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Asian Monitor Trap




Tags: Hunting,Camping,Hiking,Primitive Skills,Archery,Dual Survival,Flint Knapping,traps,trapping,fishing,Discovery Channel,hand drill,bow drill,fire steel,shelter,water,navigation,char cloth

Video Transcription

okay we're back here in the same place we're at yesterday we did these trapping videos I want to show you another Asian trap it's a little bit similar to the scissor trap that we've showed you in the past but it's a bit different a little simpler to make like I said we've got the 2y branches that we used yesterday to make our trap already we've got our spring device here with our piece of footage on it from our bank line and again you need to pull that down to where you think it's going to be in the right position for your spring device and then hold on to that spot that's where you going to put your trigger okay as you can see now our trigger device for this trap basically has two opposite notches in it one of those notches will be attached to our string and the other notch will be attached on this side I'll get a close-up up for you in a minute there's just a little tab I left here when I cut this branch off and we'll talk about that in just a minute but what you do is you basically just tie this on the same way with a couple half hitches that you do the dog bone so it doesn't go anywhere and you bring it down and hook it into this small slot device right here

and basically when you do that that becomes your trigger and you bait the end of this point with a piece of fruit or whatever and then what you do is you take your noose and you put your noose in between these two uprights so that the animal has to walk through this noose when he comes into this trap and you can just lay this part on top and of course you funnel this just like you did the other way and what happens is the animal walks into this trap and when he chews on and I can't I get a stick to go through here when he comes in and chews on this bait and he releases your trap he gets pulled up between these uprights by his body and it basically suffocates them they catch them by the neck and jerks him up through it really doesn't matter if it catches them in the body it traps him in between these two sticks with his body on one side and his head out the other and chokes him out and suffocates them to death and that's the way that trap works I'll give you a close-up of this trigger system real fast to show you how that works turn the video reading okay so we've got our trigger stick pointed right here again you would have some piece of fruit or an energy bar or something attached to that animal comes in between the uprights to feed pushes the trigger stick off gets pulled up between the uprights or hung by the neck and pulled through the uprights either way doesn't matter the animals been trapped this will just keep them in one place for you if it's a fairly long animal like a squirrel or something like that

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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