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Cast iron Cooking Part 3 Deep Fried Bass Filets



Tags: Pathfinder Survival Bushcraft,Fishing,Cast Iron Cooking

Video Transcription

water take home bring back them good old days I used to know what's the been something in a lot pete'll sawmill creek baptized in the heart I got down on my afternoon guys I'm David Kammerer the Pathfinder school with Laila affectionately known as the bug we're going to cook up these bass fillets for you in a cast-iron cooking segment so stay with us we're getting a fire heated up right now getting ready put some oil in an iron pot and we'll walk you through that as we go stay with us great eats and bath good love you okay okay so the first thing we got to do is we got to get our fish ready right we got our fish filets right here and we've got some flour flour was a very very traditional thing for the woodsman to carry of the 18th 19th century they generally bought flour cornmeal different types of seasonings and salt and things of that nature to take with them so that they could cook their meat and we've got our fish that we're going to cook we've got a fresh egg from our chickens and we've got a plastic bowl a little non-traditional but we'll use it then we'll cook in cast iron how about that so we're going to break this egg and put it in the bowl okay yeah good stuff huh oh that's a good stuff man let's get a stick off the ground unit mixes up with and we'll just mix that stick up real good just like that

mix that egg up real good I mean with our stick just like that that's what we're gonna use the batter our fish and we're gonna take this plastic flour that we got here we'll set this egg aside for a minute now what I want you to do for me is help me out here and put some stuff in here for me can you do that come over here move on this side so you're not blocking the camera okay this is a ten of salt they see you all right now can you put some salt in here for me so just a little bit get pinched with your fingers pinch it with your fingers put a pinch gonna pinch yes there you go pinch with your fingers nope in the salt there you go put some in how about some more a little more

another pinch

okay that's good enough now we're gonna do the same thing with our other ingredient which is garlic pepper yeah we got these taped up to Gorilla Tape so they don't leak anything when they're our pack so we'll undo that and this garlic pepper we're gonna do the same thing we need a couple pinches okay so I'll put a little bit in there and you put some pinches in pinch another pinch another pinch a lot of things were measured in pinches Pappy just measures in dump and hope about that see you listen back up then what we're gonna do is we're gonna shake that all up really good really really good what's the other SUP gonna be chicken can you shake this up it's gonna be fish not chicken can you shake that up real good shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it good keep shaking keep shaking keep shaking nice good job good job bug okay hang on just a minute PAP you gotta give you something okay are you ready let me see what you got here we got everything mixed in there real good looks like alright now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our fish and we're going to take our fillets out one at a time like this I'm going to dip them in the egg just like that yeah dip them in the egg real good and slosh it around in there real good just like that to coat it and then we're going to take that away we're gonna put it in the flour that you mixed up for us can you open that for me Oh pull pull on the one side open pull there you go good job and we'll put that in there shake shake it up can you shake it shake it good you gotta shake it like that I know you got it's okay it's just a little egg you can wipe it on Pappy shirt my phone Pappy shirt it's up guy there you go all right so once we got that done then we need to pull that guy out I'm checking my fire here in the background we'll set him right there okay take a little bit sprinkle it on the top where I touch it with my hand yom-yom is right okay one more we gotta do the same thing again okay we got to get our fillet out and we gotta dip it in the egg roll good slosh it around and get a code with egg real good see that get that egg coat in there real real good like that okay yeah I'm gonna put him in here and we got to shake it again I'll bet so you don't have to get that mess on your hands how about that you all right

you want to get it out of there for me No Oh what are you talking about who are you crazy

it's slimy a drifting Oh with my slimy and drippy gonna sprinkle a little flour on the top just like that we'll set this aside we'll set another bag aside we'll set our grease aside and now we're going to have to let this sit for a minute and go over and get our fire ready by putting some oil in our cast-iron pot you ready yeah okay no I got it I got a mitten see I have a I have a safety mitten right here so I don't burn my hand yeah well I'll be okay we'll put that pot on there and we'll put some oil in there how about that we're going to add some oil to our pot now I bring anything oil here gonna bust it open and I'm not putting so much in there that I want to waste it just put enough in there to boil it for good hey get up to cover the fish right all right so we got to get that hot now let that sit for a minute and get hot okay I'll tell you what if I can only carry one pot and I had the luxury of having a canoe or a TV or a four-wheeler or something like that to carry something heavy in like this this would be the pot I'd carry this thing this pond what honey that's our tongs we're going to use for our fish here in just a minute I gotta check our fire it's getting really close really close okay all we need to do now let's pour our lid we should be up to temperature I would think by now we're going to find out real quick by just dipping one of these in there and we'll know if it starts sizzling we'll know it's ready oh yeah look at that put them both in there just like that

let's flip em one time just like that oh man mmm look at that how good is that okay we don't let's cook it too long we don't want burn it nope we're just gonna leave it on our tail gets golden brown yep cuz then we know it's cooked look at that man oh man on me a little bit more on this one baby oh yeah okay here we go and where the fish doe that is the fish okay so let's take our pot move it off the fire a little bit here let it cool down take our fish let it cool down so we can eat it well guys I'll tell you what there ain't nothing left but to taste them of course anything's better with Cholewa this is lime flavor goes really good with fish I'm not going to feed this to Layla bug just going to let her try piece this beautiful fish

hey do it huh golly ya moron tell you what if we had some we had some my Pappy's cornmeal drop hush puppies we'd be in business hey you swallow yep mm slow it charlie I've saved when these fillets for your Nana she won't hurt forgive me if I don't

gnarlie it's good ma'am no bite we should get a table good we got a table it's gonna stomp you have to give nerville vice here you another little bite hello you want our little bite nice okay so come here baby so I'm Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder school with Layla bug we appreciate you joining us for our dinner tonight and for this video on deep fried bass fillets appreciate everything that you do for us for our family for our school for business we appreciate your views we appreciate your support is your fish good give me a kiss love you say bye bye thank you guys you

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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