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Full Circle



Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription


Dave Canterbury with the pathline I came out here this morning on the back shoot a real casual video to discuss what I call full circle and I just wanted to have a little open chat with you guys just meet to the camera not a bunch of you know skills in the background or campfires or in the woods or anything else I just wanted to have this discussion so you guys can understand a little bit more possibly about my mentality over time and I'm going to put a picture at the beginning of this video that you're going to see and it may shock some people who believe that I just started growing long hair in recent times the picture that you're going to see in this video is of me and a group of guys in about 1993-94 time frame somewhere in that close proximity at the base of Wildcat Trace in the Daniel Boone National Forest and we were in 18th century gear my hair was long just like it is now and this was in the early 90s and we were heading off for a truck for several days into the Daniel Boone National Forest you basically live off what we carried in in 18th century fashion and that's pretty much where I started my true studies of wilderness skills and what we now call survival bushcraft woodcraft and things of that nature

I started out reenacting the 18th century I started out with experimental archaeology and as I progressed on from there I became very interested in primitive archery and I'm also going to put a picture on here that was taken of me in 2006 when I won the men's traditional Nationals in Cloverdale Indiana with the self bow and that was when I was really heavy into the primitive type archery in fact the first youtube video that I ever posted back in 2007 is something like that maybe was on knapping arrowheads so I was still in that archery primitive archery type mode and I was starting to mix that primitive archery stuff and primitive skill stuff with more modern gear as my evolution in learning went along and I think that everyone goes through these phases of one

and as I progressed I started to use more modern type gear that tactical not practical type stuff because there was the latest and greatest thing and I got sucked in like everybody else does to thinking hey this is new it must be better so I started using that type of gear but eventually I came back around to the more primitive stuff and started that experimental archaeological journey again with the primitive skills in a primitive archery which led me back into the 1800s mentality and the 1700s mentality and then later on in the nineteen hundred's mentality of plastic camping and what we call wood crafts today or where I'm at right now discussing wood craft and things of that nature and I think that those guys of the early 1920s they really kind of had it right because they understood that those Breton earring type skills that people like Ellsworth Jaeger and Daniel fared and those guys were teaching to young folks when they started the Boy Scouts of America and people like Thomas Sutton that actually were creators of the Boy Scouts of America or heavily pushed that movement Thomas Sutton and Daniel bear they were teaching our young folks those pioneering type wood crafting skills that were so important to our ancestors and I think those guys had it right and they understood that using some more modern technology of the time and mixing that with the old-time skills and knowledge was the way to truly become self-reliant in a wilderness setting and I think that's an important thing for us to think about it's important thing for us to realize when we look at our gear and we look at our mentality you know everybody says well Dave treed the 5 season to 10 C's Dave didn't really create that stuff it's always been there they've rediscovered it there's really nothing new in in this field or in this hobby community that we're in and I call it a community because that's exactly what it should be it should be people helping each other not tearing each other down people should be trying to give each other all the knowledge they possibly can and that's always been one of the things that I tried to do with this is I got my part beagle running around loose I mean with Rufus this is Ruby we've had her for probably three three years she's running around loose today I got another dog over here he's still Alicia Roman his name's max he is a German Shorthaired Bob dog but he'll an absolute killed herself I let him loose he kills everything in sight and I got a guy across the road from me yeah probably five six hundred yards for me I can look at straight-line distance probably got 40 chickens and they're running around in the open pin I'm definitely not gonna let this bird dog loose that be able to they're tearing him up so he only gets to go loose once in a while at me out of the woods and I've taken him out there with Rufus already a couple of times but this little beagle dog she's a sweetheart she just rolls over on her back and what you rub her belly all right all right guys so back to the conversation I apologize like I said this is just a real casual dogs just not careful okay guys so back to our conversation I don't think anything in this community or in this hobby is new Otzi the Iceman carried the five C's of survivability with him he had a cutting tool he had a way to affect combustion he had a shelter Eleanor microclimate that he wore in a large grass shawl he had containers that were made from birch bark and also containers made from net and then he also had cords with him in the form of rawhide and leather laces and windings so he had those five seasons around ability with him and I didn't recreate that all I did was given a name with an easy acronym for people to learn it later so it was cutting tool combustive device obtain to cover element and cordage is very simple and tents keys of survivability were adapted beyond the five and again the ten essentials are nothing new it was created by the Sierra Club in the early 1900s although their tennis is that much different than a 10 C and G heart Ward also had an essentials he talked about which again but we're completely different than the 10 C's now I went back and looked at the Sierra Club's list of ten essentials recorded video I wanted to

