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5 Min Fire and Shelter Conversion.wmv



Tags: Min,Fire,and,Shelter,Conversion,Dave,Canterbruy,Pathfinder,Pathfinder School,Survival,Bushcraft,Camping,Trapping,Hunting,Fishing,Primitive,Search and Rescue,SAR,Wilderness,Trekking,Archery,Hiking,First Aid,Boy Scouts,Scout,Scouting,Bow,Drill,Making,Scout (Scouting),Outdoor Sports,Herbalism,Herbal,Trees,Plants,Wild Edibles

Video Transcription

afternoon guys I'm Dave Canterbury the Pathfinder school I wanted to bring you a quick video today to show you a simple tip or trick that you can use in inclement weather to provide you with cover to create your fire as well as a quick microclimate and one of the concepts that we teach is the Pathfinder school and Pathfinder basics and we reiterate those by practical exercises the five-minute fire and the five-minute shelter or five-minute microclimate what I want to show you today is a way to use those together in conjunction with each other to effectively protect your fire and inclement weather while you're building it until it's sustainable and then very quickly convert that into a microclimate I'm gonna show you how to do that right now what I've got laying right here has very simple things that I would carry with me if I were going to make a shelter in emergency situations so these things would be in the bottom my backpack all the time separate from what I would use for shelter if I were going on a truck or something like that these would be emergency gear if I was just going backpacking for the day going out on the trail you know something like that this is my emergency type gear and what I've got is I've got a 55-gallon drum liner here gives me a moisture barrier I have four ABS plastic stakes the reason I have these plastic stakes is I don't want to have to take the time to carve stakes to make a five minute microclimate or five minutes shelter I have four bungee cords here okay bungee cords are very very good with inferior type tarps or cheaper type tarps that have grommets in them and knots own tie outs because they have give so they won't rip your tarps out in the wind they won't rip those grommet holes out they're also very good for other things you know anything from a tourniquet to a slingshot band to a you know handheld spear type band to trap engines to building shelters so I carry four of those very lightweight this bundle weighs almost nothing I carry one ten a wet fire and my Ferro rod it's on my knife sheath I want surefire okay that's what's important in a five-minute fire or a five-minute shelter fire situation you want to make sure that you have instant fire you want to make sure that it will start rain sleet snow or Sun many inferno we'll give that to you and also demonstrate that to you just a minute did I carry a real emergency space blanket just like the ones that I've always carried and I've always showed you guys the exception to that today is I'm going to toss this on the side I have a brand new one and this is brand new to our site at the Pathfinder school llc.com and it's the same exact space blanket and what I've done is I put tie outs on all four corners out of paracord I do that before I put it in my pack the advantage to this space blanket is this space blankets made a little different it has the same reflective side and green side you can get this in orange as well but it also has a built-in hood and hand pockets and what that allows me to do is very quickly put this hood over my head it's got hand pockets in the cores I can stuff my hands into just like this bring that around me and I have a very quick easy shelter from the rain or a super heating shelter then I can put around me raise my core temperature up if I'm getting too cold and I think I'm getting into a hypothermic State so that gives me that rapid rewarming that I need in that case but this is a very good tarp it doesn't take up any more room than normal tarp does gives you all the advantages of the tarp plus it gives you a makeshift jacket type situation that you can use in inclement weather as well so what I'll do with this is I'm going to take this first of all I'm going to put the reflective side up okay so when I set this on the ground it's going to be reflector side up now is when I would start my five minutes sheltered fire situation so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take two bungee cords one bungee cord will go to one corner tie out and go to a tree about waist level or a little bit higher and I'll just hook that off and let hang there for the moment then I'll come over to the other side with one other bungee cord to a tree and I'll go ahead and pull this over to my tree and stretch it out okay so once I have that hooked up I can adjust the height that will win it I'm going to adjust it a little bit high right now for a particular reason I've got the reflective side up remember now I need to do is take two of my stakes my abs plastic stakes go to the back and pull my tie up points backwards again it's been wet out here so the grounds pretty wet pretty easy just to share those stakes in the ground just like that now what this is this is not my shelter that's a shelter for my fire okay remember we got inclement weather we're talking about the sun shining right now but it have been raining today everything that I have here and start my fire with as far as kindling is damp and wet and muddy okay so at this point I'm going to start my fire I'm going to grab a rock real quick here bring it over use it for a base pull out the mini inferno rip it a little bit to give it some surface area just like I've shown in other videos get my Ferro rod out and start a fire with that just like that one strike meaning photos on fire now I'm going to take my damp kindling and bring it over start drying it out over that mini inferno if it starts raining again or it's continuing to rain it's okay my fire is protected by this tarp right now while this initial kindling is catching fire drawing out I'll go out get some more

okay you can see we got flames rising up good now

now I'm going to give some option okay once we've got flame rising up through the middle that thing we got to get a coal bed we got a sustainable fire that we can just add sticks to now and let them dry out

now comes the flip trick what I'm going to do is I'm going to move this camera off to the side you can see right now we have our fire protected underneath our shelter or microclimate all we're going to do is pull these two stakes out flip this tarp the other direction stick it back out drop it down a little bit what we've effectively done is we've moved our shelter behind our fire our fire is now outside of our shelter right there now our microclimate has been created now we have to do is tend that fire make sure she stays good to go I'm Dave Canterbury at the Pathfinder school

I appreciate your views I appreciate your support I'll be back as soon as I can

thanks guys



About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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