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Skinning a Raccoon with Rope,Modern Trapping Part 32




Tags: Pathfinder,Survival,Bushcraft,Trapping,Skinning

Video Transcription

morning Gossett II of Canberra the Pathfinder school first and traffic season we got a few animals here I'm going to show you guys how to rope skin a coon today it's a process that I saw on the internet I've practiced it a couple times works pretty good really really good for raccoon and fatty animals anyway they're kind of a pain in the butt to skin but this rope technique works really really good for pulling on that skin so that you can remove it very easily so I'm going to show you that technique today stay with me okay so more skin this Coon goes usually for my skin and cuts things like that I prefer these old cheap Moroz they're about the sharpest thing around they hold an edge for a long time they work really well really well so first thing you're going to do with this thing and this one happens to be a female here is you're going to make the money cut what they call the money cut you want that money cut to basically follow the line of that far from the ankle down to the vent and then back up and out so I usually just take my knife and stick it right in behind the heel and poke it right into the skin and just follow that down right to the vent just like that sometimes it's better if you just do this on the ground get it over with and take that cut straight over to the vent and then come back and do the same thing on the other side right behind that heal pad straight down to the vent just like that okay and make sure that that cut goes all the way through on both sides just like that okay now we're good now we're going to do is we're going to strip some of the skin off of the foot on both sides just like this I'm going to pull it around on both sides and that's where I use this little stick and what I'll generally do is once I can get a finger in there pretty easy all the way around I'll shove that stick in there and work it around until I get to the other side like that and then I put my knife in right on top of that stick just like this and come up and cut that open just like that okay you can see I missed it just a little bit right there you're not going to use this part of the fur anyway really not that major of an issue and then you can strip that down a little further by hand just like that okay and you're going to do the same thing on the other side so we'll grab this guy and strip that skin back off of that leg just like that work our fingers in there behind that meat and once they get my finger in there that's what I'm going to follow with that stick and that stick really is just a guide my knife more than anything else and keep my fingers out of there and then I'm just going to slide my knife right in here on top of that stick like we talked about and make the cut just like that and then again I can strip that right down just like that okay if I can get that Vette pulled off now that's all the better for me just like that okay

now we're getting somewhere now we can hang this dude up on the gambrel okay so now we want to do is we want to try to get this get some separation on this tail get my hand in there again you're these sticks work really good for that just stick it in there behind that tail shut that down a little bit and you've got that tail bone exposed in there then we're going to split that we're going to come down here on that tail when I try to get centered and we're going to split that out about an inch to an inch and a half down okay that's something like that when I split that tail out and now we want to separate from that tail bone again and what's stick Ken's got a lot of fat in them you're not gonna see that's all fat right there you might have to trim a little bit when you're pulling against that tail there you go see how I stripping down there and I can strip I can pull that down to a little bit how I'm going just like that and now my aim is to pull that completely straight off of there with either a tail stripper or a pair of pliers there we go just like that okay and then we'll split the rest of that tail out here just a few minutes now a little bit of back sinew sticking together there sticking to it there okay now we've got this far I'm just going to pull a little bit it's like this this is where the rope is going to come in right now okay I got that thing stripped down because it's warm it was easy to strip but man look at the fat on that guy will you all right now what we're going to do is we're going to take this rope I'm gonna readjust that camera just a little bit so you guys could see better okay we've got a couple things going on with this rope first of all we have a loop tied in it and that's just to put that through we're going to come up here we're going to grab this tail we're going to pull a good chunk of meat into this loop just like this and crank down on it then we're going to put our foot right here in this other loop and that's going to allow us to strip this skin and all we got to do is pull ourselves away from this hide and you can see it's stretching out now that's what we want so we'll get our knife in her hand and pull

alright there's our legs coming out so since we get our feet fingers in there we're just gonna pull those front legs off and now we're all ready to the head there's the ear cartilage right there on the on the side there's your cartilage on the other side there's the eyes damn now we'll cut this little jaw just like that there we go now that should give us the entire face right there's the nose we'll turn this thing inside out real quick and show you what that looks like for second okay let's pull this thing inside out real quick fellas okay so there's the ears one two there's the eye sockets right there and the nose okay and that gives us a full face if we decided we're going to use that for something that's a nice big beautiful Coon hide right there now let's talk about something else real quick here before we go any further let me turn this high back inside out okay now there's a couple things we can do here with this hide we can flush it over the flushing beam and start the tanning process very much like we've done already or if we're going to sell this fur to someone we don't necessarily have to do anything with it we're going to get more money for it if we scrape it and stretch it and go to that process and at least get that hide on a stretcher and turn it into basically a piece of rawhide with the hair in on a coon we're going to get more money for it that way but if we don't want to go through the hassle of flushing something that has a lot of fat on it and we're just trying for sheer numbers to make some money we can just take this thing basically fold the tail inside just like this roll this thing up with as much fur on the inside as we can get roll it up put it in it some kind of a Walmart bag or whatever the case may be throw this thing right in the freezer and fur buyers will buy this fur just like this now they've got machines that can flush this stuff out in no time but you're going to get less money for it that way the best way to get your money out of fur is either to flush this thing out and turn it into rawhide or to tan it yourself and sell it as a tanned hide but for sheer self-reliance long-term whatever the case may be you know look at all the fat on this thing that you can use to render down to use from Bates to use for oils for lamps to use for lubrication and boots and leather work and knives and things of that nature that's a resource right there scraping that off and getting that off of there is a good resource for you long term then you've got the hide the leather to work with after the fact raccoon skin coats are very very very warm so if you had to patch work one of these things together or patch work it over another coat of some kind you could do that some kind of an inner shell and it would make a very very warm coat so there's a lot of things you can do with the raccoon besides just what we're doing right here and we'll talk about some of that stuff further into the trapping season and more as our videos progressed in this modern trapping series I'm Dave Canterbury the Pathfinder school I appreciate join me for another video I thank you for all your support for everything you do for me for my family for my business and for my school I'll be back another video as soon as I can you

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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