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Journal of the Yurt 20



Tags: Journal of the Yurt 20,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,Survival,Bushcraft

Video Transcription




so what we're going to do here is we're gonna put enough water in this pot to boil some potatoes in I've got some potatoes here thanks to miss iris and I'm going to myself up see some wood here cut them up on and I'm just going to slice up two potatoes fairly thin and set them aside for just a minute chopped up just a little bit better than that there we go we'll set these aside for just a second because we're going to use them directly here but the first thing I'm going to do is I've got my squirrels been hanging on the tree I've already cut two chunks off of him the two back legs I've already eaten them so what's left is this much meat what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my path on your pocket stove okay like I've told you guys many many times and videos everything I have has to be multi-purpose and I'm going to set it in this water I've got to watch my water level here to make sure I don't have too much water in there but it's going to boil off anyway I'm going to steam this squirrel I'm going to take the rust these potatoes I'm going to throw them in this water right around here like this and boil them basically as I do this so I'm going to put these potatoes in here to boil and then I'm going to take the squirrel set him on top of everything and he's going to be steamed on top of basically on top of the steaming rack and I'm going to go ahead and take my lid for this pot then I've got this is an MSR cook set I've had for a really really long time it's got a pin it's got two pots and it all nests into a a bag it works out really really well we're gonna put that on there and put it around the stove so I'll show you what that looks like here so you can see it better let me zoom in on it okay this is what we got got our squirrel sitting on top of steaming rack here to steam that meat and then we've got the potatoes in there to boil the lid on top to help trap that heat and we got one spare potato for another meal okay there we go look at that

man oh man you see that squirrels just sitting on top of that makeshift steamer that's made out of the Pathfinder pack stove there I got potatoes all around it on the boil looks like I need to add a little bit more water to it not much but just a little you're going to have that when you're steamed and stuff and we're gonna go out and find some onions okay guys this is onion grass right here okay so I'm going to get rid of some separate some of the stuff out of the way and these are little baby onions in here just like chives we're going to pull those up gotta get out of there my fingers get that pulled up just like that you look at the bulbs on there see those little onion bulbs one two three four five six bulbs right there in that group that gives us a wild onion there's six bulbs in that group that gives us some good wild onion we'll wash these off down at the creek we'll pick a few more there's quite a bit of it right here in this area we'll pick a few more of these get us at least 10 we'll go wash them off we're gonna add this to our squirrel our potatoes I get the clumps of dirt off of it now while I can I'll take it down and wash it off real good in the creek all right let's get these onions washed off

we actually got here you're that man those are beauties right there huh

mmm smoked great but I add these to our squirrel nice nice okay so we got a rung in here right here we clean them off in the creek we're gonna take those we're just gonna cut them off get the roots off of them just like that cut him off at the white not like that pull it off when I throw them right in the boil with our potatoes give us a little less you're flavoring in there

relax your vegetable with the potatoes nice let's have a look at our squirrel earrings huh

