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Bau dein EIGENES Bushcraft or Survivalknife 2.0


Aufgrund der grossen Nachfrage gibt es nun einen weiteren Termin! Dieser ist am 15. / 16. Juni 2012 in Salzburg!

Es stehen wie immer maximal 8 Plätze zur Verfügung!

Bitte per eMail unter: office@survivalschule.at anmelden, bzw. stehe ich auch gerne für Fragen hierzu unter der eMail Adresse zur Verfügung!

Auf eine rege Teilnahme freut sich das Team der Survivalschule.at!

..............Leather working, Kocher, Fallenbau, Bushcraftmesser, Bushcraftknife, Mora Messer, Knife Test, batoning, feathersticks, essbare Wildpflanzen, Signaling, Whillow Whistle, Grohmann knife, Outdoornahrung, Ray Mears, Survivalfishing, Survivalnahrung, survivalmike, Outdoor, Notnahrung, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, Survival, Bushcraft, Survivalmesser, Survivalknife, primitive living, trapping, Survivalschule.at, Austria, Germany, Salzburg, Cody Lundin, Deutsch

Tags: Leather working,Kocher,Fallenbau,Bushcraftmesser,Bushcraftknife,Mora Messer,Knife Test,batoning,feathersticks,essbare Wildpflanzen,Signaling,Whillow Whistle,Grohmann knife,Outdoornahrung,Ray Mears,Survivalfishing,Survivalnahrung,survivalmike,Outdoor,Notnahrung,Bear Grylls,Les Stroud,Survival,Bushcraft,Survivalmesser,Survivalknife,primitive living,trapping,Survivalschule.at,Austria,Germany,Salzburg,Cody Lundin,Deutsch

Video Transcription

hello and we'll comments on online Oscar with a survivor Shula Punk today ich bin mike and he helped wat de vida and grants pass on that I starting to I knocked him closing closing a fork Pam letzten make your own bushcraft survival knife coolers better head cabella bit is noon and it's latent a mean game this is Tom Thumb standing on the sexton uni 2012 flight doc Film Center uni gets lost on them some stock sex in the unit in a limit an emphatic mess in the house you will be fine when the inner on our side stuff you had said Fintan verde we are interested bit irritating on Chanel and Milton the image if this newer act blade seafood isn't course owned the constants in this album with them let's mile oak speech are pious here of the coolest by drug it was giving us the oubli he caused by drug period capella + team a player cost ending after two common the quiz hosted three hundred seen oil onto the material Causton valium in a material you know starve are you know cliff material was my teacher suit not fighting happen on the professional enlighten and fatigue is message about asthma in the housing income will be fine when the inner underrated her thumb make your own bushcraft or survivor knife tile spy by Richard cappella anmelden pit a reg SCI tech es muy on the office at Survivor schuler puncta t the trave alpha Messimer cause I'm done Kenneth me cause Candis damaged by him to an end and click the align formats human movie on Steph Bambi on staff from readers can see uplift FIFA I'm technically hockey and it's of a film and female an office at Survivor surely punk 30 thus vas fewer yes yes my Thank You Susan pistol next mayor mike from the survivors rule upon critic


About the Author

Survival Mike

Survival Mike

Certified Survivaltrainer and Wildernessguide

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