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Meet the Bushcrafters - Survivalmike


This is how I became a Bushcrafter! I got tagged by inisch - thx buddy!

The people I want to tag are:




..............Leather working, Kocher, Fallenbau, Bushcraftmesser, Bushcraftknife, Mora Messer, Knife Test, batoning, feathersticks, essbare Wildpflanzen, Signaling, Whillow Whistle, Grohmann knife, Outdoornahrung, Ray Mears, Survivalfishing, Survivalnahrung, survivalmike, Outdoor, Notnahrung, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, Survival, Bushcraft, Survivalmesser, Survivalknife, primitive living, trapping, Survivalschule.at, Austria, Germany, Salzburg, Cody Lundin, Deutsch

Tags: Leather working,Kocher,Fallenbau,Bushcraftmesser,Bushcraftknife,Mora Messer,Knife Test,batoning,feathersticks,essbare Wildpflanzen,Signaling,Whillow Whistle,Grohmann knife,Outdoornahrung,Ray Mears,Survivalfishing,Survivalnahrung,survivalmike,Outdoor,Notnahrung,Bear Grylls,Les Stroud,Survival,Bushcraft,Survivalmesser,Survivalknife,primitive living,trapping,Survivalschule.at,Austria,Germany,Salzburg,Cody Lundin,Deutsch

Video Transcription

my name is mike at my job is to teach you and other people how to survive the wild I've been tacked by a friend of mine his youtube channel name is English and the tag is about meet the bushcraft us so now I told you my story how I became a bushcraft well it's fairly simple I first got into a bushcraft and survival where I was this high as a little boy and my grandfather took me out into the woods showed me how to build shelter showed me how to make fire which fungi are edible which plants are edible where I can get safe water and all this kind of stuff so that was a lucky boy had a great great grandfather and I enjoyed it very much be with him out in the woods he carved me some things and have fun with them i can tell you i got slingshots bow whatever I want I just called him police grandfather let's go into the woods let's make a bowl let's make a slingshot and he made it with his knife and I was like it was exciting it every moment out in the woods was just amazing beautiful out there and yeah I tried it until now had fun until now and over the years I read many many books and have watched a lot of films and DVDs later on I tried everything I read in the book and something failed most of them worked so yeah I have had really fun with it and enjoy mother nature is as I do now and yeah that's how I became bushcrafter so started this agent now I'm my age 29 at the moment can't get enough of it so go out in modern hn Detroit yourself have fun out there thank you very much inish for the tech and I also want to take three people and those people I will blend in at the end of this video so yeah thanks for watching have a great time in another nature see you soon on another video Mike from the survival show late 80

About the Author

Survival Mike

Survival Mike

Certified Survivaltrainer and Wildernessguide

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