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Conscious Perspectives


I'm away from home with no editing capacity, so this video is just "as is" =) Please share your ideas for Conscious Perspectives!!

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

greetings I am on the edge of a city today you may hear the roar and some of the sounds in the background it's not my usual environment and today I'm actually going to be going into the city with some family and always an interesting experience for me what it brings up for me is is the thought of what I call conscious perspectives our perspective is sort of the window that we look out at the world from and the way that we color those observations you could almost think of it as the colour of sunglasses then I put on to view the world around me and a lot of times if we haven't thought about this idea of conscious perspectives our perspective is a singular thing and it's something that we identify ourselves with and that can lock us into judgment if I'm in my usual kenton perspective I really don't want to have anything to do with cities they're loud they're smelly chaotic from that very limited perspective I see the city in a certain way and then I already approach it with a negative reaction but what happens if we can change our perspective consciously we've all heard that saying you know get into somebody else's shoes but what if we change our own shoes what if we change our sunglasses and try to be more conscious about the perspectives that we use when we observe the world going into the city today again I could go as standard Kenton who you know loves nature and everything is suddenly concrete and steel and plastic or I could go into the city today as a tourist trying to see that city as if I'm going to another culture which in a way I am and to observe the humans how do they dress how do they act what somebody like if I go up and approach them I could take on the perspective of an alien let's say and and try to see these strange creatures and what they're doing what kind of structures do they build what can I learn about them almost as I've gone to another planet you know observing an alien life-form I could take on the perspective of a great compassion compassion and I could look around myself and see other places where I see hurt or need I could go as a perspective of a ninja and try to be ultra aware of my surroundings even though they're chaotic to me there's so much power in conscious perspectives if I had known this back when I was going to high school and despising school I could have changed my perspective and use my school years more productively I might not have gotten better grades but I might have been able to develop more compassion more awareness my question for you is first where have you found that being locked into the you perspective and taking that as your intrinsic self where has that gotten you into trouble where have you seen the limitations of that singular perspective and second of all I started a list of some perspectives that we could take if we create together in the comments a list of all kinds of other fun perspectives it could be a tool for all of us as we look around in the world our workplace our daily interactions with people our family life so many places that we can utilize these conscious perspectives so and just one thought that came to my mind is that of our habits what happens if we change our perspective when we sit down to eat a normal meal if we're gamers and we sit down to video game what happens if we change our perspective do our habits I'm especially referring to bad habits did they look the same if we can change our perspective so down in the comments a list of different fun perspectives that you can think of or perspectives that could be really really useful for all of us to experiment and try on as different sunglasses to view the world can't wait to see your ideas your thoughts thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom my friends talk with you soon

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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