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Nordic Pocket Saw




The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

morning folks I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance outfitters in the pathfinder school what I'd like to discuss this morning is the Nordic pocket saw it's a new product that we're currently carrying from Sweden and it's very much like a lot of the saws on the market today like a pocket chainsawing type device and I think there's a lot of misconception about these pocket chainsaws and why you should have one and what they're used for and they're not all created equal I can tell you that for sure from using several of them in the past I've also got an antique pocket chainsaw or pouched chainsaw that was issued to the Swedish military in the 40s and for my money what I would say the usage of a pocket saw like that are a folding type chainsaw is not for felling live trees to make shelters and things like that although you could do that but you have to be cognizant as a size tree you're cutting down because it's pretty dangerous I've seen guys demonstrating these saws where they're standing in front of the tree and they're cutting it from the book from the front side like this and they're creating a kerf in the back side of that tree which is which way the tree wants to go when you open up that curve so if for some reason that tree were to fall over or barber chair off and kickback you're gonna take that tree right in the face so I wouldn't think that that would be the smart money I think that these treat these pocket chainsaws we're really made for more of trail clearing as an emergency saw when you're not carrying a large bucking type saw or a long bladed crosscut saw or some type of chainsaw so you're going down the trail on your ATV and you're scouting an area and there's a long across the trail and you can't move it because it's too long so then you can't get past it because it's too big so what are you gonna do you're gonna try to cut a section out of that log to get past it and a pocket saw or a pocket folding saw is not going to work well for that because of the diameter of the tree now you could use this for bucking up firewood you know 2 to 4 inch material that was dead wood on the ground there's no question about that but I don't think that's the design intent of this type saw I think the design intent is for trail clearing and emergencies for vehicles to bypass an obstacle more than just I'm going to use thing every day of the week and I don't think they were made again for cutting down live trees so I'm going to demonstrate the proper use of this pocket saw and I'm also going to show you a really cool antique Swedish chainsaw or pocket saw it's a little bigger than the pocket saw today it takes up a little more room and Scout a little more bulk but I think you'll be impressed by how this thing was made and the ingenuity and it's good to understand again there's really nothing new in this craft there's nothing new in woodsmanship bushcraft or anything else these pocket chainsaws have recently become popular in the last probably 10 years but this saw is from the 1940s virtually the same thing with bigger teeth stay with me alright so I've got the Nordic pocket saw here you can see it's pretty small in its package and it could go right in your belt we're in a compartment on your ATV this is the Swedish military version of that type of saw and we're gonna get this out I got to be kinda careful with this because it's pretty old and the leather is pretty rotten on it so I've got to be careful getting it out of here so I don't tear up the leather cover for it

and the way it came was it came with two wooden handles whereas today the saw is tend to have straps on them and then the saw was folded up inside just like this and you can see the size of those huge teeth on that thing and they've you know they're got a really really wide kerf arm and you would put the toggles in and then you would use this just like a normal pocket chainsaw pulling it back and forth but again I think this brute was made for cutting down or cutting up quite beefy pieces of lumber not made for cutting down saplings or bucking up small pieces of firewood necessarily it all came in this metal sleeve case right here and slid down inside of and the handles fit on top of that one beside the other so that's a pretty cool antique but it also shows you where these saws kind of originated probably or came from I'm sure some of the other armies use them as well over there in Europe but it's good to know that this stuff is not anything new that it's been around for a long time and look at different designs of these older tools because then we can relate that to the newer tools and say well they don't make them like they used to you because you're gonna see that this sawed I've got here is nothing compared to this song but again this is for emergency use it's not made for the military it wasn't made to be something that's bomb-proof it's made for emergency use and maybe only being used a few times but this saw comes in a plastic bag in the pouch it's got two orange straps on it that are connected at a swivel point and it basically is a chainsaw blade and now this thing is not near as long as the one I just showed you but you can get a pretty good girth or get that around a pretty good girth of a tree to cut with it and you have to make sure that you've got the blade facing the right direction and really the difference between this saw this Nordic pocket saw and some of the other chainsaws or pocket chainsaws that I've seen on the market really is the way this chainsaw chain is put together and the way these teeth are made are much more robust than most of them I see on the market then you can fold it up really easily and put it back into the pouch for storage for later use so let's go out and use this thing and see how she cuts get it out of the trail but I don't have anything in the trail because we keep the trail mania some pretty good iron to school but this one toward the base of it is probably I don't know eight ten inches in diameter something that you really wouldn't want to cut with a handsaw for sure so that much of the tree was laying out here in the trail and we couldn't move it and we had to cut it that's where the pocket saw comes in so we're gonna pick on an area of that tree that's a little bigger instead of coming out here toward the back side of it where it's only like four to five inches that way we get a good demonstration of how well this saw works

okay so we're gonna straighten our saw out and put it underneath the area that we're gonna cut it all the debris out of our way here we want to make sure that the blades are facing up that we're away from any knots and the blade comes pre oiled twice in a plastic bag so when you take this thing home after you've used it you want to make sure that your oil it now you would think that you would want to do this in a bicep motion pulling put your biceps but you really don't what you want to do is you just want to keep your arms straight and rock your body okay guys that was just a quick look at the Nordic pocket saw again when you're done with it all you have to do is kind of roll into a circle around itself just like this and it stores right in that same pouch really really easily take it home throw some fresh oil on it so that it's ready to go for the next time you need it again I think it's a great tool for use in a hunting or scouting situation especially if you are traveling by an ATV or something like that where you don't have a lot of room to store a lot of big tools and you might need something to get an emergency log or obstruction out of your way but you could absolutely use this thing for bucking up smaller pieces of firewood around camp as well if you didn't have another saw I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance toppers in the pipeline or school I appreciate you joining for this video today I thank you for all your support I thank you for thing you do for school our family our business all of our sponsors instructors affiliates and Friends and I'll be back with another video as soon as I can thanks guys

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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