your pocket and it falls it might be able to be damaged and things like that you know I know from taking some of these apart myself that there's nothing but eighteen 650s and these in these you know just in series eighteen 650s which also makes it quite weighty I mean we're pushing a pound maybe even over a pound right now you know so now not might be an issue with some people as well so the other options that I see that are that the quality of anchor are the company out ticks that I did a video on not too long ago where we literally torture tested this exact same model right here you know we threw it we threw it down a set of concrete steps we put it in a creek put a rock on top of it and let it submerge itself for a very long time and it's still going to this day right now it's still a great battery so the fact that these are waterproof you know and pretty much you know shockproof

I'm sure if you really tried hard enough you could break the thing but you know just dropping it out of your pocket or something like that it's going to be just fine and accidentally getting it submerged in a creek it's just going to be just fine as well you the added benefit benefit of that and also the photovoltaic panel of a solar panel that's on it you know this battery right here is completely dead the green light indicates that it is solar charging right now so if we take Ben's phone and we plug it in Ben's phone is charging right now just from the solar panel now that the solar panel is not going to charge the battery the internal battery but it's just going to feed off the the solar radiation into the the solar panel and charge the phone you know having the added benefit of that solar panel charging being able to charge your phone in an emergency situation is an added benefit in my opinion you know if your phone is dead you're certain battery is dead you know this if it's dead it's dead you know with this if it's dead and you are in a situation where you need to maybe get an emergency text out or get in enough juice on your phone and hopefully make it an emergency phone call something like that that is an option for you with this brand and with this battery another feature that these alt-text batteries have are you know over the anchor and is that they all pretty much come with flashlights and lights on almost sometimes you know somewhere somehow they all usually have lights on and you know I carry flashlights in the woods if you want a flashlight get a flashlight but you know it's just an added feature that is nice that you do have fairly bright lights on them so you know this one that's fairly bright light you know of course it has a signaling strobe you know it is it a selling point in my opinion probably not it is a nice little extra feature that they have you know if you're not out in the woods filming your youtubing things like that live-streaming if you've at all possible and you don't really think that you need these big heavy batteries that wake quite a bit you know they can add some poundage due to your rock you know but you actually do want the added benefit of being able to put an emergency charge on your phone if you actually have to make an emergency text or emergency phone call you know just having something in your wallet is really good and what I'm talking about is these little card batteries that I put my wallet and you know people might say there might be a little bit on a dangerous side putting a battery like this in your pocket I have put this in my wallet for two months now I've sat on it for two hunts and it's perfectly fine no big deal but it's just a little card battery and I never sew like that I never even know it's there but you can go down to Ben's phone here again and we can plug it in and again Binsted phone is charging just on this little card battery and it's it's a thousand mmmh

so I mean it'll put a really good decent emergency charge on a phone if absolutely necessary burn this thing down take it home recharge it throw in your wallet and forget that it's there again all right guys it's just a really quick video about what I usually carry not all these of course maybe one or two of them in the field what I do youtube videos in the field and if you guys are interested in any of the products that you've seen here there's gonna be some links down below I hope you enjoyed the video if you did appreciate it and click like and if you haven't already subscribe to the channel would be great as well

hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see in the woods our in the woods and this is something that never really concerned me until I started started started 3 2 1 hey you know if you guys aren't out filming in the woods like I am Chris and things like that

maybe you don't need these big huge you know heavy batteries or something like that but having the option of having an emergency charge on your phone if you do have to make it like I said an emergency text or emergency phone call god forbid right you don't really need these big heavy big heavy big footsteps right guys well hope you enjoyed the videos really quick video about our passionate three two one all right guys well hope you enjoyed the video if you did I appreciate if you click like down below subscribing to the channel if you already haven't done so I keep changing it that's why dang three alright guys well this is just a really quick video about power banks or about battery but David three two one three two one three two one alright guys well hope you enjoyed the video if you did I'm gonna put some links in the description below so you know anchor and out ticks and the other brands that you've seen on this video today hopefully like I said your hands no my friends Brian three two one

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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