look at how close it emulated what I look at and the mentality is completely different I went to two different sites of the Sierra Club and surprisingly enough the number one item on both lists was a map and compass so they're talking more about navigational needs where I want to understand what it takes for immediate survival needs and there's five of the 10 C's pretty much on the Sierra Club's list in one way shape or form you've got a compass you've got a flashlight you have extra water so you must have some type of container maybe it's not metal and that is a key sticking point for me on them on containers that has to be made out of metal because you have to be able to put that in the fire to disinfect your water to make food and make medicine they also have fire starter and they also have a pocket knife so they do have some of the five seeds on here but they've doubled up got fire starter and they've got matches that's two different items and I would consider some type of combustion element one item what they do map and compass on the other list that I looked at and as far as their search and rescue element or staying put and hoping someone's gonna come and find you because you've left a good game plan there's signaling devices really like number three on the list on one list and the other list really doesn't have it on there at all other than yeah they really don't have it on there at all mathis flashlight extra food water extra clothes pocket knife

firestarter sunglasses and some 3m tape kit there's really nothing on that list that addresses search-and-rescue us so ever so when I developed the five season tendencies list I want to make sure that it was a likely affected your immediate survival only in that be was my function enough to last you a longer period of time if it had to I apologize about the one dog that's never poignant kind of saying naming in and in our max cut it out so anyway that Bala Jones at this videos unprofessional

background but I warned you guys with that information because what's happened to me over the last five years and you can understand that I was practicing this 18th century stuff well before I did this truck into Daniel Boone you don't just throw any concentra clothes grow your hair long and put on a pair of moccasins and walk out into a four or five day truck into the Daniel Boone unless you practice this stuff ahead of time just like bushcraft today so over the past 20 plus years and I've been doing this I have pretty much come full circle I started in the 18th century I had long hair I wore moccasins I wore 18th century clothing I practiced 18th century living skills came back and developed the 21st century long hunter mentality almost 20 years later right out 20 years later up let's bank on that 18th century technology and mix it with some modern items that are that work as well today as they did then and that are going to work as well today a hundred years from now and let's mix that mentality for the 21st century long runner and really get down a set of kit items or criteria for those items that are going to be useful to us in the long term and it's not as important for anything in this world of survival and bushcraft and wood craft to have a certain item a blind horse Pathfinder pls k1 as it is to have an item that meets certain criteria will this knife do the things for me it has to do will it split wood will it process game will it do fine carving will it throw sparks if I hit it with a flint rock does it have a good nine degrees spine on it that's going to shower sparks off my ferrocerium rod does it have a full tank for longevity and durability safe those are the criteria that I'm talking about so it doesn't matter what knife you buy as long as it meets those type criteria it's the same way with every piece of kit now one thing that I do want to say is I want to show you guys a page from an ad and I'm going to go ahead and put it on this video so you guys can stop the video and look at this and the decide is from Stoeger Arms Company in the 1920s and it's a catalog page that advertises the marbles wood craft knife the marbles ideal and the marbles expert I believe our three knives on one side and then to the woodsman pal tools the civilian model and the military version on the other side and it gives descriptions of these knives from the early 1920s and when he gets down to the ideal hunting knife is called

it looks very much like what today is an army k-bar and it talks about that knife being able to split kindling which is something that we think is all new but taunting a knife nobody ever did that the past surely did the wood crafters did it case in point with this act this night was made for splitting kindling it also says that this knife was made as in every purpose knife one tool option again everybody thinks that's something new it's not it's reinvented from the 1920s for Marvel's manufacturing companies advertisements of their knives talking about them being capable of doing anything you need them to do including processing firewood the one tool option so nothing in this world is new when it comes to bushcraft the wood trap and survival it's been reintroduced reinvented regurgitated but it's not new and nothing that I do is new it's just brought forward in a different manner that possibly makes it easier to digest or easier to learn or easier to remember for our future generation and that is my hope and my goal is to lead that legacy over time of people being able to learn from what I put out there and understand and remember over time ok ranted enough we're talking up or biessed enough or whatever we're doing today I got a dog barking over here I got two dogs on the back I'm gonna relax a little bit today I'm not going to shoot another video other than this one I've got to prep for a class this weekend out here we have a basic class this weekend and then I have some travel coming up fairly shortly after that I'll be tied up for at least that we can do some filming out here at the school where I won't be able to do anything but that filming for a week with a production crew I'm Dave Canterbury at the Pathfinder school and I appreciate your attention today I thank you for your views and thank you for support and thank you for everything you do for our school for our family for our business for all of our instructors sponsors affiliates and Friends I'll be back to another video in this series as soon as I can't pitch again guys

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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