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Super Shelter Modified for the Eastern Woodlands Part 1



Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

afternoon guys Dave Canterbury the Pathfinder school what I wanted to share with you guys today is a series on the modified Moore's kahan ski super shelter and I say modified because the super shelter that most gihan ski originated with was built around a frame system and up in the northern part of the boreal forest they have a lot of very flexible trees and lots of resources that they can use to bend and weave and make really nice raised bed shelters that are canopy din put the plastic over the canopy and things like that to create a really nice shelter for the weather they have in that area which is much colder than it is here in Southeast Ohio now temperatures today are in the teens they're supposed to be in the teens all weekend we have an intermediate class coming out here tomorrow that will be learning intermediate Pathfinder system tasks and deliverables and part of that is that they need to build an emergency shelter they need to spend a night in that shelter in the woods what we're going to teach them this weekend is we're going to teach them to build a modified super shelter based around the five-minute shelter that we teach in the basic class at the Pathfinder school so what I want to do is I kind of want to walk you through this real quick it's a very very simple concept most gihan ski was a genius when he came up with this concept in that in a very very cold environment and I stressed that because the shelter can be extremely hot so you really want to be good and cold before you resort to something like this in an emergency but for a very cold environment or an emergency overnight situation where it may be you know in the teens are below down around zero this is a very good shelter to use to keep yourself warm and keep yourself alive at least in the short term now this type plastic these cheap plastic tarps are not going to last very long but for the short term in the interim for an emergency they're great so I'm going to walk you through this real quick and then I'm going to do a second part of this video where we actually have students putting the long fire that goes along with this shelter in front of it to heat shelter up we'll check how the students like it on the inside see what they think of it and then we'll take some more footage of them actually building shelters like this in the woods and spending their overnight in them on Sunday night of this weekend but I wanted to introduce us to your real quick in this video I'll walk you through what I did very very simple concept I think you're going to like it stay with the guys okay so really what we've done here is we've taken I've got a log way in front of this thing it shouldn't say a log that's heavy stick engage that what we've done here is we've taken just our five by seven space blanket in this case it's an Sol space blanket we have set it up normal just like we do for our shelters in the basic class when we put a bed of leaves in here that are about four inches thick or a fist thick compressed to battle conduction on the ground I have a trash bag laying in here in this 55-gallon drum liner will be used on top of these leaves if they were wet to create a moisture barrier from your skin so that you could then lay down on this and not get wet from the leaves one thing you have to remember about a shelter like this is is going to condensate so if you can't employ something with this shelter that will help absorb some of that conversation you're better off but in emergency when you only have a space blanket and possibly some kind of a painters drop cloth that this one is a two millimeter I'm sorry a two mil painters drop cloth that's nine by twelve it's about four bucks our hardware store and then we have an Sol five by seven space blanket like we saw on our website we've got it set up in normal configuration that I've showed many many times of the five minute shelter then we've taken this plastic and we just drink it over the top pretty much just like the and I have gathered up the ends and I'll show you how I did that stake it down in the back basically right on the same stakes that I staked the shelter itself on pull everything else to the front now what I do with that is I'll take this stick and I'll put it in the front of the shelter just like this that gives me the ability to roll this up like this up against that bed just stretch that plastic out and make it tight and that's going to give me the best heat inside this shelter but it also makes it very easy to get out of in case there's an issue or an emergency you can get out of the shelter very easy just by rolling this stick up on the ground in front of it and then of course your fires out here we'll talk about that later on let's talk about the sides real quick so what I did here on the sides is basically I just put a ball in this corner you could use a rock or just tie a knot in the corner where the case may be and I've got a stake right here this gives me a door to get inside and the other side set up the exact same way so this actually clips to here once you're inside the shelter and then this other front side has another tie out loop on it that I can either tie to it or I can just tuck it inside like this again this log gives me that easy escape route or that stick rolled up in there gives me that easy escape route you got to have to have a little bit of airflow in there because you don't want to seal yourself into an airtight tomb obviously you've got to get oxygen in there and you're going to fill that thing with carbon monoxide bringing it in and out so you've got to have a little bit of air flow through there but you don't want much because you want to trap as much heat as possible so this works out pretty well you can just tuck the front end behind this this stake down and that's how we stake in the corners that's just wrapping up basically the excess of that 9 by 12 like I said on the backside here all we did was just took a ball and tied it in there just like that and hook that on to our stakes pulled it tight to the front to roll it up and that's what gives us the stretch right here it's really not connected to anything on the ridgeline itself it's just draped over the top pull tight on the back and then rolled up in the front so the design of this shelter by Moore's Kanaskie basically takes advantage of the radiant heat from the iron takes advantage of convection inside the shelter by trapping the heat inside this plastic reflecting that reading from the fire off the space blanket and then because it's trapped in there it becomes convective so you are battling conduction by putting a leaf bed inside taking advantage of the radiant heat from the fire which will be one step away from the front of the shelter and you'll put the fire in here as long as the shelter is and we'll talk about that more in part two as well and then you're taking advantage of convection by trapping that heat inside and rolling it around from that reflective space blanket so this is a very very brilliant design by Moore's Kohan ski for an emergency shelter now what I want something like this to have to try to operate out of that for the long term or even a week no I wouldn't but for him an emergency kit that I was going to carry with me in very very cold weather like this if I were on a hunting trip or something like that and was only going in for the day and possibly could get stuck you know an emergency space blanket doesn't weigh hardly anything this drop cloth doesn't weigh hardly anything so as long as I've got that and something that process wood to make steaks and things of that nature I can set this shelter up with the minimum having a trash bag in there as well and I could sleep in that shelter with the proper fire in just my clothes as long as I am dressed properly for the environment if I add a wool blanket to that then it's a whole different level of comfort inside that shelter and we'll show you that in part two but I just wanted to show you this there's been a lot of videos out there and things I've seen on the internet about super shelters I've even seen a couple that were very similar to this but I wanted to show you how the five-minute shelter works into this super shelter within the Pathfinder system for a very very cold environment it's easy to add this to your emergency kit for a very cold weather environment and take advantage of this to give you that extra amount of security for an emergency situation ok guys want Dave Canterbury the Pathfinder school and thank you for joining me for this video we'll be back with part 2 as soon as we can like I said we have a class all weekend this weekend I'll be taking some photographs and doing some video try to get that up by Monday for you if possible I thank you for anything you do for me for my school for my family for everyone that's affiliated with the Pathfinder school and the Pathfinder

I'll be back to another video soon as I can guys thanks you

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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