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Be Famous to One Person


The title for this video came spontaneously from Rebecca toward the end of filming. It asks us to re-examine our ideas of what we spend our life energies on, and to focus on what is truly essential to us.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription


greetings friends so I had this weird experience this was I want to say five or six years ago and we'd be you know going into town to the grocery and I would see the magazines with like I'm talking about like People magazine and things like that with famous people tabloids not tabloid no just like that the more respectable one oh and so I'd see these magazines and I'd see the the people and I suddenly I know how this started to develop in me almost like an anxiety a weirdness and what happened over a couple of months a feeling like I needed to be famous was so important to be well known to be liked and as I process this over some time I came to realize that this was an influence that was coming into my life you know all the time it started out wanting to be an author and wanting to be famous for my writing and and the culture was like throwing this constantly this input of the best people the coolest people in the world are the people who are most famous who are you know top politicians or the best and so here it was wanting to be something but that want that desire had been kind of culturally implanted in me it wasn't my own it wasn't something I actually wanted but it had been put into me and it took me a while to Irish you remember me talking about this years ago I do it took me a while to distinguish between that culturally implanted desire and what I really wanted in my life so today I think we're hoping to talk about feeling that difference understanding that difference and it goes manifest engrossed levels like that but also in very very subtle levels that most of us don't notice if I look today from even when I was growing up there are so many places that you turn around that are telling you you have to be like this this is what your expectation should be and it's everything when you look at our social media you should have likes and you should be popular and and and every Facebook post should be happy and you know there's all these people that you're like are they for real can they really have that happy and awesome of a life and there's just so much of that I think coming into our world where we're trying to gain happiness in a sense of ourself from all these things that perhaps aren't actually deep and fulfilling it takes energy this takes a massive amount of life energy to be pursuing essentially goals or have these holding these desires that are not ours right don't resonate with our our inner being and it gets tricky in today's world I think you know our message often is that you're gonna hear from us is that you are this unique creature you have gifts to give to the world right so you can see the trap forming here probably so you have these gifts to give to the world so you know we're encouraging people if you you're working in a job you don't like you know consider getting out of that giving you a unique thing to the world giving your unique thing to the world can seem like well the only people that are doing that well are the people that have you know 3 million subscribers on their YouTube channel or that are getting regular speaking gigs or that you know have had their artwork put into the Smithsonian or some gigantic art gallery that that is not success right and I think when I started this YouTube channel for instance we talked about if we could with all the videos we ever made if we could touch one person and make a genuine difference in their life then we would feel like we had achieved success we'll fix this glare here on the side but but before I lose this sign that would be success rather than then trying to become the biggest YouTube channel out there or get super famous or get those awards at YouTube you know gives to you and you get a million subscribers that's not what it's about it's about giving something quality out there it's gonna change people's lives and for us it's these videos you know for you you might be a dancer and you're gonna just take somebody's breath away when they see you dance whatever it's gonna do okay glare gone Mike my question is is that what really you know if we had all the money all the fame everything that what really fills us up and just a little morose but I often think about dying and I think about laying there and it's my last moments and I think gosh did I reach out and make a difference to that one person like how would that feel versus well yeah I had the boat I wanted and all the cars I wanted and everything else there's so much that we think we want all these subscribers to our youtube channel or all these friends on Facebook or social media yet when it comes down to it there's such a depth of meaning when you have I don't know how to say it any better but oh really Sirians and that's that's our call today for you is its to notice are there places in your life where the the desires that you're having they're not really real you know does is getting that new fancier car does it really bring you the pleasure that you think it will bring or it does it just kind of fulfill that commercial has made you feel like you're gonna be cooler if you have that and then you get that feeling of coolness that's kind of been put in there by the commercial but it's not filling you up in the way a simple act of kindness fills you up you might love cars and the answer might be yes absolutely and I know a lot of people who love cars and restore cars and they go to parades and they go to shows and little kids are coming out uh sure so so it's not that one any one thing is bad we're good in our culture it's just I feel that when we stop for a moment and step back and check in here or in our gut there is a sense that we have unknowing that says I'm only doing this because and it's not a real fulfillment it's a it's a fake feeling of yeah I have a lot of friends or you have all this you know stuff that I'm doing that's really awesome when underneath it all it might be something simpler what is it for you specifically that really fills you up this was looking at our energy output where are we putting you know what are the things we're desiring and going after in life and looking at those things and saying are these really deep passions for me we've only got so much energy I've only got so much time here on earth and to take that energy in that time and to apply it to the things that really make a difference to you the people that matter in your life the it may be the passion is a car whatever the thing that really brings you joy take a look though at the ones that are likely to be implanted right getting lots of likes on social media making lots of money having the second house or drinking that new beer that commercial keeps you know flashing at you but these really really things you want or is it just put there I want to add you know just from my own personal experience and that is having everything look a certain way I spend a lot of my time trying to make my house clean or trying to yeah it's it's getting things organized and then when I sit down at the end of the day I'm like oh but I had really wanted to go for a hike with my family or oh I had really wanted to read a book with my girls and you know what I never did that because I kept saying oh just a second cuz I'm gonna do the dishes just a second because I've got to call so and so and so I think that also falls into that category of things that we think are gonna fulfill us if we finish our to-do list we're gonna be fulfilled but the to-do list is never ending that's where this is not just the big things that I was talking about it's it's our everyday living you know this is something that affects us really in every moment and as soon as we start applying our energies towards the things that were deeply passionate about that really means something to us our life starts to feel like it has a deeper meaning and fulfillment if we start to give our gifts to the world and wow that's amazing if you can touch that one person and you can make a difference in that one person's life or plant or animal yeah might be a little it might be a little forest that you helped end and nurture and bring back as it was you know mostly no down by somebody before or knows what it is but for you finding that thing that's right for you personally

and giving your energy to it and looking and saying these other things maybe they can take a backseat maybe you don't even need to be in my life in the way that they are and wow the energy that that would free up Oh when you're not striving after something that is it really truly gonna fulfill you the energy that you gain from that is phenomenal and when you are being fulfilled from a deep passion I mean be famous for one person or animal or plant or whatever it is that you choose I thought for just one person and and then you have this place in yourself that you could always think of that and that's something that you always want to be able to take with you so you can make this video better by down in the comments sharing the things that in your life have been distractions and then also the things or the places where you found your true passions by sharing those things that that you thought were important but really weren't it can help other people others of us to see you know oh yeah there's there's that thing that I'm really attached to and here's another person who's really attached to that might get me to look and say am I really that attached to it and so in the comments down below share the things that are not what they you thought they were right not as important as you thought they were and the things that you discovered that really matter and really make a difference you're truly passionate about we cannot wait to read what you have to write as always talk to you soon


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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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