taters to see how they're doing oh man look at that good stuff got the onions out in there now potatoes boiling up steaming Eska well that's gonna be a good meal we still got some prep time to go though I figured it's gonna take a couple hours to make this meal so I'll get back with you you're shorter boys I'll tell you what if I don't look good nothing does let's have a little bit of water to it I think what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to add a little bit of salt here to the water a little bit of salt to the meat let's see if I can flip that meat easy just like that salt him down let her get to Boylan again man that's good guys I've actually opened the door in here right now because it's really really warm it's probably 75 in here right now I'm trying to keep this stuff cooking hot to steam that squirrel cook these potatoes but I'd say she's pretty close to being done let's take a look what we got so far you can see that that squirrel sit around on top of that steamer they got that Pathfinder pack stove and that meat is so tender I can just feel it's ready just fall off the bone which is exactly what I was looking for so now I'm going to do this I'm going to take this skillet I'm going to set this set this guy in the skillet for right now just to let him lay him off to the side some water off the stove so it's not getting any more cooked I'll pull the steamer stand out of here now see that little Pathfinder TOC stove being used to steam that meat I'll set it off the side let it cool down then I'm going to drink make these potatoes outside these onions that strain that off a little bit I'm gonna leave a little bit liquid in there I'm going to do is I'm going to take some of this meat and probably just be able to tear it right off of here oh yeah look at that I mean I just just falling off the boat in there and I'm going to mix that in here I could boil this off the bone if I wanted to that would turn defeat the purpose of steaming it when you boil things you lose a lot of the nutrient value in them and some of the minerals and vitamins of things if you don't consume the water that they're boiled in because of the way I want to eat this I have no intention of doing that so I'm just going to pull the meat off the bone through this pan so obviously the game here is to break this meet up pretty much as far as we can get it it's pretty soft now because it's been steamed like I said so it's about ready to fall off the bone didn't take much to peel it off of there I can tell you it was just more of a matter of keeping away from the bones and anything else now I can actually mix this in with those potatoes add a little bit of broth it's in there and I can make a stew with gravy and that's my plan by adding a little bit of flour to it so now I've got these potatoes cooked up in here I'm going to cut them up a little bit in this pan I don't want to mash them necessarily

I just want to chop them up they've been boiled to they're pretty soft okay and now we're going to put this meat in there and then I'm going to add just a touch of salt to it a little bit more of a touch of salt maybe and that's a flower as well thicken it up while the guy's been asking me about critters and about you know bugs and things getting in here and with the weather in Ohio right now I don't have to worry about bugs and the critters you know they smell this fire in here and things like that they see the activity out here they're not going to come around too much as long as I'm here so I'm not really worried about it but five gallon buckets would obviously come in very very handy for this kind of thing so let's get this stewey gravy cooking on the stove here check see what we got going on we got plenty of fun time left in there for sure okay guys we got the fire stoked back up I actually had to put some artificial light on the camera finally it's getting too dark to film in here now the consistency I'm looking for here is a gravy you know you might call the stew but I called it gravy it's got plenty of flour in it so I would call it a gravy I like stuff that sticks to my ribs all night long and there'll be enough of SD for you know tonight at least one meal tomorrow if not to because I don't eat a lot at one time I just eat frequently small meals that's looking real good it has a pepper to that real quick [Music]

stir that around form it okay I guess I'm pepper added in there now looking real good real good okay guys um like I said you know this is really more of a gravy type dish it's got a lot of flour in it's got things like that in butts got potatoes in it it's got meat it's got onions so it's got everything in it to give you the nutrients that you need plus it's going to be really rib-sticking type food that when I go to bed tonight and even tomorrow morning you know my body's going to keep burning those calories off to keep me warm and to give me energy doesn't take a whole lot to make meals like this they're really supple you can do things in a variety of different ways using the same type sundries to keep you going and if you always are out on the you know on the lookout for me sources and seeking me sources and you can serve your meat sources like a resource when you do have them you know the squirrel has made three different meals for me so far with the one small squirrel added with other things potatoes are a great Sunday to carry with you you can grow potatoes and five gallon buckets in a longer-term situation it's not that difficult but they will give you a lot of options as well and there are very Hardy food for you to eat so the only thing we got left to do now pretty much say grace oh I had a request to do that aloud so I'm going to go ahead and do that before I eat this wonderful dinner lord I thank you for this dinner I thank you for the blessings in my life I thank you for the gift that you've given me that enabled me to bring this knowledge to so many people around the world and I thank you for their support as well I thank you for all the blessings that you give me in this your warmth a roof over my head a warm heat source elective stove and the food in my belly I appreciate everything that you do for me I'm very thankful please forgive me my sins in Jesus name Amen okay see what we got guys Oh ma'am yeah man I heard some good ribs sticking food there

muy mighty fine got hung in there he's squirrel meat good hmm I should all good guys real dim man just can't beat that mmm-hmm god is good Wow Irish didn't know what she's missing poor thing

guys I appreciate you joining me for another segment here in the Journal of the eart and I'll be back with you just as soon as I can you

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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