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Ben Orford Sloyd Carver -Mantis Outdoors


This is a long awaited video that I have wanted to do for a long time. I have been using this Carver for 7 to 8 months and love it. This blade is not a main knife it maybe to big to call a neck knife but it's a perfect woodworking tool and is something that will be in my packs for many years to come... The Ben Orford sloyd Carver

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hey hey guys doing this is William Myers back at you with another video and in today's video I got a really nice carving knife for you so don't go away alright so what I got three guys today is the bin or for Floyd Carver Floyd SLO why D if I am saying that wrong yeah right Ben or first Lloyd Carville bin or first slide forward Berber Berber if I'm saying that err correct my skin at Scandinavian brothers I'm very sorry but yeah I am not fluent and Sweden Swedish or Finnish or anything like that anyway that's what this is this is to my understanding slow it means like craft it but it's a class basically that they teach in Sweden and Finnish or Finland and stuff like that anyway that's what he calls the knife I'm just relaying that to you this is now one of my favorite carving knives you know wood carving is one of things that I'm very avid about there are lots of negatives to this but the positives outweigh the negatives so let's go through that right now so just right away I want to get through to some of the negatives about this knife when it came to me it did not have a great sheath at all and as you can see it's unsheathed now because the sheath is gone it was just a folded square piece of leather that slid onto it my kids also really love this knife in fact one of them was packing it for a couple of months I don't do video reviews on any kind of tour in it unless I've had it for a while you know get used to it and see if it's gonna stand a test of time the kid lost the sheath but it was that easy to lose the sheath it was like I said just a folded piece of leather over the sheet over the knife so that's one thing to think about if you're gonna buy one of these they're around 70 pound UK dollars whatever so I mean now what is that like 80 83 something US dollars I don't know - when this thing came to me it the handle was rough it may be of a mistake because if I look on the website it doesn't look like the way that it came to me but when this came to me the handle was very rough it looked like unfinished square edges and ridges lots of ridges but it's a wood handle I just took some sandpaper to it sanded it out you know made it smooth and treated the wood to waterproof well water-resistant okay

don't want water to get it into it water log it but like I said this is one of my favorite little Carver's it is pretty much perfect and it goes with my edge of just because you have a small knife doesn't mean you have to have a small handle you know a lot of knife makers and designers they they make small knives that are awesome looks very cool as a wood carver you know you can get into the really tight spots then they make these little three thing or two finger handles that go with it it's like yeah why you know just because a small knife doesn't mean it needs a small handle and this handle was very nice after I finished it out looks like I said I don't know if that's a mistake by the company or not but after I finished it out the handle is really really nice so let's go ahead and get this on a piece of wood and show you guys what it can do so one of the reasons why I definitely like this knife as far as wood carving goes is I can get my hand as close to the blade edge as I possibly can and this knuckle is gonna provide leverage and you know it's gonna give me some guidance as well you know I'm not slicing through the wood I'm just push cutting through the wood right now and for wood carvings like faces that I do some things that take hours and hours I would never try to do them on video maybe I'll show some time spoon carving things like that this knife has definitely shown itself to that what's the steel you know what I honestly couldn't tell you because it doesn't even say on the website what the steel is fools dog do - I'm not really huge especially this is not something that I'm putting on my hip and I would say this is my survival knife and but get into trouble this thing is gonna replace you know it's gonna do the same tasks as my axe and all this blah blah blah that I want some some specific steels for and things like this is a carver this is a hobby knife in my opinion you know something that I can maybe even wear around my neck what would you guess it guess it to be based on sharpening and what you've done with it so far I think it might be 295 or oh one possibly have I tried to throw sparks from it or anything like that no but this thing sharpens - just a hair pop and razor edge very quickly even just dropping it and you know that mere polish that's very very quick to get back onto the knife once I have taking that edge off makes me believe that it is some kind of really high carbon steel so no it's gonna be curious to see what it actually is yeah I mean I'm probably completely wrong somebody's gonna bust me oh well it's almost interesting like you know I I was kind of making this argument the other day it's like if if we didn't tell you what the steel was and you just went out and used it like what would your experience be if you weren't thinking ahead of time so I remember 6-7 years ago all the rage was a one tool steel yeah every knife had to be oh one tool steel hiper I prefer a one tool steel that's just me 1095 1075 baba wawa now all the rage of CPM 3v and while all these super steals doesn't really have to be that in my opinion no that's just my opinion

but like I said again moving back to the blade itself you know carving little intricate details you know out of the corner of this just really quickly if anybody is a wood carver you can see this will be like the start of a nose piece off there we can bring the eyes and things like that you know not have to come around here adjust the nose and all that stuff I'm not gonna do that on camera just like I said you know I'm not gonna make this video an hour long with me carving my face I have to pee stick but you can see what I was saying just little intricate details here and the way of this knife is design it does it is not a sharp spine on here I know that we rave about those but you know like I said this is a different tool for a different task this is a carver meant to be a carver yeah if it's meant to be a cart where you need to do this on a system right so I mean having this tool to where I can get in with the tip and maybe drag down the lip of a notch so I can curl the notch so I could hang things from it and actually bless the decided notch but you get the point you know I could bring this notch concave it so I can hang pots from it better etc but like I said that's one of the reasons why I really like this knife because it's a small blade as a small carver with tons of purchased that I can get in and make really nice intricate detailed cuts and just just a just a serviceable blade as well like a patch knife a neck knife that I would wear this thing will hog would you know making spoons and taking the majority of the meat out of a stick for a carving of spoon or what have you this thing does an amazing job and this isn't softwood this is this is a Hickory or no I'm sorry that's a walnut but this also in reverse grip you're not going to notice any difference it's got that nice palm swell right there when it in reverse grip goes right into your palm fits very nicely really nice in the reverse grip and again we'll just haul wood right out getting more detailed cuts and getting the wood away from the project that you'd want to finalize all right guys nice to be back on YouTube as you've got a lot of you have been just driving me nuts when are you gonna be when you do a videos again what are you doing video games I have been taking some time off youtube to focus on myself but I'm back and it's nice to be back nice to give you guys this little short video about this carving knife that I've been pretty much obsessed with for the last eight months or so glad you guys are back with me and hope you enjoyed the video and if you did I appreciate it if you haven't already click subscribe down below hit that little bell icon to get notifications of new videos and thank you for all your comments and support and hopefully we'll see you no woods and again wouldn't catch that caught in my mouth three two one you

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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