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Fixing Ourselves Vs. Exploring Our Potential


Fixing ourselves can make us feel like everything is work -- Exploring our potential can make things feel like play. This is all about harnessing our energy effectively in order to build skills or strengthen ourselves physically, mentally, or emotionally.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

greetings one of our forest monks Simon had an insight the other day that has had me thinking he talked about a difference between trying to make changes in our life based on seeing ourselves as people that needed to be fixed as opposed to making changes in our lives based on exploring our potential and I think there's a really good lesson in here for all of us the thing is that most of us have changes that we would like to make in our lives right and those changes come in many forms it might be habits that we want to change or getting in better shape thousand other things being in more control of our emotions and the usual way to pursue that change is to look at myself and see wow I've got some problems and I need to fix them and with that way of thinking I start fixing now stop for a moment and think about that language when I fix something it's broken and the problem with this mode of thinking is that it brings us into a place of either subtle or blatant self-punishment now when I'm engaged in self-punishment for some people it works well I say look I suck I suck and so then that inspires them to get better but for many of us we have plenty of that language going on in our head that says we suck we're not good enough our culture is telling us all the time many of us have heard it from other people we don't need any more of that so the flipside of this is what if we change it up and we say instead of fixing myself I'm exploring my potential now instead of taking on the attitude of a person that sucks and needs to be fixed I'm taking on the attitude of an adventurer of an explorer I look at myself and I say okay yeah I can I can do this in this physically I can you know do these primal Fitness things and and so what would happen if I tried to take it a little bit further for me I at age 42 few years back I wanted to see what I could do physically so I started taking gymnastics lessons and it was eye-opening but is not how I hurt my shoulder incidentally that was just doing something stupid on a playground when I went to gymnastics classes I got to start learning something new and for a while I was I can only describe it as flying my body was doing things I never could have imagined possible for me and the feeling was amazing and exhilarating this happens to me with survival skills if I look out and I say ah I just suck then I don't often in myself or in the people I work with I don't often see Swift growth but when people say okay alright I got a hand drill in the cabin I wonder if I can get a hand drill outside or wonder if I can get a hand drill with just using natural materials that I find that excitement of exploring our fullest potential that fuels us instead of plunging forward because I have to fix myself I'm moving forward out of excitement because I'm curious I want to explore life and I want to explore this being that is me that is you and see what am i capable of physically what am i capable of emotionally mentally what am i capable of developing new skills the cool thing about this is that and again I feel blessed because I get to work with people on this level all the time is to see people that they want to explore their potential they want to grow and one of the first things we often try to do and shift is to get out of that mindset of self punishment it just drags us down for 95% of the population but when we can start exploring our potential Wow amazing things can happen we harnessed so much positive energy we share in the comments how you are exploring your own potential right now what is it that you're trying to learn how are you trying to grow what are the things in your life right now that you want to explore more deeply can't wait to see what you have to share

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